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  • What Do Your Eyes See Or Glance At? Series

    Contributed by Isaiah Banjo on Nov 30, 2020

    Many homes have been destroyed by lack of restraint in sharing information about what they see publicly. There are things meant only for private consumption. You do not expose your secrets to a third party but keep it within your hearts.

    Let me start by telling you an interesting and funny piece about some pastors titled, “PASTORS’ PERSONAL PROBLEMS (PPP)” A renowned pastor in diaspora held a crusade and invited two other top preachers from two different countries. After the crusade, the three pastors shared their experiences more

  • The Greatest Gift For The Lowliest Servants (Shepherds)

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Nov 26, 2000
    based on 134 ratings

    The story of the faithful shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth shows us how God in grace can give the greatest blessings to the humblest of servants.

    THE GREATEST GIFT FOR THE LOWLIEST SERVANTS (Shepherds) (LUKE 2:8-20) [HTTP formatted version of this sermon is loacted at:] REBOUND Jesus Himself tells us in John 8:31-32: 31 "... If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; more

  • Rahab: A Most Unlikely Servant Of God Series

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Apr 21, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Sermon 2 in a series on the book of Joshua. The sermon focuses on how God often uses the most unusual people to accomplish the most amazing things.

    Introduction: 1. This morning is the second sermon in the series entitled, "Possibilities: The Dream of what lies ahead." God is doing big things in the lives of His people, there are great moments ahead for them, but those great moments start in some very unexpected ways. Have you ever noticed more

  • Trade In "Self-Life" For "Servant's Heart" Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Feb 8, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    Self-pleasing is the most natural human instinct there is -- we want to climb the ladder. But it will stifle your growth! If you want this year to be different, trade in that attitude for a servant’s heart. *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    Trade in “Self-Life” for “Servant’s Heart” “Son of man came not to be served, but to serve...” Life is essentially a series of trade-offs. . . everything plateaus when you’re unwilling to make the next trade-off. Brief REVEW OF - Trade in “Guilty Conscience” for “Guilt-free living”. . . - more

  • A Servant Attitude: Key To Success In Relationships

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Mar 8, 2005
    based on 39 ratings

    The key to success in most jobs and ministries is "Knowing how to get alone with people." 3rd John is a study in contrasts between Gaius and Diotrephes.

    “A Servant Attitude: Key to Success in Relationships” Matthew 20:25-28 3 John 1-12 The Carnegie Foundation discovered that to be successful on the job, relational skills are far more important than knowledge. It’s research found that only 15 percent of a person’s success is determined by job more

  • Shaped To Be A Servant - Purpose Driven Life Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 10, 2004
    based on 81 ratings

    There are Christians who wander around in their faith having little direction or purpose... they seem to be getting nowhere with their lives. Paul, however, tells us we do have a purpose for our faith. What is it?

    OPEN: The story is told of the time Albert Einstein was taking a train to an out of town engagement. The conductor stopped by to punch his ticket, but the great scientist preoccupied with his work, explained that he couldn’t find his ticket. Not in the coat pockets, not in the briefcase. The more

  • Faith Vs. Stones, Trees & Servants Series

    Contributed by Steve Lawson on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Faith must be combined with servanthood.

    Faith vs. Stones, Trees & Servants Luke 17:1-10 Luke 17:1-10 - Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him more

  • "Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening"

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jan 15, 2003
    based on 265 ratings

    The simple act of listening to Christ yields amazing blessings.

    1 Samuel 3:1-10 SPEAK LORD, FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING. One activity that human beings really aren’t very good at is listening. It’s surprising, really. There doesn’t seem to be much to the art of listening – you just sit there and nod your head at the appropriate times. But for many many more

  • Speak Lord Your Servant Is Hearing

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jan 20, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    “Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel answered, ‘speak, for your servant hears” 1 Samuel 3:10.

    Theme: Speak Lord, your servant is listening Text: 1 Sam. 3:1-10; 1 Cor. 6:12-20; Jn. 1:35-42 The letter to the Hebrews begins by telling us “In the past, God spoke to our ancestors many times and in many ways through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son, Jesus more

  • "Who Is The Christ Of Christmas: The Humble Servant" Series

    Contributed by Devin Hudson on Dec 19, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon examines the Christ of Christmas as the Humble Servant of Philippians 2:5-11.

    Who is the Christ of Christmas? The Humble Servant Philippians 2.5-11 If God were to come to earth, how would He appear? - Would God be a great king who would rule and reign over the earth? - Would He be a powerful military captain who would overthrow nations? - Or perhaps a world renown doctor more

  • Money Your Master Or Your Servant

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 26, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    This sermon deals with how money drives our serves us in life.

    Money Your Master Or Your Servant 1/9/2000 Proverbs 1:8-19 I Timothy 6:6-16 Money is one of the things Jesus spends a lot of time talking about, because the way in which we use our money says more about the health of our spiritual life than anything else that we use. It does not matter more

  • 8 Steps To Become A Servant Leader!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jul 27, 2005
    based on 84 ratings

    8 STEPS TO BECOME A SERVANT LEADER! To help us understand to be a leader we must also walk the steps of a servant.

    8 STEPS TO BECOME A SERVANT LEADER! July 27, 2005 (1 Pet 5:2 KJV) Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; (1 Pet 5:3 KJV) Neither as being lords over Gods heritage, but being ensamples to more

  • A Funeral Sermon For A Faithful Servant Of Christ

    Contributed by Ish Engle on Sep 19, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A funeral message for a man who truly loved God and lived out his faith daily.

    A Funeral Sermon I. Paul’s command to us. a. Flee from evil things i. Avoid the base things in life ii. Avoid love of money 1. it leads to foolish and harmful desires 2. it leads to ruin b. pursue righteousness i. That is, conformity with God’s ways, and opposition to sin ii. Righteousness is a more

  • No Servant Can Serve Two Masters

    Contributed by Carl Benge on Oct 1, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    In the end it comes down to what you think is most important to whom do you owe your loyalty - to God or yourself and your desires. As Jesus said; “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other,...

    "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."(Luke 16:13 NIV) How many of us have ever tried to work two jobs in order to make the ends meet? If you have, have you more

  • How God Chooses A Servant-Leader Series

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Oct 9, 2007
    based on 71 ratings

    Let’s notice in this passage as we think about How God Chooses his Servant-Leader: I. GOD’S CHOICES ARE SOVEREIGN II. GOD’S CHOICES ARE SURPRISING III. GOD’S CHOICES ARE SPECIFIC

    HOW GOD CHOOSES A SERVANT-LEADER 1 Samuel 16:1-13 This chapter opens with God reminding Samuel of the fact that He has rejected Saul as king of Israel. Saul was chosen as king because the people wanted to be like the other nations around them, 1 Sam. 8:1-5. Up to that point, God had ruled the more

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