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  • Study To Learn And Know

    Contributed by James May on Mar 12, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    God expects His people to study His Word and divide truth from error so that we may be vessels of Gold and Silver, useful in His Kingdom.

    Study to Learn and Know By Pastor Jim May 2 Timothy 2:15-21, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth more

  • Christ Divides Men

    Contributed by Cooper Abrams Iii on Sep 25, 2001
    based on 31 ratings

    There is no middle ground with God. A person either believes and is saved or rejects Christ and is lost.

    CHRIST DIVIDES MEN I COR. 1:18-31 INTRO: I recently received the following e-mail concerning the material on my Web Site Bible Truth: "Contention is of the Devil and that’s what your articles try and spread. Why don’t ya’LL spend sometime living gospel principles instead of more

  • Divided We Fall

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 25, 2000
    based on 151 ratings

    Church conflict dishonors the Lord and can do great damage to people's souls

    RYAN: Oh, don't give me that, Andy! Anyone with half a brain knows that I am right. ANDY: Are you saying I am stupid? Listen, Ryan, you better take back what you said or I'll throw you halfway across the room! RYAN: Yeah? You and what army? ANDY: Don't get me mad, Ryan. These hands are more

  • Breakthrough And The Great Divide Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 7, 2020

    Christians who want a breakthrough in 2020 need to realize whether they are being led around by their soul (fleshly desires) or by their spirit. They need to realize which way they are flowing in their life! The truth is God knows exactly were they are at!

    Series: Breakthrough 2020! Thesis: We are in a war and for the most part that war is within – in our minds – with in our Spirit’s and with our flesh (soulish realm) – our spirit, our fleshly appetites and mindsets dictate how we respond to life, to stress, to situations and to people. We need to more

  • Divide Y Vencerás

    Contributed by Ramiro Araujo on Sep 9, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    Divide et vinces, es una de esas citas históricas cuyo autor es desconocido. Fue popularizada por Nicolás Maquiavelo, y no podemos dudar del hecho que es una triste realidad, pero más triste aún cuando se da en el seno de la iglesia...

    INTRODUCCIÓN La sociedad en la que vivimos – tanto individualmente como corporativamente (i.e como Iglesia) - es muy similar a la de Corinto en el primer siglo. Los problemas que enfrentamos casa adentro – como Iglesia – son igualmente similares a los vividos por los corintios. Considerando more

  • God Divides The Sea Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Nov 7, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    To examine how God protected his people and defeated the enemy and How the Exodus is symbolic of our being freed from sin to a new life in Christ

    Goddividesthesea SBC Philippi 11/07/04 pm God Divides The Sea Exodus 14:5-28 Primary Purpose: To examine how God protected his people and defeated the enemy Secondary purpose: How the Exodus is symbolic of our being freed from sin to a new life in Christ We come now to one of the most more

  • Restoring A Divided Kingdom

    Contributed by David Parks on Sep 19, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    One of Satan’s greatest weopons is division in the local church. How do we restore a divided church?

    RESTORING A KINGDOM DIVIDED. TEXT: Matt. 12:22-25. INTRODUCTION: 1. One of the greatest weapons Satan has in his arsenal is division (text) 2. If you’ve been around very long, you’ve seen churches torn and crippled by cliques, power struggles, malicious talk and the club syndrome. 3. The church more

  • Breaking Dividing Walls

    Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The biblical model for churches is homogenous, not homogeneous. This sermon looks at the unity among believers including Jews and Greeks, slave and free and male and female

    BREAKING DIVIDING WALLS May 27, 2007 a.m. Text: Gal. 2:26-29 Introduction: In recent years there has been a push toward unity and breaking down walls of separation between denominations and people. One of the current choruses being sung these days is: Break Dividing Walls (David Ruis) There more

  • Christ The Great Divider Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    # 23 in series. There are some things in life that you can be neutral about but Jesus is not one of them.

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 23 “Christ the Great Divider” John 7:40-53 There are some things in life that you can be neutral about but Jesus is not one of them. Yet many more

  • The Great Divide At Calvary

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Jul 4, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    The Bible tells us that there were two thieves who died with Him that day, however their eternal souls went in totally different directions as one rebelled against the Savior in the middle, and the other received the Savior into His heart. Three crosses

    THE GREAT DIVIDE AT CALVARY Luke 23:32-43 There is a signpost high up in the Canadian Rockies. The board says, "The Great Divide". It’s the source of two great river systems, one flowing west into the Pacific Ocean, and the other into the Atlantic. Two raindrops can fall side by side, but will more

  • God's Truth Divides

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Pentecost 13 (C) - God’s word of truth divides. We see this truth in Jesus’ life. We may also see this truth divides in our lives.

    GOD’S TRUTH DIVIDES (Outline) August 30, 2009 -- PENTECOST 13 -- Luke 12:49-53 INTRO: Good and evil, light and darkness are opposites. They have nothing in common with each other. God’s word judges and divides in much the same simple manner. One time Jesus’ enemies accused him of more

  • "Sin - The Great Divide"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Sep 13, 2011

    Sin - and how it divides us from God and each other. And the remedy.

    “The Great Divide” September 18, 2011 I John 3:1-10 1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and more

  • Hosea On The Divided Hear Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Aug 21, 2014

    The Gospel According to Hosea Hosea on The Divided Heart, part 11

    The Gospel According to Hosea Hosea on The Divided Heart, part 11 Hosea chapter 10 David Taylor We are in the back half of our summer series, The Gospel According to Hosea, looking at God's faithful love toward an unfaithful people. I want to recap where we have been to give you and overview. more

  • Divided We Fall Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 13, 2014

    1) The Plea for doctrinal agreement (1 Corinthians 1:10), 2) The Parties that were loyal to particular leaders (1 Corinthians 1:11–12), 3) The Principle of oneness in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:13), and 4) The Priority of preaching (1 Corinthians 1:14-17).

    Tragically—though it is forbidden by God, is totally out of character with our redeemed natures, and is in complete opposition to everything our Lord prayed for and intended for His church—fighting does occur among believers, among those who are called to be one in the Lord Jesus more

  • Dividing Over Debatables

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 17, 2012
    based on 15 ratings

    In this church age, when we are supposed to be adding and multiplying, we are subtracting and dividing.

    Dividing Over Debatables Romans 14:1-6 Sad Math: In this church age, when we are supposed to be adding and multiplying, we are subtracting and dividing. Disharmony among God’s people is at epidemic levels. We may have great unity at GBC, but most more

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