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  • Ransom

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jan 25, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    When we think of ransom in a religious sense, especially in Christianity, we think of ransom as a deliverance from sin or its penalty. And yet, someone has to pay for the sin, do they not? As we find in the passage today, Jesus has paid a huge ransom fo

    RANSOM Hebrews 9:11-15 INTRODUCTION... Ransom Ransom, is an action packed drama thriller that came out in 1996 starring Mel Gibson and Rene Russo and directed by Ron Howard. The movie focuses on Mel Gibson’s character, Tom Mullen, a rich airline owner, is shocked when his son is kidnapped. He is more

  • Barabbas, The Prisoner Set Free

    Contributed by Gino Cascieri on Mar 26, 2001
    based on 155 ratings

    Barabbas is a picture or type of every sinner who has been set free by Jesus taking their place.

    "Barabbas, The Prisoner Set Free" Text: Matthew 27:15-26 Introduction: -Barabbas, the man that the Jewish rulers and people chose to be released instead of our Lord Jesus Christ. I. Barabbas’s Testimony -We want to look at Barabbas’s testimony or "rap sheet". -What better way to do this then more

  • The Ten Words (Deuteronomy 5)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 24, 2024

    How do we apply the Ten Commandments as Christians? Let's look at Deuteronomy 5.

    Whether we number the Ten Words or Ten Commandments as do Jews, Catholics, Protestants or others, do we know them? Do they outline Deuteronomy and all 613 commandments of the law? Let’s look at Deuteronomy 5. How did Moses reintroduce the words of the covenant, what we also call the Ten more

  • The Mark Of A Christian Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    John 13:34-35 tells us what is the mark of a Christian.

    Introduction The story is told of a soldier in the army of Alexander the Great. The soldier was brought before the great world conqueror for a court-martial. When the emperor had listened to the charges and the evidence, he turned to the soldier facing condemnation, and asked, “What is your more

  • I Have Learned To Be Content

    Contributed by Tommy Ellis on May 10, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Sermon describes the difficulty of being content, even in the best of circumstances. Believers are then admonished to be content, even in the worst of circumstances--through faith in Jesus.

    I HAVE LEARNED TO BE CONTENT Have you ever suffered terribly, and somebody said to you, “I know how you feel?” Perhaps you wanted to slap them and say, “You’ve never been where I am–you do NOT know how I feel.” Today, we will read of the Apostle Paul’s admonition to be content in all more

  • When Christians Wage War

    Contributed by Lee Modlin on Dec 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon I wrote for my Expository Preaching class. The outline has powerpoint notes. The presentation is available via e-mail if you are interested.

    SLIDE ONE (WHEN CHRISTIANS WAGE WAR) I want you to imagine the following scene as I describe it…if you can, imagine yourself in such a situation at work or at school. SLIDE TWO (MAN ON STEPS) 1-Opening illustration: Description of the board member/minister standing outside of the church more

  • Revival #2: The Fullness Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 25, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    God’s desire is that this latter day’s church would be greater in glory and power than the church was in the book of Acts. This will happen when we experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives today.

    REVIVAL #2: THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OPENING TEXT: Review “The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former.” (Haggai 2:9). • The Lord declared that the glory of the latter church would be greater than the former. • Acts 5 – Peter’s shadow; Acts 19 - Paul’s handkerchiefs more

  • Remember Who Is In Charge Series

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Sep 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God is always at work.

    REMEMBER WHO IS IN CHARGE! 8/26/09 Esther 6:1-14 1. Always Remember – God IS AT WORK! a. Paul Harvey - story of God’s providential care bomber > island of Guam = Kokura, Japan, deadly cargo. clouds covered the target area, circled - fuel -danger point., frustrated - right over primary more

  • Where Are The Nine?

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Thanksgivng Message. If there is a prevailing sin among God’s people, it is the "attitude of ingratitude." Why do saints, redeemed by grace, indwelt by the Spirit, given eternal life and a home in Heaven ... why do we forget to be thankful?

    Where Are the Nine? Why Men are not Thankful Luke 17:11-19 November 23, 2008 We see in our text … I. The Lepers (11-13) A. The Setting (11) Luke 17:11-19 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain more

  • The Outstretched Arms

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 30, 2009

    Christ’s suffering & cost to secure for us the free gift of salvation.

    James A. Harnish (Tampa, Florida), in his 1993 Easter sermon, tells the story of a little boy who was not exactly happy about going to church on Easter Sunday morning. His new shoes were too tight, his tie pinched his neck and the weather was just too beautiful to be cooped up inside ... As he more

  • The Parable Of The Prodigal Son (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Aug 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Grace is fair, but it’s not deserved.

    [To receive free, weekly sermons by email, please contact] THE CHARACTERS Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:1-2). There more

  • You're Richer Than You Think Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Jan 31, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    If you're a Christian, you're richer spiritually than you think!

    [If you would like to receive a free sermon each week by email, please contact] RICHER THAN YOU THINK? Scotiabank’s slogan is “You’re richer than you think.” (Scotiabank’s net income in 2011 was $5.27 billion. Perhaps their slogan should be more

  • A Trial Of Contradictory Prophesies.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 27, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A showdown in the Temple, between a true and a false prophet.

    A TRIAL OF CONTRADICTORY PROPHECIES. Jeremiah 28:5-9. One of the false prophets, Hananiah, prophesied that the exile would only last two years (cf. Jeremiah 28:1-4). This was a lie of the devil (cf. Jeremiah 28:15). Somewhat ironically, Hananiah’s name means, ‘the grace of the LORD.’ more

  • Listening

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating


    Listening Scripture Luke 10: 38-42   Reflection Dear sisters and brothers, Listening is a skill. Speaking is a skill. Doing something is a skill. Hearing is not a skill. Now, we may wonder why there is a difference between listening and hearing. We can hear many things. We may not register it more

  • True Worship

    Contributed by Chris Layton on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    Just as Jesus told the woman that there was some things that were not quite right with her mode of worship, the same goes for us today.

    Title: True Worship Text: John 4:22-26 ETS: Jesus taught the woman at the well what TRUE worship was. ESS: Jesus teaches us what TRUE worship was. OSS: I want my people to truly worship God Probing Question: What do we need to do differently? U.W. Things Transitional Sentence: Just as Jesus more

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