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  • Serving Others Series

    Contributed by Mark Elkins on Jan 27, 2011

    How do we serve others like Jesus?

    SERVING OTHERS LIKE JESUS This is the last of the series “Be the church by Loving God, others, and serving both. Let say that together. After today, my goal is for you to have a heart to serve others like Jesus. To “Be the Church” in our society we must Love Jesus, Love others, more

  • Kicking The Family Cat Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Sep 6, 2012
    based on 17 ratings

    Sometimes we have bad days and often bad feelings transfer from one person to the next. How do we deal with that as people called by God?

    Introduction Zig Ziglar tells a story of a successful big city business man named Mr. B. who ends up being late to work one day because of traffic. In the process he misses an important phone call. Irritated at traffic, Mr. B. calls in one of his managers into his office and yells at him about more

  • Language Of Edification Series

    Contributed by Arthur Miller on Mar 24, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The tongue is a destructive force that can spew the stench of a rotten heart, but we are called to speak only what is constructive to others. We need to be thinking about our words and changing our attitudes about people while God transforms our lives.

    Bible passages from the NIV, NASV and King James from the Introduction Dale Carnegie wrote in a book he published in 1936, “How to Win Friends & Influence People,” “But gradually, as the seasons passed, I realized that as sorely as these adults needed training more

  • The Call To Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 25, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This story addresses forgiveness and forgiving others

    The Call to Forgiveness Matthew 18:21-35 Tim Keller tells the story of being a Yankee and pastoring his first church in a blue collar, Southern town. In the church was one man, who hadn’t even graduated from junior high school and thus, could hardly read. He wanted to live a holy life and more

  • Signs

    Contributed by Chris Mccarthy on Oct 11, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Facing our fears and understanding the big picture of Jesus' end time prophecies.

    The best fairy tales come from the worst fears… Most of them were written in a time where poverty, famine and childhood abandonment were common. All three of those are mixed into a story about kids getting lost in the woods and eventually meeting a cannibalistic witch in a children’s more

  • Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 5) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Nov 8, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the last chapter of 1 Thessalonians Paul gives us 12 marks of a mighty church.

    Marks of a Mighty Church (Part 5) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 9/6/2015 For the past several weeks, we’ve explored the book of 1 Thessalonians together. As I said in the beginning of this series, every local church is made up of sinners saved by God’s grace, so there’s no more

  • A Thanksgiving Word

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Nov 20, 2020

    A thankful look at the words 'repentance and confession'

    A Thanksgiving Word Psalm 103 November 22, 2020 On this Thanksgiving Sunday, I want to focus on one word. If you had to pick and choose your favorite word in the Bible, what might they be? It’s like trying to say I only have 1 verse in the Bible which is my favorite. I think I have about 100 more

  • Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    'Love in action' - Romans chapter 12 verses 9-21 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Love displayed in the family/Church (vs 9-13). • (a). Love is genuine (vs 9a): • (b). Love is good (vs 9b): (2). Love displayed in a hostile world (vs 14—21). • Principle #1: Love fights evil with good. • Principle #2: Love is sensitive to other’ feelings. SERMON more

  • The Retribution Of God And Combatting Injustice – The Delicate Balance Of Judgment And Mercy – Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 11, 2023

    For human beings the delicate balance between judgement AND mercy is very hard to maintain and we err one way or the other. God has it absolutely correct. Part 3 looks at that problem, as well as the vengeance and retribution of God. We cover various aspects. “Vengeance is Mine.”

    THE RETRIBUTION OF GOD AND COMBATTING INJUSTICE – THE DELICATE BALANCE OF JUDGMENT AND MERCY – PART 3 THE DELICATE BALANCE OF JUDGMENT AND MERCY – CAN HUMAN BEINGS HANDLE IT? One of the mysteries we only partly understand as Christians is what I might call the balancing of the judgment of God more

  • Contrasting Between Bad Attitudes And The Be-Attitudes Of Jesus

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 35 ratings

    Bad Attitudes Self-righteous attitudes that say I am right and others are flat out wrong.

    Bad Attitudes Self-righteous attitudes that say I am right and others are flat out wrong. Taking credit for every good thing that happens Prideful thinking Refusal to forgive others Indifference to those who have experience adversity, tragedy or loss Cold, callous, and calculating thinking more

  • Receiving Through Giving

    Contributed by Tom Walker on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 176 ratings

    Luke 6:38 says, "Give and it shall be given you.

    Luke 6:38 says, "Give and it shall be given you." Most people try to have by hoarding, but God says the way to have more is through giving. Blessed is that person who has learned the lesson that God honors those who give. There was a Christian man who recently sat in front of me at a meeting. He more

  • A Bitter Pill To Swallow Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 3, 2001
    based on 44 ratings


    BIG IDEA: CAPTIVITY SILENCES THE SONGS OF JOY AS WE WEEP OVER OUR LOST GLORY INTRODUCTION: cf. son Steve hates to swallow pills I. (:1-3) CAPTIVITY IS A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW A. Because of Memories of Lost Glory “By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down and wept, When we remembered more

  • Justification By Faith Alone Series

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Questions for application in small group Bible study

    ROMANS 4:13-24 GOOD FRIDAY 18 APRIL 2003 [Verses from Romans 4 unless otherwise stated] Earlier on today some of us talked to two dear Jehovah’s Witnesses, Simba and Natasha, both from Zimbabwe. They really confirmed just how stuck human religion is: stuck in a slavery of works-righteousness, more

  • Building The Ultimate Community Requires Acceptance

    Contributed by W F on Jun 4, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Building the ultimate community requires more than just lush parks, modern facilities and nice homes. Building the ultimate community starts at the heart of who we are.

    Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God (Romans 15:7). Right at the heart of the ultimate community is a culture of acceptance. 1. WHO IS ACCEPTED IN THE UTLIMATE COMMUNITY? “Accept one another” (Romans 15:7a) Everyone is acceptable in the ultimate more

  • Love In Its Reality

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Feb 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    True love of God

    Love in its reality Romans 12: 9Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11Not slothful more

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