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  • His Broken Jars

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 25, 2023

    Rick and Kari Burdette's story

    His Broken Jars 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 (Kari) Introduction: Our entire married life has been one of ministry, for the last 42 years Rick and I have had the privilege to share our lives with others who have been through things in this life that have broken them, and in our lives, we’ve been broken as more

  • Rick Warren Interview

    Contributed by George Crumbly on Apr 11, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    To encourage the believer as they prepare for eternity.

    RICK WARREN INTERVIEW George E. Crumbly (Sunday AM) April 9, 2006 UMC Humphrey Arkansas James 4 My sister in Florida sent me an email this week of an interview with Rick Warren regarding his new book “Purpose Driven Life.” He started off by saying: ”People ask me, What is the purpose of more

  • Healing The Slow Of Speech Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 7, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    Are you shy about sharing your faith? So was Moses. He was "slow of speech." Learn how Moses would conquer that fear.

    OPEN: A few years ago a man named Jens Overson was fishing for salmon in Norway’s Gaula River. But he apparently wasn’t ready for the strong current of the river, and was swept swiftly downstream. There was another fisherman named Wilhelmsen who saw him struggling and he knew exactly WHERE the more

  • A King-Sized Comforter

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on May 21, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Moments before Jesus' arrest, the Lord took time to explain to his disciples the coming Holy Spirit. For those followers of Jesus and for us, the Holy Spirit reminds us that God is for us, God is with us, and God is in us.

    John 14:15-21 A King-sized Comforter Jesus shares today’s scripture with his disciples over the Last Supper. He knows his arrest is imminent, that he will soon be nailed to a cross, so all of his words here carry a weighty importance. He wants to reassure his disciples, to help them to keep going more

  • A Place You Learn Your Story Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Mar 24, 2015

    Testimony, Witness, Unashamed of Jesus

    THE WELL – A Place You Learn Your Story John 4:27-38 April 10, 2022 Introduction: “Faith comes by hearing”...that’s what the Apostle Paul told the Christians in Rome. You cannot believe in something that’s never been communicated to you. And amazingly Jesus’ plan for the salvation of more

  • I Am From Above

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 21, 2018

    How We See Jesus, How We See Other People

    I AM - I AM from Above May 27, 2018 John 8:12-23 (p. 746) Introduction: [For the 15 years I ministered in Louisville I had the privilege of being on WJIE the Christian radio station 3 times a day doing a “Ministry Minute.” 60 seconds of encouragement, scripture, or just a more

  • Victorious Christian Life Sermon Vi: Making The Gospel Our Main Mission Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Feb 3, 2020

    Oftentimes we must step out of our comfort zone to minister to persons in dire need of help from someone who cares - but - whoever or whatever or wherever, our main mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE: MAKING THE GOSPEL OUR MAIN MISSION Rick Burdette, a Church of Christ Minister, was burned badly when he was ten years old. His third-degree burns required skin graft surgery, a lengthy hospital stay and, as he put it, having to more

  • Kindness Series

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Feb 26, 2020

    God's love for us and His kindness begets love and kindness for others

    March 1 2020 A Sermon on Kindness (Reader Please keep in mind that this sermon is for people living in a memory care residence at Market Street) Communion service: 1. Quiet time to examine ourselves Scripture: MT. 26: 26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he more

  • Five Marks Of A Real Disciple Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 634 ratings

    Jesus gives us five vivid images teaching us lessons about discipleship and the total commitment it requires

    Five Marks of a Real Disciple Luke 14:25-35 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION The main job Jesus left us to do was to make disciples. There is a difference between a believer and a disciple. There is no such thing as an instant disciple; like the word, it takes discipline. A Russian comedian, Yakov more

  • A Spiritual Alarm Clock Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Nov 20, 2018

    Light and Darkness, Spiritual Awakening, Worship

    A THANKFUL HEART OF WORSHIP - A Spiritual Alarm Clock November 25, 2018 Ephesians 5:8-20 (p. 816) Introduction: My wife Kari is not a morning person. She hates to get up and is hard to wake up…but she is a million times easier to get up now than when we first got more

  • How Big Do You Consider Your Debt? Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Oct 22, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Gratitude, Grace, Humility, Thankfulness

    JAIL BREAK (Breaking the Chains of Unforgiveness) - How Big Do You Consider Your Debt? October 28, 2018 Luke 7:36-50 (p. 721) Introduction: I’ve got three dogs…Buck, Tucker and Evie…Buck usually is in the side yard in a place we have fenced off for him when he’s not more

  • Tamar: Posing As A Prostitute Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Genesis 38:11-19

    WOMEN OF WONDER - Tamar: Posing as a Prostitute May 5, 2019 Genesis 38:11-19 (p. 28) Introduction: My mother in law, Nancy, is a pretty amazing woman…She is one of the most creative people I’ve ever met and passed those creative genes down to her daughter, my wife, Kari. A more

  • A Life Of Peace And Joy

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Jul 16, 2018

    Joy, Peace, Prayer, Thanksgiving

    WORDS FOR LIFE - A Life of Peace and Joy July 22, 2018 Philippians 4:4-7 (p. 820) Introduction: I remember hearing my mentor Wayne Smith say more than once… “Ministry would be a whole lot easier if people weren’t involved…but it wouldn’t be as fun either.” People are more

  • Overflowing Thanks To God Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Jul 18, 2017

    Thankfulness, Ministry to Others, Obedience

    CULTIVATING A GENEROUS HEART - Overflowing Thanks to God 2 Corinthians 9:12-14 (p. 807) July 23, 2017 Introduction: It took 18 people 10 days to construct…It involved a quarter of a million dominoes…and it set a Guinness World Record for the most dominoes toppled in the United more

  • The Angel's Song Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Dec 12, 2017

    Good News, Hope for All, God's Glory

    THE SONGS OF CHRISTMAS - The Angel’s Song December 11, 2022 Luke 2:1-20 Introduction: Kari and I were watching a Christian concert the other day with Casting Crowns and she said...“Wow, look at the crowd…and it’s a packed auditorium. And I thought…“Mmmmm…what’s the more

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