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  • Resurrection Of Our Lord

    Contributed by Roger Haugen on Mar 28, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Matthew’s Easter Gospel is for a people who live in fear. It calls us forward into an often fearful future with Jesus going before us.

    Resurrection of Our Lord Matthew 28:1-10 31 March 2002 Rev. Roger Haugen Quite a text! To read this text and to think of all we do to celebrate Easter, there has got to be more to the story than meets the eye. The story comes off a little flat. Women coming to the tomb and you wonder if they more

  • Resurrection Of Our Lord Series

    Contributed by Garth Wehrfritz- Hanson on Apr 16, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    The good news of Christ’s resurrection according to Mark’s short and peculiar ending.

    Sermon for Easter Sunday Yr B 20/04/2003 Based on Mk 16:1-8 Grace Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, AB By Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson A very zealous soul-winning young preacher recently came upon a farmer working in his field. Being concerned about the farmer’s soul the preacher asked the man, more

  • God Reveals The Truth Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Mar 30, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon for the Resurrection of our Lord, Series C.

    The Resurrection of our Lord, April 8, 2007, “Series C” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Lord of all life, on this day you burst the bonds of death, defeated the power of evil, and came back to your grieving disciples in all of more

  • Taking Hope In The Resurrection

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jan 6, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The great joy we can have the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    TAKING HOPE IN THE RESURRECTION I Corinthians 1-4, 19-23, 51-58 Intro: Paul is preaching to church at Corinth and is battling some doctrinal issues concerning the resurrection of Christ. Apparently, some was teaching there would be no bodily resurrection. It seems these folks may have been more

  • The Resurrected Lord.

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at the resurrection and the implications for believers and non believers in his presence.

    THE RESURRECTED LORD – TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE. • SET THE SCENE THE RESURRECTION MORNING It was the first day of the week the resurrection morning, the disciples were locked away in a house in Jerusalem in fear of the fellow countrymen the JEWS. For the disciples it is the fight or flight more

  • Our Risen, Redeeming And Returning Lord

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 16, 2003
    based on 56 ratings

    The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ validates every cherished belief of our Christian faith.

    OUR RISEN, REDEEMING AND RETURNING LORD "Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the more

  • Resurrected!

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Apr 11, 2011

    Today is a very special day for all of us; today is a very special day for all of those who are part of the Christ’s church. It is a very special day because today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Today is a very special day for all of us; today is a very special day for all of those who are part of the Christ’s church. It is a very special day because today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today we celebrate the victory that He came to this world to more

  • Significance Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by David C. Seabolt on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon gives three things taht are significant about the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It shows that in order to live, you must first die, death is not the end and what happens after death matters.

    Significance of the Resurrection Mark 16:1-16 Today is the day that we celebrate an event that happened over 2000 years ago. Friday evening started the Israelites Passover. Passover was a reminder to the nation of Israel of their great deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. God worked a miracle in more

  • Death By Resurrection

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Nov 13, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    Communion meditation for October 2, 2005 and part of the fall 2005 sermon series

    A month ago, we started our walk through the book of Acts with Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the remaining disciples and others gathered in the upper room. We began in Jerusalem. This morning our walk still finds us in Jerusalem but that will soon change with the events more

  • The Power Of The Resurrection Begins With The Way Jesus Died.

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Mar 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the Resurrection of Our Lord, March 23, 2008, Series "A"

    The Resurrection of Our Lord, March 23, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: God of power and might, you delivered your Son, Jesus, from the domain of death and opened the graves of all who come to faith in him, the more

  • The Glorious Resurrection Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Naveen Balakrishnan on May 31, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Evidences to the Resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ is outlined in this 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians.

    “THE GLORIOUS RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST” 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-11 1. It is the ACCLAMATION of the Gospel. (v. 1-2) 1 Corinthians 1:18, 21, 23-24; 2:2-7; 15:11-12, 14; Galatians 1:6-12; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 4:1-2; 1 Peter 1:25; 5:12; 2 Timothy 1:9; 2:8; Romans 1:16-17; more

  • The Lord’s Return And Resurrection: Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There are six things I want to point out about these 3 verses. The events of the Lord’s return and of the resurrection are clearly spelled out in these verses.

    Last Wednesday in 1 Thess. 4: 13-15, Paul told us he didn’t want us to be ignorant about those who have fallen asleep. He basically told us that it was OK to grieve over the loss of our loved ones, but he said not to grieve as one who has no hope. He assured us that our loved ones who have died more

  • What If There Was No Resurrection?

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 3, 2018

    This message was preached on Resurrection Day at our Sunrise Service where we also observed the Lord's Supper.

    What is so important about today? What is the significance of this morning? According to the Freedom from Religion Website: Many bible scholars and ministers--including one third of the clergy in the Church of England--reject the idea that Jesus bodily came back to life. So do 30% of so-called more

  • "Going Beyond The Resurrection" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 9, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    Why do we need to go beyond the resurrection in order to fulfill His purpose for our lives?

    Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches Dr. Marilyn S. Murphree April 18, 2004 “Going Beyond the Resurrection” Rev. 1:4-8 INTRODUCTION: What do we do when the Lenten and Easter Season is over and we have eaten all of the jelly beans and peeled the last colored Easter egg? We have attended various more

  • The Glory In Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jan 23, 2019

    As the women made their way to the Garden Tomb, their lives were filled with uncertainty. There were more questions than answers. Their hopes and dreams were shattered, buried with Jesus three days ago. However, when they arrived at the tomb, hope was provided through the resurrection!

    The Glory in Resurrection Mark 16: 1-8 It had been a difficult time for those who loved and followed Jesus. The disciples and the faithful women were aware of His death upon the cross. No doubt their minds were filled with unanswered questions – what will we do now; where do we go from here; is more

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