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  • Why Repentance Matters Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    3rd in a series on Living without Regret

    Text: Jonah 3 Title: Why repentance matters Introduction Sermon series “Living with No regrets – taken from the book of Jonah Jonah chapter 3 – Title “Why repentance matters” Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: "Go to the great city of Nineveh more

  • The Role Of Repentance In Revelation

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Feb 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Understanding the role repentance plays in The Revelation helps frame the book and stir us to good works.

    THE ROLE OF REPENTANCE IN THE REVELATION REV. 2:1 – 3:22 Sermon Objective: Understanding the role repentance plays in The Revelation helps frame the book and stir us to good works. INTRO: How do you like my fancy yellow-lensed hippie glasses? Nifty huh? Or maybe I should say “groovy.” You more

  • Repentance Precedes Restoration Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 60 ratings

    Divine grace cannot be divorced from human responsibility. The bestowing of the riches of covenant grace are for those who are genuinely willing to turn away from sin to follow God alone.

    ZECHARIAH 1:1-6 REPENTANCE PRECEDES RESTORATION [Haggai 1:1-11 / 2 Chronicles 7:14] The visions of God showering His people with the riches of divine treasure must first be prefaced by the message that travels parallel down the track, arm in arm with divine blessings. The eternal truth which more

  • Prerequisite For Restoration Is Repentance

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 29, 2010

    Introductin to the book of Zechariah

    Intro: 1. Application Bible, “The familiar phrase, ‘Like father, like son,’ implies that children turn out like their parents. But God warned Israel not to be like their fathers, who disobeyed him and reaped the consequences – His judgment. We are responsible before God for more

  • Prayer Of Repentance For Haiti

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Apr 9, 2010

    This is a prophetic message to Haitians after the earthquake

    PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR HAITI The Meaning of God’s Jealousy Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. 15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day more

  • Repent For Heaven Is At Hand Series

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Apr 9, 2010

    God has made possible our choice. We may choose for our own sake, or the sake of others, for the sake of Jesus or the promise of Heaven but what ever our motivation, the choice is ours to make.

    Repent for Heaven Is At Hand Change Part One 020109 AM Text: Matthew 3:1-3 Introduction This morning we are going to begin a short series centered on change. You may have noticed quite a bit of talk about change in the media these days. Change is taking place all around us, in every aspect of our more

  • A Life Of Repentance - #1 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Apr 11, 2010

    In order to make a difference, a person must actually be different.

    Believers who are “M.A.D.” “A Life of Repentance” Acts 26:12-20 * Much of human behavior seems to be controlled by circumstances, actions, and situations. More often than not, we choose not to act until something happens to us (or our family). Then when something goes more

  • The Need For Repentance And Forgiveness

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Apr 18, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent preached 3/7/2010 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Big Cove Tannery, St. Paul Lutheran Church, McConnellsburg, and Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Little Cove. It talks about Jesus' response to tragedy and suffering in our w

    One of the biggest news stories as the year 2010 began was the earthquake that hit Haiti. We saw on our TV screens, the newspaper, and the internet the stories and photographs of the disaster that hit that impoverished nation. The death, the ruin, the destruction that took place in such a more

  • Repentance: Not Just A Prayer

    Contributed by Chad Frizzell on Apr 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Repentance is more than just a prayer -it's a process.

    Repentance: Not Just a Prayer (Luke 5:27-33) What does it mean to “repent”? Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary offered the following definitions: 1) to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life. 2a) to feel regret or contrition b) to change more

  • The Prodigal Son's Repentance Series

    Contributed by Rule Digal on Nov 28, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    God always calls people back to Him.

    THE PRODIGAL SON’S REPENTANCE Luke 15:11-24 Intro. A. This morning, let’s study the biblical illustration of repentance and find out what are involved in a true repentance. Take note: this story basically presents a very fundamental truth –“Apart from God, we can do nothing.” B. The story is more

  • Repent - The Call Of A Prophet

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 8, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    The call of John the Baptizer still rings true in the 21st century. Our culture seeks to do away with sin by calling it a "privacy" issue. The scriptures call our acts of disobedience againts God and our fellow man....sin.

    In Jesus Holy Name December 3, 2005 Text –Mark 1:1-4 Advent I – Redeemer Lutheran “The Call of the Prophet—Repent” Christmas is coming! People are shopping! Decorations are being hung. Christmas trees are purchased. Dinners are being planned. In the early part of the 19th more

  • Repentance Vs. Remorse

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on Feb 10, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Matthew gives the testimony of three witnesses to the person of Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God and King (John, the Spirit, & the Father).

    Matthew 3 Matthew gives the testimony of three witnesses to the person of Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God and King (John, the Spirit, & the Father). (v.1) Why was John in the “wilderness?” 3 Facts about John (3:1-15) 1. His Message – (3:1-2; 7-10) John’s message centered on repentance more

  • The Need For True Repentance

    Contributed by Robert Mitchell on Apr 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    John introduced the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ by calling people to repentance.

    1.The TV is my shepherd, My spiritual growth shall want; It makes me to sit down and do nothing for His Name’s sake. 2. It requires all my spare time; It keeps me from doing my Christian duty. It produces so many good shows that I must see; It restores my knowledge of the world. 3. It keeps me more

  • Repent Of Your Sins Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Aug 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Redo of Armed to be set free

    Repent of your sins (1st John 2:15-17) The doctrine of repentance God said to Solomon in 2nd Chronicles that if God’s people that are called by God’s name would humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn or repent from their wick ways; then He would heal their land. Repentance means to more

  • Repentance Means Change

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Feb 14, 2011

    A sermon based on both the Law and the Gospel. Jesus explained what sin was. We need to head His command and turn away from temptation.

    Introduction In Thomas Costain’s history, “The Three Edwards”, he describes the life of Raynald III, a fourteenth-century duke in what is now Belgium. Grossly overweight, Raynald was commonly called by his Latin nickname, Crassus, which means "The Fat." After a violent quarrel, more

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