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  • Refugees

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 25, 2019

    We take refuge from the pursuant trials of life in our God.

    1. When my father was in the Navy he was stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for two years. It was one of the most enjoyable bases for me as a kid. We had many things to do that were either cheap or free. I remember one night my dad, a friend of his, and I went gigging for “longusta.” This is the more

  • The Refugee Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 26, 2022

    Naomi tells the story of her sojourn in Moab and her return with Ruth.

    Good evening. My name is Naomi. You've probably already heard of my daughter-in-law Ruth, who has become very famous. But the story really began long before Ruth came on the scene. Before everything started to go wrong, my husband Elimelech and I lived in the city of Bethlehem in Judah. It had more

  • Our Refugee God Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 12, 2010

    Jesus was a refugee - we need to welcome the refugee

    Advent/Christmas 2009 Epiphany Sunday, January 3, 2010 The Incarnation Our Refugee God - Matthew 2:13-18 Begin with Hushidah’s story and Maria’s. Hushidah Bagam is 20. For two years now, she has lived in a squalid bamboo and corrugated iron hut in a Bangladesh refugee camp. But more

  • Spiritual Refugees Series

    Contributed by Thomas H on Oct 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In this passage, Paul talks about how we used to be refugees - aliens, without citizenship and cut off from the promises of God. Then through Christ, God destroyed the barrier of sin that made us refugees and those who follow Jesus now have citizenship a

    Ephesians 2:11-18 Last year, we travelled back to Australia via the USA. We had a couple of days in southern California, so we decided that we would hop down to the Mexican border and pop over into Mexico for a few hours to see what it was like. I found a town on the map called Tecate a city of more

  • Jesus The Refugee

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Dec 26, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Christmas message based on Matthew 2 where Herod tries to kill Jesus

    “Jesus The Refugee” Introduction: Washington Post article (Dec 24, 2015) - Infertility, divorce, shame, mass murder, astrologers, injustice and doubt: these are a few of the topics that appear in the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke, but it is unlikely that they will feature in more

  • The Refugee Crisis

    Contributed by Doug Gorman on Apr 14, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a hot topic for many people around the world today; the refugee crisis. What do we do when mostly non-Christians use Matthew chapter 2 and say “Jesus was a refugee, wouldn’t you help Him?”

    This is a hot topic for many people around the world today; the refugee crisis. What do we do when mostly non-Christians use Matthew chapter 2 and say “Jesus was a refugee, wouldn’t you help Him?” Well let’s take a look at Matthew 2 and try to put things in perspective and more

  • Jesus As Refugee

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 25, 2019

    Mistreatment of others is part of every nation’s history. Let’s recognize humanity’s mistreatment of foreigners and innocent children, and Jesus as the world’s only hope, in Matthew 2:13-23.

    Mistreatment of others is part of every nation’s history. Let’s recognize humanity’s mistreatment of foreigners and innocent children, and Jesus as the world’s only hope, in Matthew 2:13-23. Flee to Egypt Matthew 2:13-15 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph more

  • Jesus As Refugee

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 1, 2023

    Mistreatment of others is part of every nation’s history. Let’s recognize humanity’s mistreatment of foreigners and innocent children, and Jesus as the world’s only hope, in Matthew 2:13-23.

    Mistreatment of others is part of every nation’s history. Let’s recognize humanity’s mistreatment of foreigners and innocent children, and Jesus as the world’s only hope, in Matthew 2:13-23. Fleeing to Egypt Now when they [the wise men] had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to more

  • He Was First A Refugee.

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on Jan 4, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As long as there are wars there will always be refugees from wars. How do we receive refugees?

    Matthew 2:13-23 The escape to Egypt When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. ‘Get up,’ he said, ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.’ So he got up, took the child and more

  • Ruth: Refugee With A Human Face

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Jun 21, 2021

    The Book of Ruth doesn't get much attention, but it can remind us that God sees refugees and can use them in his purposes.

    I imagine we probably all have a favorite book of the Bible. The gospels should be high on everyone’s list because they tell us the story of Jesus. And when the church’s heart and mind are fixed on Jesus, everything comes together. When we lose sight of Jesus things go wrong. Luke is my more

  • Jesus' Birth & Childhood

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 6, 2023

    Let's look at the beginning of Jesus' life, his refugee status and move to Nazareth.

    Let’s look at Matthew, a catechism or instruction book for new Christians. Preparing for Jesus (Matthew 1) Read Matthew 1. Let’s learn about Jesus' birth and John the Baptist. Abbreviated Genealogy Why did Matthew abbreviate this genealogy? The lineage in 1 Chronicles 6:3–14 is abridged in more

  • Action And Reaction Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jan 3, 2015

    Joseph flees to Egypt with his family in order to protect them from the jealous wrath of King Herod. God's action of love has created a reaction of fear and violence

    Matthew 2:13-23 “Action and Reaction” INTRODUCTION Usually the readings for a Sunday are rather positive in nature, but not this time. The story talks about exile, becoming an alien in a foreign land and the slaughter of innocent children. Lessons can be learned, though, in more

  • Transitional Housing

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on May 13, 2023

    It is the church as mother who makes this often uncomfortable tent city and refugee camp, stuck indefinitely between two worlds, into a home.

    With all the controversy over our southern border and the wave of illegal immigrants, we hardly hear a word about legal immigration. But last year 136,000 people arrived here with the proper documentation from the State Department. Another 125,000 came here as refugees. And although there’s more

  • Mistreating The Vulnerable Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Christians are taught to treat the vulnerable with compassion and with generosity. The study is based upon the practised instituted by Moses for Israel, which practise is continued among the churches to this day.

    “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry, and my wrath will burn, and I will kill you with the sword, and your more

  • The Problem With ‘what’s Best For Me’

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jun 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A look at God's call to be concerned for the vulnerable.

    Our Starting Point: “What’s best for me?” - We usually end up with a self-centered mentality. We look out for ourselves. And that is certainly encouraged within our society. We are a “winner-take-all” place where everyone looks out for themselves. - What responsibility do we have to those more