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  • The Sanctity Of Life

    Contributed by David Whitaker on May 10, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Let’s leave politics behind and simply see what the Bible says about the pre-born life.

    “The Sanctity of Life” Psalm 139:1-6 Now I want to tell you straight up, that this message focuses on the abortion issue. The subject of life and abortion has been active in the public discourse—especially since the recent hearings for the nomination of Judge Alito. There are a lot of opinions—even more

  • Sanctity Of Life

    Contributed by James Powell on Sep 6, 2006
    based on 12 ratings

    We are all precious to Jesus and each human life is worth something.

    It is a few minutes before 11 a.m. when Harrison raps on the door of his operating room and walks in. His Fayetteville Women’s Clinic occupies a once-elegant home dating to the 1940s; the first-floor surgery looks like it was a parlor. Thick blue curtains block the windows and paintings of more

  • Sanctity Of Life

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 199 ratings

    Today, January 20, 2002 is “SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE” throughout the nation. On this special occasion it is important for people know that our worth as a person is not based on what we do or whether we meet certain criteria or qualities (“quality of life”

    SANCTITY OF LIFE (Acts 17:24-30) Today, January 20, 2002 is “SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE” throughout the nation. On this special occasion it is important for people know that our worth as a person is not based on what we do or whether we meet certain criteria or qualities (“quality of life” ethic). more

  • The Sanctity Of Life Series

    Contributed by David Baeder on Jun 8, 2009

    This is the fifth of a series of sermons based on scriptures where a rhetorical question beginning with the phrase "Do you not know. . ." is asked. This sermon deals with the rhetorical question asked in 1 Corinthians 3:16. "Do you not know that you are

    Series: Do You Not Know? Sermon: The Sanctity of Life Text: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. Introduction: Life is precious. From the tiny fetus in the womb to the elderly in their final moments and everywhere in between, life is precious. From the healthy and strong to the weak and infirmed and more

  • The Sanctity Of Life

    Contributed by Jim Mccutchen on May 8, 2010
    based on 28 ratings

    The penalty for killing an unborn eagle in this country is a fine of up to $5000 and up to five years in prison But,the killing of an unborn baby is not considered a crime at all, as long as the mother approves.

    THE SANCTITY OF LIFE INTRO: A.Vince Lombardi was one of the most outstanding coaches of the Green bay Packers. Due to his success each year the winner of the Super Bowl receives a trophy called the Lombardi Trophy. Each year Vince would start each summer camp the same way. He would get h is more

  • The Sanctity Of Life Series

    Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Sep 30, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is a walk thorough scripture examining the reality of life in the womb.

    Thinking Biblically about: The Sanctity of Life A Walk Through Scripture This morning we are starting a new series called “Putting the pieces together.” As people who claim to be followers of Jesus, are we really allowing the Bible to form our beliefs and direct actions? Do we think Biblically? more

  • Sanctity For Life Sunday

    Contributed by James Webster on Jan 28, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon used for Sanctity for Life Sunday 2013

    OPENING COMMENTS January is Sanctity for Human Life Month Today is Sanctity for Human Life Sunday The Roe V Wade Decision was made on January 22, 1973– creating a women’s constitutional right to have an abortion. For 40 years our nation has been divided on the Subject. more

  • Abortion And The Sanctity Of Life

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Dec 28, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon was preached just prior to the 2008 election. It deals with (1) the question of when life begings, (2) the widespread horror of abortion, and (3) the forgiveness availble to those who’ve experienced its ravages.

    This sermon was delivered right before the 2008 Presidential election. It draws from several other sermons listed here on Sermon Central. Abortion by Scott Bayles, pastor First Christian Church With the upcoming presidential election many of you have undoubtedly been watching the presidential more

  • Sanctity Of Life 2014

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Oct 21, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A Sanctity of Life sermon that offers answers to endorse and attitudes to embrace. Powerpoint and video files available.

    The Sanctity of Life Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 1/26/14 • Video: Life Good morning. For a long time I’ve been saying that Blooming Grove is more than a church; it’s family. As such we rejoice whenever someone new is added to the family. And whether more

  • Survey Of The Sanctity Of Life!

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Oct 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the sanctity, and of the sacredness of life, specifically life in the womb, as it is depicted in scripture, will help us to see that abortion is an assault on God’s Sovereignty

    Psalm 139 (Expanded Bible) For the director of music. A psalm of David. 1 Lord, you have ·examined [investigated; searched] me and know all about me. 2 You know when I sit down and when I ·get up [rise]. You ·know [understand] my thoughts ·before I think them [L?from more

  • Sanctity Of Life Sunday

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Oct 30, 2020

    This relevant and timely message upholds the sanctity of life in a loving and afirming way by highlighting God's aquintance with us, assembly of us, and appointment of us!

    Sanctity of LIFE Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 1/17/16 • Video: Abortion – Survivor Testimony I really thought I was done with diapers. Our first born was potty trained by the time he was two. Our middle child was a little more stubborn, so she didn’t potty train until she more

  • Sanctity Of Life 2024

    Contributed by Perry Hancock on Jan 22, 2024

    Today is the 40th Anniversary of Sanctity of Life Sunday. I want us to look at what the Bible says about life. Then I want us to see how the Bible informs major abortion Issues. Finally, I want us to look at how we can become involved in saving the lives of God’s unborn children.

    Today is the 40th Anniversary of Sanctity of Life Sunday. It was actually established by President Ronald Reagan. President Reagan wrote a book on abortion entitled, Abortion: The Conscience of a Nation. There he lays out the pro-life position. Southern Baptists have taken several pro-life stands. more

  • Sanctity Of Life - Prolife

    Contributed by James Cloud on Apr 4, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    This deals with the early church's views on abortion and the sanctity of life. Abortion is not a new issue for the church and this present the orthodox viewpoint regarding this controversial topic.

    Sanctity of Life Sermon Fr. James Cloud Many of you may not know, but approximatelyfour years ago I joined the Order of Holy Innocents under the Anglican Priests for Life. This sermon's focus has always been a topic close to my heart and something with which I know is very close to the heart of more

  • Every Life Is Precious

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    A Sanctity of Life message

    “EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS” Gen. 1:26-28 INTRO – Aren’t you thankful to be alive today? To be able to breath, eat, laugh, play, relax, work, worship – to be able to live is a wonderful gift from God. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to watch a beautiful sunset, to eat your favorite dessert, to go more

  • Life Is Sacred Series

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    To stress the sanctity of life.

    The 10 Commandments #6: Life is Sacred Text: Exodus 20:13 Thesis: To stress the sanctity of life. Introduction: (1) In 1992, the annual homicide numbers in the U.S. were around 23,760. Today, the numbers are continuing to grow. (2) In a Houston double murder in 1993, 6 young men, ranging in more