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  • How To See Into The God Realm

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Feb 18, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    How To See Into The God Realm

    How to See In the God - Realm - Part one John 11:40 A. Have faith in God 1. Webster’s Dictionary defines faith as, "unquestionable belief; unquestioning belief in God; complete trust or confidence; loyalty; sincerity; honesty." 2. People can have faith in people, in things, or in ideologies. They more

  • Too Blessed To See God

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Jan 28, 2001
    based on 290 ratings

    The greatest spiritual discipline is to continually be focused on God, and His blessings are what make it difficult

    1/28/2001 Golf immortal Arnold Palmer recalls a lesson about overconfidence: It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. I felt I was in pretty good shape. As I approached my ball, I saw an old friend standing at more

  • The Lord Wants To See You

    Contributed by Larry Jones on Feb 27, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    God calls to provide our needs.

    John 21: 1-14 The Lord Wants to See You! Here we find 3 appearances of the Lord. 1st 2 meetings were surprises- Both were phenominal events. 1 – Discovered His Resurrection Power (Salvation) We find this in our conviction. 2 – Discovered His Loving Plan (Those who did not see) We find more

  • Who Wants To See The Light?

    Contributed by Rob Short on Mar 14, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    Evangelistic youth message.

    You Wanna See the Light? 1 John 1:5-7 One of the things you notice working in schools is all the in things. Something that is definetly in at the moment is skateboarding. And this helps me to feel like I am back at high school since skateboarding was in when I started High school. Not that I more

  • Do You See This Woman?

    Contributed by Kreigh Hurst on May 5, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    The customs of the day allowed this woman to show her total devotion to Jesus and is in contrast to Simon’s refusal of Him. Hers is an example of how we should approach the master.

    Introduction: Mother Teresa is a woman whose name has become synonymous with greatness. This correlation may have resulted from her philosophy of greatness. She simply believes, "We can do no great things; only small things with great love." Such words are reminiscent of our Lord’s immortal words more

  • Seeing God Through Us

    Contributed by Arthur Potter on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 46 ratings

    People see how God works through you, and how you handle day to day adventures.

    1 John 4:13 Last week we saw that “No one has seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” You remember we said that people will see God through you. Reading the gospel of Arthur. Seeing how God works through Arthur and how Arthur handles life’s more

  • Do You See This Woman

    Contributed by Richard White on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Many religious people see others as "High Maintenance" and not see their potential.

    Do you see this woman? Luke 7:36-50 Illustration: Grace Llewelyn Smith tombstone, no date of death or a date of birth just the names of her two husbands and this epitaph. “Sleeps but rests not, Loved but was not loved, tried to please but pleased not, died as she lived—alone.” Long nights, empty more

  • Seeing Things In A New Light

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Feb 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When we see in the Transfiguration that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, listening to Him takes on great power.

    Introduction: Our scripture passage took place six days after Jesus asked the disciples who people thought He was, and Peter recognized that He was the Messiah. Still the disciples didn’t really understand. As Jesus began His journey to Jerusalem, He was transfigured in front of Peter, James and more

  • Come See The Servant King

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Dec 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for epiphany revealing that scriptures show that Jesus is the servant king.

    Why would these characters want to search for another king, a foreign king? Another person to rule over them to push them around to tax them to harass them to want to control them use them for their own gain or force them to perform. Are they nuts, what fool in their right mind goes searching more

  • Seeing Miracles In Your Life

    Contributed by Ben Peak on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    I think that in order for God to be able to work a miracle in our lives there are some requirements that He has given us.

    A young man in college was reading the bible when a liberal professor walked by. “Wow” said the young man. The professor, interested in what caused his excitement, asked the young man what he was reading. The young man said that God had parted the Red Sea to allow the Hebrew people to cross. The more

  • God See's Behind The Disguise

    Contributed by Keenan Darnell on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    Under the mask of confusion, and lies, God see’s direct to the intentions of the heart. You can’t hide from God.

    1Kings 14:1-6 Before we get to the text, lets take a look back a couple of chapters. During a very rebelious stage in the lives of the children of Israel in 1 Kings 12: 19, 20 we find the 10 tribes rebeling against the House of David, because of the lack of wisdom on the part of Rehoboam. more

  • Children's Sermon: Seeing Jesus

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    To encourage the children to look to Jesus and to point others toward him during this season of Lent.

    Children’s Sermon Seeing Jesus John 1:20-21 Sermon Objective: To encourage the children to look to Jesus and to point others toward him during this season of Lent. Sermon Object: Binoculars Good morning!!!! It is sooooooo good to see you today. But, I know a way that I can see you even better … more

  • Joy: The Ability To See God Series

    Contributed by Brad Fowler on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Having the joy of the Lord is much more than being happy. In order for us to experience a life of joy we must understand what joy is and where it comes from.

    8-12-07 Albion Church Series: The ABC’s of Christian Living Lesson: Joy- The Ability To Live In God’s Presence.” I. INTRODUCTION Good morning! We are continuing our series on The ABC’s of Christian Living. (Gal.5:22-23) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, more

  • See Ya Later, Sennecharib

    Contributed by David Wilson on Sep 7, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    How Hezekiah faced opposition from the King of Egypt.

    See Ya Later, Sennacherib From II Kings 18-19 Hezekiah is described as a good king.. (18:3-7) A. He sought to remove every influence of idolatry and sin and to turn the people’s heart back to God. Important Application-- What are you doing to remove sin’s influence from your life? more

  • What Do You See?

    Contributed by Mark Perryman on May 11, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    Proper perspective is a very important thing to have. Sometimes if we’re not careful we can lose focus of what’s truly important.

    INTRO: What do you see? -Cone or a hole -Old man/young man -Frog/horse -Old woman/young woman -Faces/vase -Pelican/rabbit The following is a letter that was sent home by a daughter who was away at college: Dear Mom and Dad: I’m sorry to be so long in writing again, but all my writing paper was lost more

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