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  • You Are Made Alive In Christ Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 14, 2019

    As Christ had gone down into His baptism of death, so the communicant in the moment of baptism was “buried,” as Christ had been in the grave. Then he “rose” into “new life,” as Christ had risen on the first Easter Day.

    11/5/18 Tom Lowe IVB2: You are Made Alive in Christ (Col. 2:13-15) • “Special Notes” and “Scripture” appear as endnotes. • NIV Bible is used throughout unless noted otherwise. more

  • The Danger Of Selective Hearing Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 15, 2019

    In the days of Malachi the post exile situation of Judah is that the people were not really listening to God or caring about His Word. God is the God of grace but God is not the God of cheap grace – so He responds to those who take Him for granted.

    Jexit: Judah Comes Home Not Cheap Grace Malachi 1:6-2:9 Our church community is making our way through a series of sermons under the generic name of Jexit. We are focussing on the people of Judah who have exited Babylon and come back to Judah. As we come towards the end of the series … which we more

  • Epaparas Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 2, 2022

    Epaphras is mentioned three times in the New Testament, twice in Colossians and once in Philemon. He was a believer in Christ who served with the apostle Paul, who referred to him as a "fellow servant."

    Epaphras (a fellow prisoner of Paul, fellow worker) Epaphras is mentioned three times in the New Testament, twice in Colossians and once in Philemon. He was a believer in Christ who served with the apostle Paul, who referred to him as a "fellow servant," "faithful minister," more

  • God Is Love Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 9, 2021

    The implications of these three words are so vast that one message on them is like trying to harvest a million acres of corn with a comb. There is no way to get all of the infinite riches they contain, but we will at least get a taste of what this love is

    Tolstoy wrote a story called "Where Love Is, God Is." It is about an old cobbler named Martin who lived alone. One night as he read the story of Jesus visiting the Pharisee, and the poor welcome he received, he prayed that the Lord would visit him. In his sleep he heard a voice saying, more

  • God Is Love Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    We are never nearer God than when we love, and we are never nearer to being what he wants us to be than when we love.

    Tolstoy wrote a story called "Where Love Is, God Is." It is about an old cobbler named Martin who lived alone. One night as he read the story of Jesus visiting the Pharisee, and the poor welcome he received, he prayed that the Lord would visit him. In his sleep he heard a voice saying, more

  • A Battle Worth Waging

    Contributed by Jeff Putman on Feb 18, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Overcoming the everyday battle of the flesh can be difficult, but it can be done.With the empowerment of Gods Holy Spirit we can live a life of overcoming victory.

    TITLE : A BATTLE WORTH WAGING TEXT: GALATIANS 5: 16-25 THEME: WAGING THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE SPIRIT AND THE FLESH Would you open your bible and turn with me to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians? Galatians, the fifth chapter, and we will began in the sixteenth verse. Please rise in more

  • 2 Different People, 2 Different Choices - A Tale Of Two Sinners Series

    Contributed by Brian Burkett on Mar 29, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    It is about the 2 criminals on the cross, and how they represent the 2 different kinds of people in the world: Those who follow Christ, and those who deny Him.

    I want to share with you a story of two different people in Jesus’ life, and how they made two very different choices. I want to tell you the story of two people who are very much like you and me. It’s a tale of two sinners. Do you remember seeing in the movie two criminals being crucified with more

  • Walking In The Confidence Of God Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Oct 4, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    Those who walk in the confidence of God have the marks of contentment. They live a life without covetousness, they are satisfied with what they have, and they experience the constant companionship and care of Almighty God. There is that confidence that t

    Title: Walking in the Confidence of God Introduction: Those who walk in the confidence of God have the marks of contentment. They live a life without covetousness, they are satisfied with what they have, and they experience the constant companionship and care of Almighty God. There is that more

  • Is There Any Comfort In Suffering? Series

    Contributed by Ross Anderson on Oct 25, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    You can trust God to sustain and encourage you, even in the most severe trial, because that¡¦s the kind of God he is.

    Some of you have been through some trials recently. Some of you are going through some deep stuff right now. People have come to you, seeking to comfort you. And sometimes that just doesn¡¦t make you feel any better. When you¡¦re in suffering, it feels like the pressure will never let up. It more

  • Expert Witnesses For Christ

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Oct 31, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    In a court of law, an expert witness is one who is recognized by others in their field as an expert. According to the law this expert is able to appear before a court of law and is able to justify his or her professional opinion under cross-examination.

    Turn Your Bibles to Matthew 4:18-20 Title: Expert Witnesses for Christ Theme: Telling People about Jesus Christ: Introduction: In a court of law, an expert witness is one who is recognized by others in their field as an expert. According to the law this expert is able to appear before a court more

  • Dare To Discipline Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jan 8, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    The Life of Samuel, Part 2 of 5.

    DARE TO DISCIPLINE (1 SAM. 2:12-36) The new millennium brought out the worst in parenting, and no parenting method was criticized more harshly than that of captured American Taliban, John Lindh Walker. When Lindh Walker was 10, the family from Washington State moved to socially liberal Marin more

  • Vote The Bible

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Oct 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    With all the issues on the table this election season, we as the Church need to take a stand for God's Word and what His Word says about these very issues.

    Today, I want to read from the book of Proverbs chapter 29, as I share with you the message, "Vote The Bible". With election season upon us, many of us are sorting through the list of candidates trying to determine who we will vote for. Many of us are looking at the issues at hand. more

  • Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Body of Christ that God will use to evangelize the next generation has members who are specialized in different methods of broadcasting the seed of God’s Word in the fields of the world.

    Turn Your Bibles to Acts 6:4 and then verse 7 Title: Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Theme: Planting the Word of God Series: Essentials for Church Growth Listen as I read Acts 6:4 and then verse 7, “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to ministry of the word.” “And the word of God more

  • Holy Spirit Come Home Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Sep 12, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    2 Chronicles chapters 14-16 record very powerful truths that must be taken notice of by the Body of Christ if she is going to enjoy God’s presence and power in His work.

    Turn Your Bibles to 2 Chronicles 15:2 Title: Holy Spirit Come Home Theme: Praying for a True Revival in the Church Series: Grasping the Foundational Truths of Prayer 2 Chronicles 15:2 says, “…Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with Him. If you seek more

  • Make Us Worshipers Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Exodus chapter 14 and other Biblical records of the Lord working in and through the life of Moses present to us the foundation of making worshipers who pray through to the power of God in their lives and ministries.

    Turn Your Bibles to Exodus 14:13-14: Title: Make Us Worshipers Theme: Worshipers Who Pray Through to a Completion Series: Grasping the Foundational Truths of Prayer Listen as I read Exodus 14:13-14: “Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance more

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