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  • Recognition

    Contributed by Chris Tiller on Dec 20, 2005
    based on 55 ratings

    Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus immediately to be the promised Redeemer. How did they recognize him? What can we learn from their recognition of him?

    The very first time John the Baptizer encountered Jesus the Messiah, he recognized him. John was six months in the womb of his mother Elizabeth at the time. Jesus was a mere flicker of cells in Mary’s womb. Do you remember the story? It was the angel Gabriel who gave Mary the news. “Do not be more

  • Confessing Our Sins Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 31, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Before approaching communion, we are admonished to be in right relation with God and the Church; this is accomplished through Reconciliation.

    Feast of the Purification/Presentation February 2, 2009 Sacramentum Caritatis St. Luke must have had a terrific sense of humor, history and irony. He also knew his Bible–especially the prophets like Malachi. The picture here in Malachi is apocalyptic. The Lord visits His temple and purifies the more

  • Being And Becoming

    Contributed by Michael Hopkins on Feb 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (also called Candlemas)

    I wonder if you’re familiar with fresh lychees? The fresh fruit is much more pleasant than the tinned variety. They are small fruit about the size of a walnut. On the outside is rough and robust skin, which might lead you think it wasn’t worth opening, but when one peels it, inside is a soft, more

  • A Light To Lighten The Cloud Atlas Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Feb 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for Candlmass inspired by David Mitchell's novel "Cloud Atlas". I only discovered the day after giving this that Cloud Atlas is about to be turned in a Hollywood Blockbuster.

    This is Cloud Atlas. [show a physical copy of the book]. I wonder, have you read it perhaps? Or perhaps you heard about it when it was shortlisted for the booker prize. I remember when I read it - it’s not a book you forget. There are six stories in it, and each story breaks off half way more

  • How To Raise A Godly Kid?

    Contributed by James Snyder on Feb 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    It is not the condition of the world around us, but our personal commitment to God and its ratification in my world that really matters.

    The so-called experts often tell us how advanced we are in today’s culture. What with the advancement of technology, medicine and medical treatments and all kinds of time-saving gadgets. We have come so far, or so they try to tell us. The reason we think we are so much advanced today is more

  • Simeon And Anna - How The Watchful Find Jesus Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Dec 2, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Simeon and Anna waited expectantly for the Messiah's coming. Are we as watchful for his Second coming?

    Putting out the Nativity set is a family tradition that kids remember all of their lives. One creative dad decided that he would build excitement for Christmas while teaching his kids to keep Christmas focused on the Savior’s birth. He carefully set out the Nativity - with Mary, Joseph, the more

  • A Carpenter's Dream

    Contributed by Perry Anderson on Dec 4, 2014

    Although we know little about Joseph’s life, we know quite a bit about his character from his actions. He demonstrated great faith. We can learn much from living Holy lives by following the example set by Joseph.

    Joseph is too often overlooked in the Christmas story. We must never fail to acknowledge the role he played in the life of Jesus. It wasn't just a coincidence that he was engaged to be married to Mary. He was chosen by God for this special be the earthly father of Jesus. God in His more

  • The True Spirit Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Kelly Dufour on Dec 8, 2014

    What is the true spirit of Christmas? Take a brief journey through the Biblical accounts of Christ's birth and revisit the response of those who came into contact with Immanuel -- God with us.

    Introduction Today we begin a Christmas teaching series called “The Spirit of Christmas.” What do you think the “Spirit of Christmas” is? (Allow responses) Perhaps it might be best to begin with what the Spirit of Christmas is not: Fully-loaded eggnog or other drinkable more

  • Life After Christmas Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jan 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Life after Christmas is really not about life after December 25 but life after believing and receiving Jesus Christ in your heart.

    Most people have a wonderful time during Christmas! But once December 25 is over, what do most people think about?? Many will say, “the reason for the season is Jesus Christ!”; but many people really don’t think about Christ with their plans after Christmas and the New Year! How about us? What is more

  • And Life Goes On... The Day After Christmas 2010

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jan 7, 2011

    As followers of Jesus we are to follow His example and live out our new birth in the world around us.

    And Life Goes On… The Day After Christmas 2010: Luke 2:21-40 Intro: Guess what? Only 364 more sleeps till Christmas! Anybody counting down?? I found a couple things I thought I’d share this morning: Why Jesus is Better Than Santa Claus Santa lives at the North Pole... more

  • Lightsabres And Beach Towels

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    700 teeangers at boarding school sit in an evening chapel service that they have not chosen to come to. This Candlemass sermon (with lots of props) seeks to present the Gospel to them

    Today is sometimes called “Candlemass” This morning at mass at my own church, we had candles EVERYWHERE. It was a pyromaniacs dreams - On the altar, under the altar, behind the altar, on the window sills, in every spare space and in people’s hands - Candles. Why? It goes back more

  • A. B. C. Presentation Of The Lord. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 29, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    FEBRUARY 2nd, All Years.

    Malachi 3:1-4, Psalm 84, Psalm 24:7-10, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40. A). THE TWO MESSENGERS. Malachi 3:1-4. The name Malachi means ‘My Messenger’ (see Malachi 1:1). The Book of Malachi is the response of the LORD to the Complaints of His people. Not that they were complaining directly To more

  • Anticipation

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on Dec 14, 2019

    This is a message on Simeon.

    Have you ever felt ANTICIPATION? You just can’t wait until you GET something or something happens? As a kid we would have big Thanksgiving Dinners and my cousins would drive up from Glenpool. I would set on the front DIVAN, that’s what we called SOFA’S back in the day, but I would set more

  • Christmas Iq Test

    Contributed by Mark Wooley on Dec 17, 2019

    This will be interesting to see how much the world has entered our minds of this very important day.

    THE CHRISTMAS IQ TEST 12-15-19 1. When did God plan Jesus to come to the earth? A. Genesis 1:1 B. Before Genesis 1:1 C. Genesis 1:15 D. Isaiah 7:14 E. After Adam and Eve sinned F. None of the Above 2. Joseph was originally from… A. Bethlehem B. Nazareth C. Hebron D. Jerusalem more

  • The Song Of Simeon: The Cradle And The Cross

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon built on "God's resolutions" and promises. The holy family keep the Jewish rules for purification. Visited the temple. Simeon for tells the future. Herod seeks to dismantle God's resolutions and fails.

    In Jesus Holy Name December 29, 2019 Luke 2:25-32 Christmas I “The Song of Simeon: The Cradle & The Cross” Well, here we are almost at the then end of another year. Do I still say “Merry Christmas” or do I greet you with “Happy New Year”? Liturgically we are still in the more

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