Sanctity Of Life 2024
Contributed by Perry Hancock on Jan 25, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Today is the 40th Anniversary of Sanctity of Life Sunday. I want us to look at what the Bible says about life. Then I want us to see how the Bible informs major abortion Issues. Finally, I want us to look at how we can become involved in saving the lives of God’s unborn children.
Today is the 40th Anniversary of Sanctity of Life Sunday. It was actually established by President Ronald Reagan. President Reagan wrote a book on abortion entitled, Abortion: The Conscience of a Nation. There he lays out the pro-life position.
Southern Baptists have taken several pro-life stands. We have passed numerous resolutions promoting life from conception. We have even included our pro-life convictions in our statement of faith the Baptist Faith and Message. Recently at our annual meeting of the SBC, messengers voted to support efforts to abolish abortion through the support of pro-life legislation. The recent theme we have hailed is Make Abortion Unthinkable.
Today I want us to look at what the Bible says about life. Then I want us to see how the Bible informs Abortion Issues. Finally, I want us to look at how we can become involved in saving the lives of God’s unborn children. My prayer is that all of us will make commitments to let God use us in this important work.
Bible Passages
Genesis 1:26, 27 These verses tell us that we are made in the image of God. In a later chapter we are told that God made us living souls. Nothing else in God’s creation has the distinction of being made in the Image of God and having a soul. That truth communicates our value and worth in the eyes of God.
Psalm 139:13 - For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” Here, we have some of the most beautiful language describing the work of God in creating life. God formed us. That gives us a picture of the potter molding and making us. He knitted us. Wow! Life is not merely a biological process. We are formed by the very hand of God.
Psalm 22:10 - “You have been my God from my mother’s womb.” That speaks to something we will look at in just a moment. We are living souls before we are born.
Isaiah 59:5 – “And the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant…” God had plans and purpose established for our lives before we were born.
Jeremiah 1:4 5 - “Before you were born, I consecrated you.” Again, God set His plans for us before we were born.
In the New Testament we are told of Elizabeth’s baby, John the Baptist being filled with the Spirit of God before he was born.
All these passages point to the truth that we are a unique creation of God, that life begins before birth, that unborn children are individuals separate from their mothers, that God has a plan and purpose for our lives.
Abortion Issues Addressed
So how does this Biblical perspective inform the major abortion issues of our day?
When does life begin? Life begins at conception. A recent survey of biologists from around the world showed that 96% believe that human life begins at conception. Most of those taking the survey were not Christians. Some were most likely agnostics or atheists. But they know that life begins at conception.
So trying to rename the baby a fetus isn’t valid. It’s a baby. Attempting to devalue human life by calling the baby an embryo is invalid. It’s a baby made from the hand of God.
My Body My Choice - The Bible always shows that the baby is a distinct, unique creation of God. DNA science has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the unborn child of God is NOT a part of the mother’s body.
These verses show us that Abortion Thwarts the purposes and plans God has for people’s lives. I thought of the story of James Robison. His mother was raped at the age of 40. She went to her doctor to have an abortion. The doctor refused and led her to keep her baby. James grew up to one of the most prominent evangelists of the 1970s and 1980s, leading 10s of 1,000s of people to faith in Christ.
Mike Johnson our new Speaker of the House spoke at the National Life March in Washington D.C. just a few days ago. He told his story of life. His parents were both teenagers when he was conceived. His mother chose to give him life. Now, see how God is using him to lead our nation back to the Lord.
What Are We To Do
We know the biblical perspective on life. We see how it relates to the abortion issue. Now, what can we do to help save the lives of God’s unborn children?
Commit Ourselves To Stand For Life. Perhaps you have been influenced by the pro-abortion movement. Make a commitment to the biblical truth about life and make a strong commitment to become involved.
Support Pregnancy Center Ministries. Recently, the Children’s Home and the LBC purchased a new ultrasound machine for one of our pregnancy care centers in Hammond. Donate your time and financially support your local Christian pregnancy ministry.