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  • Anger Management

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 15, 2007
    based on 9 ratings


    May 16 1894. Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to play a routine baseball game. But what happened that day was anything but routine. John McGraw then with the Baltimore Orioles got in a fight with the Boston third baseman. Soon both teams were battling and the warfare erupted on the field and then more

  • Anger Management Series

    Contributed by David Heflin on Jun 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon looks at the devastating effect of anger on Christian relationships and the high calling of Christian relationships.

    Anger Management Matt. 5:21-26 PSCOC 5/6/07 Introduction: Minor League Manager looses it! I watched a minor league manager completely loose control when a base runner was called safe on a steal. He disagreed. So, he came out and began yelling in the umpire’s face, which is sometimes just more

  • Dealing With Anger

    Contributed by Don Jones on Nov 8, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Biblical principles for dealing with your anger.

    “Dealing with Anger” John 2:14-16 I. The world’s method of dealing with anger A. Express it 1. It causes the physical body to change 2. Venting anger often causes us to become angrier B. Let it steam 1. Good for a teapot not a human 2. Like a teapot it allows the more

  • Anger Tactics

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on Jan 13, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon deals with the subject of anger and how to handle it so that Satan can not use it for his purposes and cause us to lose our witness.

    Anger Tactics 1/13/2005 Ephesians 4:26-27 I came up with the title of my sermon today from a show that I have watched called, “Scare Tactics”. On this show people are set up in different situations where they have things set up to scare people more

  • The Danger Of Anger

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Jul 7, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Anger is neutral; if used correctly, it can be good ... if used incorrectly, it can lead to sin. Sometimes anger is a PROBLEM ... sometimes it is PERMITTED.

    “The Danger Of Anger” INTRODUCTION: Ephesians 4:31-32 We have already taken a look at “Bitterness” and “Unforgiveness”. This morning we want to take a look at another problem we often face in this verse … “ANGER”. The word “anger” is used in over 256 verses in the Bible. “Anger” is something more

  • Hatred And Anger Series

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on Jun 28, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    This sermon looks at the impact hatred and anger have in our lives, the Lord’s response, and how Jesus can transform us from Hatred and Anger to Love and Self-Control.

    A young boy was walking with his friend when out of nowhere a giant Rottweiler dog jumped out from behind a fence and began to pounce on one of the young boys. His friend bravely grabbed a 2x4 and smacked the dog on the head and then managed to wrap the broken chain from the dog’s leash around more

  • The Dangers Of Angers Series

    Contributed by Robert Bravo on Aug 10, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    As we strive to be like christ we need to keep a heart of forgivness and control our anger

    Living as children of Light: The dangers of anger Ephesians 4:20-26 We sin in our anger I. When we Lose control 1 Peter 1:13: 1 Peter 5:8 • In what we say Mathew 12:36-37: Proverbs 13:3; Proverbs 12:23 • In what we do II. When we seek revenge Mathew more

  • Anger Management

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Despite being deeply hurt and offended, God'swill is that mercy off-set anger.

    Title: Anger Management Text: Genesis 45:1-15 Thesis: Despite being deeply offended, God’s will is that mercy off-set anger. Introduction Joseph Stinson wrote the catchphrase and Harry Callahan spoke it back in 1983 when, as Dirty Harry foiled a robbery taking place in his favorite diner, more

  • Dealing With Anger

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Sep 29, 2011

    In just a few moments, we can destroy the testimony of a lifetime! Anger uncontrolled can lead to hurtful outbursts and spiteful actions that can ruin relationships for a very long time. Can God help me with my anger? What are the steps? Read on for victo

    Dealing With Anger Covington Theological Seminary Chapel Thursday, November 11, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever felt angry toward a person or situation and wondered if your feelings were appropriate? Has your anger ever caused you to say or do something you later regretted? You’re not more

  • The Impact Of Anger Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Oct 18, 2010

    What are the effects of anger and how does it impact others.

    Anger - Forgiveness Series Ephesians 4:26-32 January 3, 2010 About one week before Zachary was supposed to be born, Debbie’s mom flew into the airport in Springfield, Illinois. I picked her up and then we stopped and got some Chinese food to bring home to celebrate her arrival. On the way more

  • Controlling Anger Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Learning how to control our anger through the Bible.

    CONTROLLING ANGER Sermon Number 3 January 10, 2010 John Hunter was an 18th century British surgeon, who suffered from angina. He realized most of his attacks were brought on by anger. Hunter lamented, “My life is at the mercy of any scoundrel who chooses to put me in a passion.” more

  • Controlling Anger Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    How to control our anger

    CONTROLLING ANGER Sermon Number 4 January 17, 2010 Today is the big game. I have some concerns about today’s game for a couple of reasons. First, I am a little nervous about the Jets coming in and winning. The Colts opened the door for them, and they might just walk through. No matter more

  • "Anger Management"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about living into controling our tempers.

    Matthew 5:21-26 “Anger Management” I recently read a story about a woman who just had to have some Chicken McNuggets. And so she went to her local McDonald’s and went and ordered a 10 piece McNuggets and as she ordered the McNuggets the person processed the order, rung up the more

  • Discover Anger Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Nov 27, 2011

    If we are honest most of us get angry, is that right or wrong? This message looks at how to determine that.

    Discover Anger Not what we would expect at all. We are closing in on the final act of the gospels and Jesus has come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, the greatest of all the Jewish feasts. On Sunday he arrived in Bethany and from there he rode a donkey into Jerusalem fulfilling the more

  • Overcoming Anger

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Dec 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on controlling anger

    Overcoming Anger Proverbs 19:11 11Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs. Illustration: Ever Heard of Air Rage -As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told the flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off when they set down more

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