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Sermons on rioters:

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  • Violent Bands Of Pharisees Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 22, 2020

    To convict someone who died in the thirteenth century for actions that were considered heroic and kingly then, but that some people take offense to today is particularly ironic.

    Tuesday of the 21st Week in Course 2020 It’s providential that the Church has given us a series of hard-hitting readings during the past month–hard-hitting but full of the Trinity’s love and compassion. It is particularly fitting that in a year when violent bands of Pharisees are roaming the more

  • What Makes You So Certain You’ll Escape God’s Wrath On Judgment Day?

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What Makes You So Certain You’ll Escape God’s Wrath On Judgment Day? 1) Justice? No! 2) Jesus? Yes!

    After the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup last June, hundreds of people rioted in the streets smashing cars, looting stores, and assaulting those who got in their way. It was the largest crime spree in the history of British Columbia. But it wasn’t until last week, five months after more

  • Hearts Without God

    Contributed by Jonathan Newlon on Jun 28, 2020

    What is the core issue behind the unrest in the United States and around the world? How should we as Christians respond?

    Jonathan Newlon Uniontown Church of Christ 25 June 2020 Reacting to our Modern Crisis: Hearts Without God Introduction When you turn on the news right now, what do you see? The major story blowing up all over the nation deals with racism, hate, corruption, violence, and protests. We see more

  • Repentance

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Hosea calls for repentance (vv. 1-3) and God promises restoration (vv. 4-8). God had to punish Israel for its gross and repeated violation of His law, but He would do so with a heavy heart. The preceding chapters have painted a very drab picture (v. l). N

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. The misbehavior of students led to a riot in which professors who tried to restore order were attacked. The following day a meeting was held between the university’s board, of which Jefferson was a member, and defiant more

  • Imprecise Thinking

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 20, 2013

    Persecutions & Martyrdom. It's origin and hos to deal with them

    Stone The Gods - 12 years before Paul consented to stoning - Stephen’s death by stoning - Now he was being stoned - Stone the man who healed the cripple World does not appreciate its benefactors Martyrdoms Martyr Gk. “witness” - 70 million over 2000 years - Every day 400 are more

  • How To Get Out Of A Rut Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 7, 2011

    1. The “OW” EXPERIENCE – v. 2-5 2. The “HOW” EXPERIENCE - v.6 3. The “NOW” EXPERIENCE – v.8 4. THE “BOW” EXPERIENCE

    CCTV For Surveillance - Just watch – To monitor • Baby Monitor • Wildlife Observation • Web Cam • Weather Cam • Traffic Cam Britain A Surveillance Society - Used to nab the Birmingham rioters - 4.2m CCTV cameras in Britain - about one for every 14 people. - One more

  • The Mob

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Apr 13, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    A Lenten Devotional that considers the "crowd", or "the mob" that demanded the life of Jesus.

    When the Ministerial Alliance was picking Lenten topics, one of the ones that was mentioned was "The Mob". And I have always loved "gangster stories" - You know Al Capone; Lucky Luciano; Bonnie & Clyde; Baby Face Nelson; The God Father. I am still amazed at what it reads on Bonnie Parker’s more

  • Mothers And The Sword

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Mothering in our time is mirrored in the one prostitute, who decided just to take what she could, though it was destructive. But the true mother was willing to sacrifice that her child might live.

    Preface Who is the real mother? How do you measure authentic mothering? Is it by the mere accident of birth, or is it by something deeper? Who is the real mother, who is the authentic mother? Is it simply the woman you gave you birth and who wiped your messy nose during your growing up years, or more

  • Insulting The King

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jun 9, 2014

    1. Never Insult the King 2. Palm Sunday Acclaim 3. Giving Him A Procession Of Honor 4. His Coronation 5. A New Acclaim 6. His Throne A Cross 7. Banquet In His Honor 8. The Last Insult

    1. Never Insult the King > (Lèse-majesté) "Injured Majesty" Laws > Thailand - Thailand's constitution says: "The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated." - A US citizen wrote a biography on the King "The King Never Smiles," - He got a 30 month more

  • A Regular Riot Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 8, 2020

    Pagan society and the Gospel do not mix. If we stay true to the Word, we can expect opposition. This opposition highlights that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle.

    A Regular Riot (Acts 19:21-40) 1. Sept. 1 2020 (UPI) -- An American Airlines pilot preparing to land in Los Angeles reported an unusual encounter at about 3,000 feet with a "guy in a jetpack." A recording of the conversation between the pilot and air traffic control Sunday evening at more

  • Condeming Hands Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Mar 24, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A look at Pilate and the rolehe played in handing Jesus over to be crucified.

    “God and Human Hands” “Condemning Hands” March 13,2005 ***Intro: Video of Jesus before Pilate from “The Passion” Pilate was the Roman Procurator of Judea from 26-36 AD. Judea was an imperial province which meant it was under the control of the emperor, Tiberius, directly. Pilate would have more

  • Release The Murderer

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Feb 7, 2024

    Jesus on trial before Pilate

    Release the Murderer Mark 15:1-15 Good morning. Last week, the Atlanta first News website reported, “A murder suspect is on the loose after he was accidentally released, according to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office. Zion River Shaka, 30, had been booked in Fulton County Jail since 2020 but he more

  • Increasing In Love

    Contributed by Keith Bowman on Dec 7, 2006

    We as Christians are called to increase in our love for others, but we are not always successful in loving others. Thus, we need to return to the source of love Jesus Christ.

    A surprising report. Paul received a surprising report from Timothy God’s love had worked miracles in the town of Thessalonica. God’s love in Christ was so great that it over came the hardship of persecution in Thessalonica when Paul was there. because he only spent a little time with them more

  • Facing The Court Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 16, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The Apostle Paul has put himself in harms way and now stands before a Roman court. Thanks to the Lord working through other people, he is bold to share his faith - a boldness we can have too.

    As we saw in verse 11 of chapter 23, Jesus’ will was for Paul to go to Rome. Paul may have not known just how he was going to get there but here he was in Roman custody, having barely escaped being torn to death twice—first by the Asian Jews in the Temple and second by the Sanhedrin itself. What more

  • Rule Breakers?

    Contributed by Thomas Wilson on Aug 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A general sermon - not too deep on the relationship of rule breakers and our Biblical heroes and Jesus Christ.

    And so from last week, the essence of the message that I delivered is quite simple, there are times you can be between the rock and the hard place, not through your choice, not through your own actions but you’re there because of a course of actions that others have taken. Our lives are more

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