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  • Why Aren't More Of Us Dying?

    Contributed by Terry Frazier on Mar 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Church needs to learn to die to self more collectively but it begins on an individual basis first. Like Jesus said, "Not My Will But Your Will Be Done!

    Why Aren’t More Of Us Dying? When you read the Title in the Bulletin this morning, did it make you think “what is the preacher going to preach about today”? I hope that he doesn’t want us to die! I want to tell you today that yes; I really do want all of you to die today. more

  • El Camino De La Cruz Es Abnegacion Series

    Contributed by Raquel Martinez on Mar 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Durante las semanas antes a la pasion de Jesus, vamos a meditar en lo que significo para Jesus caminar ese camino hacia la cruz.

    EL CAMINO DE LA CRUZ Primera Parte 1. El camino de la Cruz es de abnegación. “Si alguno quiere seguir en pos de mi, niéguese a si mismo, tome su cruz y sígame” Mat. 16:24 Introduccion: Abnegacion significa negarse a uno mismo. No poner nuestros gustos, o intereses en primer lugar sino more

  • Sharing Grace: God's Favor Imitated By His People Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Apr 1, 2012

    We are sharing the grace of God when we are imitating the God of grace. So, the question is, How did Christ display grace to us? There is no greater display of the grace of God than the Cross of Christ.

    Purpose: To describe who Christ's real followers are. Aim: I want the listener to imitate Christ's willingness to give His life. INTRODUCTION: The grace of God is so complete and full that we could never exhaust all there is to know about it. In an attempt to learn more about God's grace as we more

  • What Does Jesus Think About "I Have To Find Myself"? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jul 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    An examination of what it means to "deny yourself and take up your cross."

    JESUS' OPINION: Jesus says the path to life is not in “finding yourself” but in “denying yourself.” - Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34. - I’m thinking of the stereotypical statement that is so common that it’s almost a cliché: “I’ve got to go find more

  • What Did Jesus Mean By "Whoever Loses His Life For Me Will Find It" Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jul 19, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    A look at Jesus' difficult (and frequently ignored) teaching that "whoever lose his life for me will find it." What does that mean? What does it look like to live that out?

    WHAT DOES "LOSE YOUR LIFE TO FIND IT" MEAN ANYWAY? It means to pursue Jesus’ path even at the expense of my desires. - Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33; John 12:25. - This is a foreign concept to many Christians. In the American church we largely ignore this more

  • Committed

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Oct 24, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Life have you puzzled? Join us to find out how all your pieces fit.

    Committed SLIDE- Puzzle pieces Prayer I want to begin this morning by introducing you to an imaginary church family that I am going to call the Kenny’s. When we first meet Kenny’s they are attending services at First Church but they leave First Church because the services were way more

  • Your So-Called Life

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus calls us not just to live differently, but to die to ourselves and to regard our lives as not our own

    Matthew 16;24-27 Intro: I recently ran across a quote from Richard Wurmbrand, a preacher who spent many years in prison under Rumanian communists because of his testimony for Jesus. Wurmbrand says he was trying to explain systematic theology to a Russian preacher of the underground church more

  • The Chosen Vessels Series

    Contributed by Dev Prasad Cruz on Dec 1, 2012

    Jesus took all our pains & sufferings to the cross, then what are we complaining about instead of thanking? - Especially since He also showed us how we bore the pain without taking even the analgesic (the vinegar & gall wine) offered?

    “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12) - ‘If we are the children of God, then why do we suffer?’ retorted a friend of mine who is a staunch believer too. Here is a reflection that endeavors more

  • Don't Waste Your Life Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 31, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A comparison of the wasted life vs. the surrendered life.

    INTRODUCTION A dairy farmer went to buy a new pickup truck. He had seen an ad in the paper about discounts and factory rebates, so he decided to trade in his old clunker. He chose a new model and was ready to write the check for the full amount. The salesman said, “Wait, I haven’t more

  • The Cross (Not The Couch) Defines The Divine Mission

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Sep 25, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The Cross (not the Couch) Defines the Divine Mission 1) For Christ; 2) For Christians

    You’ve heard of Operation Desert Storm, the code name for the U.S. invasion of Iraq back in 1991but do you know anything about Operation Moolah? It was a genuine military operation in the early ‘50’s aimed at enticing North Korean pilots to defect during the Korean War. It was more

  • God! The Great Rewarder

    Contributed by Victor Ramlall on Oct 17, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Those who diligently seek after God to please Him and make sincere efforts to follow His precepts and commands will be rewarded by God who promised this in His Word.

    Mat 16:24-27 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall more

  • Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone?

    Contributed by Robert Glass on May 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Are We Bearing the Cross Or Is Christ Alone?

    Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone? Robert A. Glass Must Jesus bear the alone, And all the world go free? No, there’s a cross for everyone And there’s a cross for me. (Matt 16:24) “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up more

  • Rewards

    Contributed by Charles R. Peck on Mar 29, 2014

    Showing the difference between the doctrine of salvation and rewards

    REWARDS Knowing that rewards will be given should make believers want to become a better and more productive Christian. There is a vast difference in the doctrine of salvation for the lost, and the doctrine of rewards for the saved. Salvation is “a free gift of God; you cannot earn it for more

  • Take Up His Cross

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 11, 2015


    Matthew 16:21 - 28 v.24 "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." more

  • The Passion Of The Christian

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 11, 2015


    THE PASSION OF THE CHRISTIAN MATTHEW 16:21-28 Introduction Jesus’ followers fully expected to see Christ reign as King over Israel in their lifetime. However, the Lord knew differently, and at this point He begins to prepare them for the unexpected. Before the kingdom reign there was to be more

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