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Sermons on San Juan 6:70:

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  • Ministry And Attitude

    Contributed by Bruce Gebbeken on Nov 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    When Jesus confronts his congregation of followers about the truth of physical and spiritual ideas, something really stirs up!

    Ministry and Attitude John 6:22-71 Sometimes as church going people we need to stop and look to see what our motivation is. I have many times bent over backwards to accommodate people so that they would be comfortable in our little church. I know some of you have done the same when you are out more

  • "Is Christianity Hard To Swallow?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 31, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Will we take the easy way or the hard way?

    John 6:35-37, 53-71 “Is Christianity Hard to Swallow?” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor East Ridge UMC, Chattanooga, TN In our Scripture lesson for this morning we see the first instance—as it pertains to Jesus Christ and the Christian faith—of the revolving door!!! By this time lots of people were more

  • Followers That Turned Away

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Mar 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Followers of Jesus that turned away from following Him

    John 6:49-71 “followers of Jesus that turned away from Him” 3/9/08 Today we’re going to talk for a little while about the fact, that some of the people that followed Jesus turned away from Him and followed Him no more, listen as I read today’s text found in John 6:49-71 Here we find Jesus talking more

  • You Are A Success

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Mar 13, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Success in Christ is not measured by numbers of people or popularity. We can find success in Jesus by being focused on Him and who He calls us to. (Power Point available)(Preached at The King’s Seminary)

    YOU ARE A SUCCESS! Intr.: Sometimes I feel like a failure. My family cannot remember my sermon the next day. 1. People are losing jobs. Banks are closing. Where do we find success today? 2. Half of Americans are quitting their church. A book is titled “Jesus has left the building.” 3. Do more

  • Different Reactions To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Mar 19, 2008
    based on 23 ratings

    God offers to the followers of Jesus something worth selling all else for.

    Scripture Introduction Pastor Douglas Webster wrote a provocative book entitled, Selling Jesus. He described the American church as taking a foolish route to attract an audience. While the claims of Christianity can and should compete in the “marketplace” of ideas, we must be careful of “selling more

  • Is He In You?

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Every year just before Easter and Christmas the world sets out to attack Jesus. A recent example is a movie recently produced by an American entertainer named Bill Maher. He called the movie "Religulous" borrowing from the word incredulous.

    Is He In You? John 6:41-70 The sermon title today is a little like the slogan used by a popular sports beverage "Gatorade". That companys slogan is "Is it In You"? The suggestion is that if you don’t have Gatorade in you that you will not be able to perform to your best as an athlete. Iam more

  • The Incredible Shrinking Church Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Mar 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I have heard it said that Baptists favorite book in the Bible is the Book of Numbers. We are always looking for nickels, numbers and noses. Or is it bodies, buildings and budgets…or people, properties and payola? Too often, we seek more! But Jesus lost

    John 6:60-71 The Incredible Shrinking Church I have heard it said that Baptists favorite book in the Bible is the Book of Numbers. We are always looking for nickels, numbers and noses. Or is it bodies, buildings and budgets…or people, properties and payola. Regardless, I think you get more

  • The Reason Some People Are Offended By Christ

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 14, 2012

    The Bible tells us about the reason some people are offended by Christ. People often say that they are offended by the message of Jesus Christ. There are four things in particular that we will look at tonight, four things in particular that offend peopl

    Well it looks like we are going to finish chapter 6 of John before the end of the year. Tonight we see what the Bible tells us about the reason some people are offended by Christ. People often say that they are offended by the message of Jesus Christ. There are four things in particular that we more

  • Las Palabras Y El Espíritu

    Contributed by Horacio Raúl Piccardo on Apr 13, 2012

    Conocer la relación entre las palabras y los espíritus que transportan

    Introducción En esta mañana quiero enfatizar o concentrarme en un aspecto de la palabra que di dos domingos atrás, cuando hablé del espíritu del anticristo. El lunes pasado, cuando estaba enseñando el evangelio de Marcos en un seminario bíblico, hubo una presencia muy fuerte, y sentí que el Señor more

  • To Whom If Not Christ?

    Contributed by William Wyne on Dec 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon is designed for the believer to trust in the presence and provision of Christ.

    There is a song that says: Where do I go when there’s nobody else to turn to? Who do I turn to when nobody wants to listen? Who do I lean on when there’s no foundation stable? I go to the rock, I know He’s able, I go to the rock. When the earth all around me is sinking sand, more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 12, 2011

    Jesus tells us that He is the bread of life, He can fill that emptiness within us. Jesus call is a radical call. Will you answer?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • We live in one of the most diet-conscious societies that’s’ ever existed. There are some very bizarre diets out there. • The Fork diet, a diet where you can only eat stuff that you can get on a fork. • The Candy Diet, eat lots of hard candy to suppress your appetite. • The more

  • Crossing The Line

    Contributed by Jackie Hill on May 3, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    There are three types of people that respond to the truth, which kind are you and are you willing to take the next step in your journey with Christ?

    “Crossing the Line” John 6:60-71 Introduction… Have any of you seen the old Disney film, “Davy Crocket”? It is one of my all-time favorites. There is a scene in that movie, at the Alamo, when Col. Travis draws a line of the ground and asks the men that want to more

  • The Day Jesus Lost His Crowd

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Apr 27, 2013
    based on 27 ratings

    Churches put a lot of emphasis on drawing a crowd. Jesus did not. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    The Day Jesus Lost His Crowd John 6 Churches put a lot of emphasis on drawing a crowd. Jesus did not. I’ve never known a preacher whose church was in decline who wasn’t insecure about it, no matter the reason for it. Usually a pastor more

  • Are You Ready To Be A Disciple Of Christ?

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on May 7, 2013

    There are times when it is very easy to be a Disciple of Christ. there are other times when it is the most difficult thing there can be. This message looks at putting Christ first regardless of how life is.

    ARE YOU READY TO BE A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? JOHN 6:1-70 I. IT IS EASY TO BE A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST WHEN JESUS SERVES US, AND LIFE IS GOOD. 1.) It was easy to be a disciple of Christ when he had fed the 5,000. A.) There was likely never a time that Jesus was as popular as this day, unless it more

  • He-Devil

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 16, 2013
    based on 17 ratings

    Now, why did Jesus choose Judas to be one of His disciples? Was He such a bad judge of character? Was it a mistake? Of course, Jesus knew from the beginning what would happen. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    He-Devil John 6:66-71 It's not hard to think of someone named after a disciple. Andrew, Peter, Philip, John, James...Judas? No, that name conjures up negative imagery in our minds. Betrayer - traitor - evil - liar - hypocrite - greedy - devil. It was more

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