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  • Believing Is Seeing

    Contributed by Bob Smith on Jan 27, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    Respond to life’s doubts with active faith in God

    How many people have seen the movie, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”? You may recall or be able to picture the scene I am about to describe. Indiana Jones is proceeding through an obstacle course of sorts as he draws nearer to the location of the “Holy Grail”, the prize which he seeks. more

  • Light To See By

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Dec 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The light of Christ reveals the hearts of men and the heart of God.

    First Presbyterian Church Wichita Falls, Texas Christmas Day 2011 LIGHT TO SEE BY Isaac Butterworth Luke 2:25-35 (NIV) 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 It had been more

  • Desire To See!

    Contributed by Raphiel Manenge on Nov 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Life is all bout having desires and serious ones too.just like Zaccheus or Bartmeius you need a strong desire to see God’s hand in your life!

    “2And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich.3And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature.4And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that more

  • The Season For Seeing Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    God made the message of Christmas a visual message to appeal to the eyes. Christmas from day one has always been a season for seeing. By His coming into the world Jesus changed how men see reality. He changed how man sees God and history, and how he sees the role of man and the goal of God.

    Mr. and Mrs. Nudelman were on a 50th wedding anniversary trip to Paris where they visited the Louvre. As they slowly walked past the masterpieces of the ages, Mrs. Nudelman stopped in front of a huge Renaissance painting called, The Child In The Manger. As she stood there, Mr Nudelman asked her more

  • Seeing Now

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    People and churches can settle down and forget where they came from and lose sight of where they could be going. Now is the time for the church to venture forward, or lose its place in God’s plan.

    There are two problems with settling down: one of them is that you forget about where you came from. The other is that you lose sight of where you could be going. Here is a young couple. They start out married life in just a small place, with room for themselves and maybe that first child. They more

  • Seeing Clearly Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 5, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The message of the gospel always remains the same but God uses different methods to reach different people.

    Seeing Clearly Mark 8:22-26 Rev. Brian Bill September 3-4, 2016 I love hearing how people come to Christ, don’t you? Here’s the main point of our passage today: The message of the gospel always remains the same but God uses different methods to reach different people. Let’s more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus invites us to come to Him and see what God can do through us.

    Come and See – John 1: 29 - 42 Intro: A young conservative pastor came to his first parish determined that every person in that town should be baptized. As he walked down Main Street, he came across a homeless man. He asked the man, “Do you know Jesus?” The man answered, “No.” The Pastor more

  • Come And See Series

    Contributed by Mark Driscoll on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    You are a connector for God. He has called you to bring your worlds together in Christ. You are an evangelist.

    Tonight we will be in the Gospel of John. And we will be in the Gospel of John potentially until we see Jesus again face to face. This could be a while. And what I’m gonna ask that you do tonight is something very simple and very practical that we begin with. The first thing I’m gonna more

  • Believing To See Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 3, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    If faith is so critical to God... why did He make and fulfill a promise to a man who doubted the message of an angel?

    OPENING: "The Floating Ball" from "Heno Head’s Simple Science Object Talks." Take a hairdryer and two ping pong balls. (Since we have a video projector and a long worship hall, we focused a camera on the demonstration and ran the image thru the projector onto the wall). Turn on the hairdryer and more

  • Come And See PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 9, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Explores following Jesus faithfully, combating racism, and embracing the invitation to experience God's transformative power through the Gospel of John.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this blessed gathering where we come together to share in the Word of God. How wonderful it is to be in the presence of fellow believers, united by our shared faith and love for our Lord Jesus Christ. As we prepare to delve into the profound truths of Scripture, let us more

  • Come And See Series

    Contributed by Derek Melanson on Jan 10, 2006
    based on 89 ratings

    This sermon is about the importance of considering Jesus’ invitation to "come and see" how it is that it is he, the Word made flesh, who reveals and makes known God the Father in heaven.

    “Come and See” John 1: 35 – 51 Introduction Have you ever tried a product or purchased an item because someone has recommended it to you? Have you ever gone to a restaurant recommended by a friend? Have you ever rented a movie because someone else said they thought you’d enjoy it or because they more

  • See And Tell Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 19, 2024

    To know the real joy of the resurrection of Christ, move beyond just a peek at it. Ponder it. Perceive it. Then proclaim it to as many people as God gives opportunity.

    Ken Davis is one of my favorite comedians, who tells the story of a dead pet rabbit. Take a look… (show video of Ken Davis, Dead Rabbit, A woman looked out the window of her home and was horrified to see her German Shepherd shaking the life out of the more

  • Seeing Is Not Believing

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Jul 25, 2009
    based on 44 ratings

    Well done, my “F” servant. Folks talked about you. Called you everything but a child of God. They said that you would not amount to anything. But I call you mine.

    SEEING IS NOT BELIEVING Hebrews 11:1-6 Preached on 19 July 2009 at Shiloh Baptist Church Waukegan, IL by Rev. Kelvin L. Parks Let us open up our hearts and our Bible to Hebrews 11:1-6 (v.1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (v.2) For by it (Faith) more

  • Seeing And Hearing

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Feb 11, 2015

    In Jesus' transfiguration, we learn that listening to God (no matter what form that may take) marks a life of faith that can navigate uncertainty when our vision is clouded over.

    “I’ll believe it when I see it!” How many times have you said that in your life? Or heard it? So much of how we believe and operate is based on our ability to see tangible evidence. The whole field of science and medicine is all about our desire to have proof that explains the more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by Richard Stevens on Jul 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Holy Spirit says COME, the Bride says COME. Let him that heareth say COME, Let him that is athirst say COME. An appeal to COME to the Lamb of God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, The Redeemer

    SLIDE - Read Luke 2:1-16 SLIDE - The Angels Invite Us V12, “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The angels invite us to “Come and See” - Come and See a baby, wrapped, lying in a manger - Come and See more

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