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  • The Shocking Servant Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 18, 2023

    As we consider Jesus Christ in this passage (Isaiah 52:13-15) we see... (Title, outline and material adapted from Ray Pritchard at:

    HoHum: As we head into the Lenten season, the Easter season, wanted to do a sermon on Isaiah 53. I thought I had never preached on this passage so I went into my files and there at the top was a sermon by Davon Huss. I preached on Isaiah 53 during the Lenten season heading into Easter in 1996. more

  • Living As A Servant Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on May 5, 2019

    *This sermon and series is based from the package marketed by Outreach Ministries and was adapted for my personal use* Showing us how to live as Jesus did- a servant to all

    “Learning How To Live As A Servant” Philippians Series Key Scripture: Philippians, Chapter 2 Welcome to week number two of our four-week series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. This is the story of the community learning how to live together in times of testing in trouble. As we saw last more

  • Vengeance Of The Servants

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Oct 17, 2019

    A study in the book of Lamentations 5: 1 – 22

    Lamentations 5: 1 – 22 Vengeance of the servants 1 Remember, O LORD, what has come upon us; Look, and behold our reproach! 2 Our inheritance has been turned over to aliens, and our houses to foreigners. 3 We have become orphans and waifs; our mothers are like widows. 4 We pay for the water we more

  • Prayer Of A Servant Series

    Contributed by Rev. Anand Lal on Oct 4, 2020

    Verses 17-24.—As a servant and a pilgrim, who finds himself to be a stranger in an enemy's country. His appeal is to God alone, and his prayer is especially direct and personal. He speaks with the Lord as a man speaks with his friend.

    In our last study we studded the 2 nd stanza of this song Beth which was about (cleansing power of the word of God) that you can’t wash or save from the sins it is only by the word of God which can cleanse and protect us from the sin specially in our youth age. Now we have the 3 rd stanza of this more

  • Faithful Servants Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    60th message from Ephesians dealing with faithful servant or the responsibility of servants to masters and masters to servants.

    “Faithful Servants” Ephesians 6:5-9 Servants obey your masters who are to treat you with respect REVIEW Ephesians was written to the Christians in a thriving port city over two thousand years ago. Strangely, its message is as relevant today as it was when it was sent and studied by the church who more

  • A Model Servant Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 30, 2018

    Message 8 from a series of messages exploring Philippians. This message focuses on following Christ's example of obedience and serving others.

    "Model Servants” REVIEW Paul’s letter to the Jesus followers living in a Greek city called Philippi contains the necessary ingredients of a life of “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord No Matter What”. The first ingredient is found in the first chapter where Paul calls us to adopt the I. ADOPT THE more

  • Servants And Friends

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 29, 2018

    Jesus not only calls us to be servants but to be "Friends of the King." These were servants who were in the innder circle of the King and were given inside information.

    1. True Friend Proverbs 18:24, NASB A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Social media has redefined the concept of a “friend.” In the early days of the most prominent social media platform, people accumulated “friends” by the hundreds. more

  • The Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    You need the real meat that is the Holy word of God so you can discern the times and see how near the Masters coming is. You are not to fall into idleness or be defeated by being beaten down by this world of distraction. WATCH!

    The Parable of the Watchful Servants Luke 12:35-48 Message: God’s plan to redeem the world to Himself involved the birth, life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. Jesus remains the key figure in God’s plan but many have dismissed Jesus imminent return and have allowed their hearts more

  • A Servant Of God Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Nov 25, 2019

    A Servant of God Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – November 24, 2019

    A Servant of God Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – November 24, 2019 Series #48 / Luke 17:1-10 Intro Throughout the recent weeks …in which there has been a public impeachment hearing… there has been a lot of reference to the phrase… “Abuse of Power.” We are not more

  • Servants Of The Word

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 4, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Luke says we're to be "servants" of the Word, not be critics of it or think we're over it. WHY? Because the Word of God is Divine/Eternal, because it's superior to us, and because it is the final authority. The Bible is the embodiment of knowledge and truth.

    SERVANTS OF THE WORD Luke 1:1-4 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: PEOPLE THINK THEY KNOW THE BIBLE 1. Did you hear the story about the lady who was talking to her friend and brought up the Bible. Her friend said, “Oh don’t start trying to tell to me about the Bible; my parents had me read it every day. I’m more

  • Faithful Servants Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 26 in our study of Colossians addressing the characteristics of a faithful servant.

    Chico Alliance Church “Faithful Servants” This week we shift to Paul’s admonition concerning slaves and masters. Lest we dismiss the principles here because we are not slaves or masters or employees or employers we should step back and look more carefully at the principle. Yes these verses were more

  • Servant Leadership Series

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Aug 27, 2018

    They learned to match their “I.Q. with their “I do;” if anybody wants to be first (a leader) the person has to be willing to serve all.

    25B The apostles get a little seminar on servant leadership from Jesus in our Gospel today. They learned match their “I.Q. with their “I do;” if anybody wants to be first (a leader) the person has to be willing to serve all. In reality everyone is acknowledged as a leader because everyone has more

  • Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jul 25, 2019

    The mood of fear is evoked in each of the three punishments

    The mood of fear is evoked in each of the three punishments according to Jewish biblical-era legislation (called halakhic legislation). Reading and hearing Scripture is "imaging the real" in all of its "moods”—and letting the tone of the text bring one to the truth of the more

  • Manifesto Of The Servant

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 11, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    His mission, to bring Justice to the nations, will not fail.

    MANIFESTO OF THE SERVANT. Isaiah 42:1-9 - First Servant Song. After healing the multitudes, Jesus charged them that they should not make Him known (Matthew 12:15-17). According to Matthew 12:18-21, this was in fulfillment of the passage in Isaiah which we have just read. Thus the New Testament more

  • The Vigilant Servant

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 14, 2016

    To show that GOD will serve us in the days to come because He's the Eternal Great GOD, and all His creations will serve Him by waiting for His return.

    I. EXORDIUM: How do you show your greatness? By being a vigilant servant. Matthew 20:26 Matthew 20:26 (Amplified Bible) Not so shall it be among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD more

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