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  • Matthew 13:24 – I Don’t Want To Live Like This Anymore! - Part 8 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 7, 2011
    based on 29 ratings

    Mubarak has survived six assassination attempts, but his dictatorship has brought the wrath of Egypts masses against him. They are shouting “We don’t want to live like this, anymore!” What about me? Who rules my life?

    Matthew 13:24 – Part 8 - I DON’T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE! He has ruled Egypt for 29 years and has no intention of resigning. Mubarak and his family are incredibly rich. Apparently they have $70 billion due to corruption, kickbacks and some legitimate business activities. His kingdom is more

  • Matthew 13:24-26 - Toxic Or Transformed? – Part 9 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 13, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    It is called “Bastard wheat” because in its early stages it cannot be distinguished from real wheat. “When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew” (Matthew 13:26 NLT). I’m sure Jesus was looking at the Pharisees when He told this pa

    Matthew 13:24-26 - Part 9 – TOXIC OR TRANSFORMED? He didn’t look much like a missionary to me. He was built like a tank in terms of muscles. Not the way I pictured a missionary should be. He should have been skinny from lack of support from his home church, with an old brown cardigan. more

  • Matthew 13:24-30 - Smoking Weed - Part 10 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 18, 2011
    based on 48 ratings

    Why doesn't God force everyone to believe and to honour one another and Him? Way back in the Garden of Eden why didn't God snuff out Adam and Eve the moment they sinned and start again? Why doesn't He pull out the weeds and burn them?

    Matthew 13:24-30 - SMOKING WEED - Part 10 The world is amazed as a corrupt president is removed from power in Egypt. The people who protested on the streets of Cairo are hailed as heros. In the midst of their jubilation we hear of a reporter being raped and beaten as she seeks to cover the story more

  • The Nature Of The Kingdom

    Contributed by Mark Foreman on Jul 23, 2009

    This message explores the nature of the Kingdom of heaven and of God and how Christians participate in bringing it "on earth as it is in heaven."

    We are learning the ways we "shrink Jesus down," from his robust loving nature. ? Last week we discovered his surprising agenda-a kingdom not a religious club. Transformed people of the king transforming their world. * The tension exists today between Jesus and religion. Religion establishes a more

  • The Wheat And The Weeds Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Church is an imperfect organism. There are always going to be people within it who are opposed to Christ. OUr task is to teach people how to think Biblically and theologically; to continually be asking ourselves how the ideas we hear fit with God’s re

    It’s interesting that over the past few weeks and months there’s been a huge amount of interest in the economic crisis facing our world, but very little about the moral and ethical state of the world. Yet our state government is about to pass legislation that will allow women to terminate babies more

  • Wheat Or Weeds

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Sep 29, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Sermon encourages children to remain the good plant that God intended.

    Title: “Wheat or Weed?” Matthew 13:24-30 October 11, 2009 Materials: Flowers or pictures of flowers, weed or grass, 2 types of seeds, soil, pots, paper, and markers Have children identify various seeds that you have for them (for the most part this will be impossible- only the person who more

  • Come: To A Harvested Self

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Evil and good live side by side, so we need to accept our sinfulness in order to receive our salvation. God in Christ takes on Himself the penalty we should receive.

    It would seem that the negative things in life grow of their own accord, but that the good things, positive things, take a lot of work. If you are at all a pessimist, you will agree that bad things, destructive things, just happen. Nobody has to make them happen. They happen on their own. But good more

  • Wheat And Weeds Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Jun 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is another parable fo which Jesus offers an interpreation. As a kingdom parable, this parable teaches how God’s Kingdom can be presently at work breaking into this world at the same time that evil is also at work.

    The Parables of Jesus Wheat and Weeds Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 May 31, 2009 The parable of the wheat and weeds. Another parable that Jesus offers an interpretation, which in Matthew sandwiches two other really brief parables—mustard and yeast. All of which have similar themes and seek to explain a more

  • Picture This! Weeds Series

    Contributed by John Braland on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Weeds come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some of them flower and look absolutely beautiful and others will poke you and make you bleed. Some weeds are hard to identify as tender shoots but as they age their identity will become clear. Jesus kne

    Last summer my daughters Katie and Sara asked if they could take our dogs Shadow and Reba for a walk. Now Shadow is a black lab and he needs to walk because he has a bit of a weight problem. Reba is 12 and is deaf but always willing to take a spin. I live on a gravel road that is surrounded by more

  • 8. The Parable Of The Weeds Series

    Contributed by Don Jaques on May 29, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Give up your dreams of a “pure church”. The reality is there will always be a mixture of true followers and hypocrites. Make sure you’re ready for the judgment day and get on with the work of being fruitful!

    INTRO: I’ve got a confession to make. I love Roundup. I love the feeling of just going around, spraying a little bit of poison and then in a few days seeing those weeds shrivel up and die! It’s so much more fun than actually pulling the weeds up! But, the problem with Roundup is it can be more

  • Preparing The Soil Series

    Contributed by Kurt Heisey on May 29, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    There are things that hinder the soil of our heart from being truly fruitful, and things that help our soil to be fertile, let’s have good soil!

    1 Peter 2:1-3 VCC August 16, 1998 Preparing the Soil Introduction Peter is written to those who were going through all kinds of trials (1:6) He has exhorted the Christians to personal holiness in chapter 1 After encouraging personal holiness, he commanded them to have sincere love for the more

  • How Could You Allow This?

    Contributed by Anthony Delaney on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 118 ratings

    Using the parable of the wheat and the tares, addresses the problem of evil and specifically the terrible events the American people have suffered, with love and prayers from England.

    Minute’s silence. None of us can have failed to be moved, shocked, numbed perhaps in disbelief at the sights we’ve seen this week. · The Terror of the events as they unfolded, the graphic images so familiar from action films yet so far removed from real life for most of us- until now. I’m sure more

  • Parable Of The Weeds

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Apr 13, 2005
    based on 14 ratings


    TieMUB 4-10-05 MATT. 13;24-30 24Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also more

  • The Progression Of The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 16 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 13

    THE PROGRESSION OF THE KINGDOM Matthew 13 v. 1 - 43 1. The place v. 1 by the sea-side i.e. perhaps because of rejection 2. The plan v. 3 parables - to teach truth and make it interesting, to apply truth and make it practical, to conceal truth (from rebels and scoffers) and make it hard to more

  • De Misterios Y Otras Cosas

    Contributed by Alberto Valenzuela on Oct 7, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Estudio de la parábola de la cizaña.

    De misterios y otras cosas A pesar que vivimos en el siglo de la ciencia y la tecnología aún existen misterios que van más allá de nuestra comprensión. A pesar que somos una sociedad racional y lógica, existen aún aspectos de nuestro universo y de nuestro planeta que no logramos comprender more

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