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Sermons on reliance on the lord:

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  • Reliance On God

    Contributed by Keith Bunch on Mar 16, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    Can Christians really rely on God? What does the Bible say?

    "RELIANCE ON GOD" Text: (2 Chronicles 16:8) SERMON CHARACTERS & STORY LINE Asa = King of Judah / Baasha = King of Israel Benhadad = King of Syria "Instead of reliance on God to defeat Baasha and his army, King Asa made a deal with Benhadad the King of Syria to help defeat Judah. The more

  • Real Reliance Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Sep 21, 2016

    Just what did God want from Israel and Judah. What was he doing? Our passage helps sort these questions through.

    Isaiah 10:20-34 Real Reliance 3/25/01e D. Marion Clark Introduction It is hard to figure out punishment, at least when you are on the other side of it. We’ve all been punished and usually we thought at the time that it wasn’t quite fair. Sure, we may have admitted that we should more

  • Total Reliance Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Mar 4, 2009

    The more God can direct you, the more He can use you.

    To what type of person does God give success? What kind of person is God able to empower and use in a mighty way? Is it the man or woman with the most talent or skill? Are looks or leadership ability the necessary traits? Is a high IQ essential to do great things for God? Obviously, the answer more

  • A Reliance On The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Apr 13, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    The gospel is not only completely true, but also completely sufficient.

    My favorite button on the computer is the "undo" button. It’s like a little time machine. Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock - wipe the slate clean and start over? In fact, this is a universal human urge, one that’s reflected in our popular culture. [Examples: ¨ "Back to the more

  • Radical Reliance

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on May 15, 2011

    Challenging the congregation to live a life of radical reliance, in the model of the Acts 242-47 church

    INTRO I am a typical Westernized American. I am the third of three children, the baby in the family so to speak in a typical, American middle-class family. From my earliest memory my parents spoiled me – not rotten to the core (at least I would like to believe), but I never went more

  • The Art Of Self Reliance PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the necessity and benefits of relying on God, as emphasized by Jesus in John 15:5, and to understand that apart from Him, we can't do anything.

    Good morning, church family! I pray that God's grace and peace are abundantly with you today. We're going to be diving into some deep spiritual waters today, so buckle up! The topic today is all about reliance on God - how it's necessary, beneficial, and the process of doing so. We'll be exploring more

  • What A Mighty God We Serve! (Psalm 46) Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 12, 2019

    The Psalmist highlights the difference it makes in lives by resting his case for victorious living on our ever-present access to, and reliance upon, the LORD God Almighty - not the high and mighty of an ungodly world.

    MAKING MUSIC FROM SHARPS AND FLATS IN LIFE Sermons Based on Selected Psalms Psalms Sermon IX – Psalm 46 David the shepherd lad who more

  • Why The Lord Withdraws

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jan 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes we can become prideful and overconfident in our own abilities, which is sin; and so, God will hide His face from us (Isaiah 59:2). The Lord will hide from us in order to gain our attention and cause us to cling to Him.

    One day a mother was out shopping with her son. Every time she took him shopping with her she couldn’t keep him by her side. As soon as she would turn her back, the boy would wander off somewhere, though keeping his mother in sight the entire time. She would then have to go and retrieve him. more

  • Total Reliance On The Providence Of God Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 27, 2019

    What we need in life is purification, holiness, total reliance on Divine Providence

    Tuesday of the 17th Week in Course 2019 Bl. Solanus Casey Today’s reading from the book of Exodus is taken from two consecutive chapters of the book, and so are really two related but separate situations. The first one shows the daily routine–if you can use that word about an encounter with God–of more

  • The Unforeseen Results Of An Unreliable Reliance

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s easy to rely upon methods, means, and men, rather than actually relying upon God. This message shows the results of such a misplaced reliance.

    The Unforeseen Results Of An Unreliable Reliance Text: Jer.17: 5; 2 Chron.16: 7 Intro: If you should suddenly find yourself faced with a traumatic, and potentially devastating situation, beyond your control, where, or to whom would you instinctively turn for help? Obviously, there are some more

  • "Thy Will Be Done" Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    Persistency in prayer keeps us from self-reliance.

    "Thy Will Be Done," Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts "Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth" When I was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany, I often reported to V Corps Headquarters, which was located in the historic Abrams Bldg. To get upstairs there more

  • My Help PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 5, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the comforting assurance of God's help, emphasizing our reliance on the Creator's wisdom, power, and love in all circumstances.

    Welcome, beloved friends and family in Christ. I am so glad to see each one of you here today, gathered in the house of our Lord, eager to hear His Word and to grow in His love. The world outside may be bustling and busy, full of noise and distraction, but in this moment, we find ourselves in the more

  • "reliance In An Age Of Growing Chaos"

    Contributed by John Huyser on Apr 24, 2023

    Who hasn't pulled into the wrong driveway, knocked on the wrong door, absent-mindedly lifted the handle of the wrong car door or let a ball go astray into another yard? What is triggering all the senseless violence? How do we process this as believers and regain our sense of safety?

    Once a month – every 29.5 days according to NASA, we have a full moon where the sun fully illuminates the moon’s visible disk. We observe full moons in the clear nighttime skies without much thought. But long known to those in law enforcement or medicine, full moons can trigger behavioral and more

  • Thank You Lord, For The Thorns That Hurt Us

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Nov 24, 2021

    No true child of God gets out of life without enduring some kind of pain, adversity, discomfort, or suffering. Each encounter we have with the difficulties of life need to be seen as lessons the Sovereign LORD teaches us to rely less on ourselves and more on His wisdom and grace.

    I've spent much time in thought and silent prayer, organizing in my mind and soul on how this message should be presented. I wanted to be certain that what I was about to say would be based primarily upon the Word of God and not merely a repeat of topics that I have covered in previous more

  • The Moses Problem

    Contributed by Clement Swarnappa on Jul 1, 2023

    Have you ever felt "YOU ARE DONE". There is nothing you could do anymore? There is a total weakness in you…. You feel, you had inner peace before, but now it is lost…. Moses knew that feeling. I call this "The Moses Problem" Feeling inadequate is what Moses felt…..

    Have you ever felt "YOU ARE DONE". There is nothing you could do anymore? There is a total weakness in you…. You feel, you had inner peace before, but now it is lost…. Moses knew that feeling. I call this "The Moses Problem" Feeling inadequate is what Moses more

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