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  • The Woman Of Revelation 12

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 9, 2009

    A brief description and identification of the woman introduced in Revelation 12

    The Woman of Revelation 12 The Lord Jesus Christ, addressing the faithful Israelites who will be in the land of Judea at the mid-point of the 70th Week of Daniel said these words: “When ye therefore shall see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy more

  • Israel’s Greatest General (1of 2)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 1, 2022

    In our text we read of Israel’s greatest general. His name is Joshua. In Joshua 23, Joshua had reached the golden years of his life.

    Look at verse 1. We read, “...Joshua waxed old and stricken in age.” When we consider Joshua’s age, we need to consider TWO things. (1) Look at the phrase, “...stricken in age.” Today it seems many folks are fighting a battle with old age. Illus: One man in Missouri said, “It is rough more

  • The Desert Shall Blossom As The Rose: For The 3rd Sunday Of Advent

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 6, 2022

    Let us experience the true joy this season.

    The Desert Shall Blossom as the Rose: For the Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 35:1-10As we continue our Advent study this year from the Old Testament book of Isaiah, we come to this passage in chapter 35. as a way of reminder, we have discussed how the book of Isaiah is a mixture of prophecies of more

  • The Results Of Israel's Rejection

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings


    ISRAEL'S REJECTION BROUGHT SALVATION TO THE GENTILES AND WILL ULTIMATELY RESULT IN ISRAEL'S ACCEPTANCE. 1. (:11-12) Israel's Loss Has Become Gain for the Gentiles 2. (:13-16) Israel's Acceptance Will Ultimately Follow 3. (:17-21) There is no room for Pride or Boasting but rather for Fear of the more

  • Longing For The Salvation Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 25 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE CORRUPTION OF THIS WORLD CREATES A LONGING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD I. (:1-3) THE CORRUPTION OF THIS WORLD IS UNIVERSAL AND UNAVOIDABLE A. The Foolishness of Corruption 1. The Denial of the Fool -- "There is no God" 2. The Character of the Corrupt -- "They are more

  • Israel Asks For A King

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Jun 23, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Learning from the mistakes of Israel asking for a king and making Jesus the King and Lord of our lives

    1 Samuel 8:1-9 Israel asks for a king Primary Purpose Statement: To call on the congregation to make Christ Lord and King and to avoid the mistakes of Israel. I want to talk with you this morning about learning from mistakes. In the passage we are looking at today, we see the nation of Israel more

  • Lessons From Israel

    Contributed by Mike Mizell on Dec 8, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    Learn how to avoid the same mistakes Israel made on their way to the Promised-land and enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to give.

    Lesson’s from Israel Exodus 14: 10-12 (This is a message I preached upon returning from a Misison’s trip to San Loius Potosi Mexico). This past week had to be among the most incredible weeks of my life. I preached a couple of weeks “What’s in your House?” And I stated that everything we need to more

  • Christ's Coming And Israel Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 24

    CHRIST’S COMING AND ISRAEL Matthew 24 v. 1 - 28 and Revelation 6 v. 1 - 17 Note :- The Disciples respect for the temple v. 1 - 4, v. 2 and the Lord’s reaction (it would be destroyed), v. 3 now the disciples request for :- 1. A Time v. 36 "but of that day and hour knoweth no man..., but my more

  • Israel And Iraq In The Bible Series

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Aug 31, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    IRAQ - Interesting info Just in case you might think of Iraq as "only" an oil-rich nation, ruled by an evil dictator for 30 years, whether it has been supporting terrorists or may not be very important, here are a few important facts regarding the

    IRAQ - Interesting info Just in case you might think of Iraq as "only" an oil-rich nation, ruled by an evil dictator for 30 years, whether it has been supporting terrorists or may not be very important, here are a few important facts regarding the important history and roles that this nation more

  • Jesus - The Consolation Of Israel

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Sep 2, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    In this morning’s text we find Joseph and Mary enjoying the new addition to their family.

    In this morning’s text we find Joseph and Mary enjoying the new addition to their family. They have been blessed with the Holy Child, Jesus. And there is no one else in the entire world that knew Jesus like Joseph and Mary knew Jesus. As is the case of any new parents with their first child, more

  • Israel Reduced To One

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Dec 30, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Matthew’s quotation of Hosea is extremely helpful for interpreting Biblical prophecy. God’s promises to the nation of Israel have found their fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.

    - The first time I read our text for today several years ago, “Out of Egypt I called my son” I thought no big deal. That makes sense, Jesus is God’s son. It makes perfect sense. - Then I started to think about it some more – it says that this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through the more

  • Josiah And The Purification Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Peter Fisher on Aug 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of Josiah, and what purification might mean for us

    Josiah and the purification of Israel Introduction - Time Line It is 700-600 years before Christ. In Britain the Iron Age is just starting, a couple of hundred years after the rest of Europe. In Israel the Kings have abandoned the God of their father Abraham, and are worshipping the Gods of the more

  • Aprendiendo De Israel

    Contributed by Mario Fernando Morana on May 16, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Atendiendo a la historia de Israel podemos aprender mucho para nuestra vida

    1 Corintios 10 APRENDIENDO DE LA HISTORIA DE ISRAEL Por Mario Fernando Morana En esta semana de Santificación podemos echar un vistazo a una historia muy peculiar; la de un pueblo que a pesar de tenerlo todo, no alcanzo el propósito de Dios para sus vidas. Hoy el Señor quiere llamar nuestra more

  • The Sin Of Numbering Israel

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on Jan 18, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    Here is an Old Testament text with a right now application on the sins of pride and self-sufficiency. How do you measure success?

    The Sin of Numbering Israel November 9, 2008 Dr. Russell K. Tardo The text is found in 1 Chronicles, chapter 21, an Old Testament text with a New Testament application. This is the account of King David’s numbering of more

  • Israel's Inexcusable Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermons explains Israel’s inexcusable unbelief in the good news of the God.

    Scripture Today we continue our study in Romans 10. Let’s read Romans 10:14-21: 14How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15And how are they to preach more

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