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  • Spiritual Adultery Series

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    the sermon parallels the physical adultery of the woman and the spiritual adultery of the Pharisees

    As I was preparing this message on the woman taken in adultery, I really wanted to focus only on the woman and not anything about the Pharisees. However, the more I studied the passage the more I came to understand a message there I had never seen before. Turn with me to John 8:1-11. (Show video more

  • What The Love Of God Looks Like Series

    Contributed by Billy Noel on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    There is a distinct difference between the way God loves and the way we love, His love is unconditional and full of grace and forgiveness.

    We have over the last 5-6 weeks tried to illustrate what love is, and our need to display it through our daily living I have attempted to challenge us to love as God has prescribed Created to love. What love does. Loves evidence. What love looks like. I believe sincerely that we choose whether or more

  • Captured By The Compassion Of Christ

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 24, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In this beautiful account of the woman caught in adultery, we see the great compassion of Christ, which resulted in this woman’s conversion.

    CAPTURED BY THE COMPASSION OF CHRIST Text: John 8: 11 Intro: The passage of scripture being dealt with today is a glowing illustration of the grace and compassion of Christ for sinners. It may seem a total contradiction to say that Christ had contempt for sin, while having compassion on the more

  • All Is Not What It Seems Series

    Contributed by Andy Stanley on Sep 18, 2009
    based on 69 ratings

    A sermon bringing to light the "unseen" worlds that impact our lives and how the truth is sometimes hidden behind the trappings and events of this twisted world.

    Get the logos, graphics, and videos Andy used to preach this message. Visit In the late 1800s, doctors and scientists believed in something called spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation . . . the idea behind spontaneous generation was that living organisms could more

  • Fearless Campaign Week 2 Series

    Contributed by Brian Harrell on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in Max Lucado’s Fearless Campaign and deals with the fear of "Do I Matter?" Uses woman caught in adultery and how she mattered because Jesus loved her.

    Fearless #2 The Fear of Not Mattering I remember the first WVCOG state ministers meeting I attended after I moved here. It was crowded with ministers but I knew none of them. That leaves a person out of the loop, an outsider, you don’t matter. Then I saw a familiar face, a guy I went to school with more

  • Jesus Deals With Adultery

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We need to be more like Jesus. How he handles both sinners and their accusers teach us lessons we need to practice. Here in John 8, Jesus shines again.

    John 8:1-11 Jesus and the Woman caught in Adultery It looks like an airtight case! She was caught in the act; eye witnesses stand present ready to give their deadly testimony. A sort of mock court convenes in front of Jesus there in the temple grounds and the accusers press him for a judgment. more

  • A Terrifying Moment Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    John records for us a moment Jesus spends with a woman after she has been dragged out into public for her sin of adultery to face the penalty of death, only to find the gracious pardom of Christ instead.

    Moments with the Master Series A TERRIFYING MOMENT John 8:1-11 Intro On March 22, 1824 an incident took place in Madison County, Indiana, which came to be known as the Fall Creek Massacre. Six white men murdered nine Seneca and Miami Indians and wounded another. Among the nine dead were three more

  • What's So Special About Jesus?

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Sep 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Understanding what makes Jesus so special through his interactions in the story of the woman taken in adultery.

    What’s So Special About Jesus? Scripture: John 8:1-11 Text: John 8:11 There was once a boy named Willie. He was a red-headed, freckle-faced 15 year-old boy. Willie was the kind of high school student who was always in trouble - always winding up in the principal’s office. He was the kind of more

  • This Thing Called Grace

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Apr 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I received the outline for this message from a local Nazarene colleague. It draws a comparison between the grace Christ extended to the lady caught in adultery and the grace shown by the elements of the communion table.

    THIS THING CALLED GRACE John 8:2-11 When I was in Grade 1, I was almost caught throwing rocks. It was during the lunchtime recess when my cousin and I decided the most productive thing to do was to throw rocks. We were not throwing rocks at the school. We were not trying to smash out windows. more

  • The Safe Place

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Feb 14, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Discover how Jesus offered a safe place to hurting people and how we can create a church that offers a safe place.

    Introduction: We have two small puppies in our home. These puppies are petrified of storms. Whenever a storm is brewing and they hear the thunder they immediately pursue a safe place. If it is in the middle of the night the safe place is in the bed with us. Even though it gets a little frustrating more

  • "Kissed By The Son"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    There were three laws in this text: The Law of Rome to kill, the Law of Moses to condemn, and The Law of Christ to forgive! This message is divided into three points: 1.What Christ did not say. 2. What Christ did say. and 3. What Jesus wrote in the sa

    Title: “Kissed by the Son.” Introduction: I am reading my Bible through again this year. I have just completed reading the Book of Leviticus. That is a “Tooth for Tooth Book.” In order to appreciate our chosen text for today of John Chapter Eight, we must take a closer look at the Law that was more

  • Lay Down Your Stones

    Contributed by Trae Durden on May 16, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon about forgiveness.

    Lay Down Your Stones John 8:1-12 The Truth of the Matter: • We Are All Guilty of Sin! • We All Point Fingers at Others! • We Are All Guilty of Throwing Stones! The Truth of the Matter: • When Our Un-Righteousness is Pointed Out! IT HURTS!!!!! • Hurtful, Careless Words Can Destroy One’s Hope! • more

  • Do We Seethem?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on May 17, 2007

    The fourth sermon in the 2007 Lenten Series

    (Slide 1) A public reading of Luke 13:10-17 followed by a dramatic reading entitled ‘Christ on Trial: Witness: An Adulterous Woman’ written by Elsa L. Clark, Peter Mead, Arden Mead and Mark Zimmermann. © 2007 Creative Communications for the Parish. (Slide 2) What is Jesus being accused of this more

  • Jesus Defends The Wrong

    Contributed by Matthew Morine on May 25, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Christians run through society judging sin. But instead of judging the failing morality of the world, Christains should love people through sin. It is easy to judge from afar; it is courageous to love up close.

    Jesus Defends the Wrong Theme: Jesus protects the sinner from the self-righteous. Text: John 8:1-11 Lucy is a pretty fourteen year old girl. Maybe that was half of the problem; she was too attractive too early in life. She started dating Mark at the beginning of the school year, Mark was a more

  • Don't Be A Stoner... Be A Transformer Series

    Contributed by Rich Vanarsdalen on May 26, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A message that looks at the different ways people respond to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    DON’T BE A STONER… BE A TRANSFORMER! John 8:1-11 Introduction: I want to begin a two-part message today entitled: “Don’t be a stoner… Be a transformer!” Really the thrust of these two messages is going to center on how we in our lives respond to the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Word of God, more

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