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  • The Windows Of Heaven

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Jan 14, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Trust, honesty, love, giving. Christians should apply all of these words to their personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus. Father God wants to pour out blessings upon us; to those of us who trust, are honest, who love God, and who give to His work

    "The Windows of Heaven" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Malachi 3:7-18, KJV Purpose: Trust, honesty, love, giving. Christians should apply all of these words to their personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus. Father God wants to pour out blessings upon us; to those of us who trust, are honest, more

  • Disappointment With God Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Disappointments will come and we have the choice to let them bury us or buoy us.

    Christmas is a season not only of joy, but, if we’re honest, also of disappointment. Sometimes we’re disappointed with gifts. When Laura’s brother, Grayson, was in Middle School he received one such gift. To appreciate this you have to get the image in your mind of the entire family gathered more

  • The Restoration Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Amos speaks within the context of Yahweh’s covenant relationship with Israel, and that restoration is necessary to accomplish God’s long-range purpose for His people.

    AMOS 9:11-15 [IN THAT DAY SERIES] THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL [2 Samuel 7:11–16, 25–29; Psalm 80; Romans 11:25-33] Amos ends His book with a restoration [or salvation] oracle. He follows the pattern of the prophets [Hosea, Joel, Micah, etc.] who end their prophecies with Messiah, whose advent more

  • God Of The Living Not Of The Dead

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Sep 26, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    We have to understand that even if we die we are still alive in Christ Jesus

    GOD OF THE LIVING, NOT OF THE DEAD (Mk. 12:26-27) 26 Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? 27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are more

  • God Encounters: On The Road To Emmaus Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Sep 7, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    This is about Jesus’ walk with the two on the Road to Emmaus.

    We don’t always get all the facts right away when something momentous happens. The day of 9/11 was filled with confusion and speculation. More confusing the closer to NYC and WTC. Recap Passion Week: triumphal entry, Last Supper, prayer, arrest, trial, execution, and burial. Now there were more

  • The Blessings Of Justification By Faith

    Contributed by Jesse Roncales on Mar 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Justification by faith in Christ carries greater blessings that one could ever imagine.

    Introduction: Receiving a compliment from someone you know is a pleasant experience. It is a pleasant one not just because of the compliment per se, but the greater effects it brings to the receiver. In the same manner, to be judicially declared righteous in the sight of God by virtue of union with more

  • Lesson 3: Actual Signs

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 8, 2006
    based on 10 ratings


    A. WHAT ARE SOME SIGNS OF THE LORD’S RETURN? 1. Signs in nature, i.e., “There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes” (Matt. 24:7). 2. Signs in society. Lawlessness, violence, sexual immorality, greed, selfish pursuit, pleasure seekers, rebellion, despair (II Tim. 3:1-4). 3. Signs more

  • Squabbles Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Apr 13, 2013

    Even though saved, long held prejudices and human selfishness threatens division among the early Christians.

    Acts 6:1-14, 7:47-60 “Squabbles” INTRODUCTION One of the things we crave most in life is power. We want power to make our own decisions, and power to determine our own goals and our path through life. The struggle for power can be seen in the arguments parents have with children more

  • King David And His Relevance For Today

    Contributed by Michael Hopkins on Aug 25, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the life of King David, and what that might have to say to Christians today.

    It hasn’t gone unnoticed that some of the MPs criticising the Murdochs and News International have a dubious track record in terms of expenses, and might therefore not be in a position to criticise the morals of others. Likewise, Stephen Fry remarked on the inappropriateness of any more

  • Elisha's Ministry Starts Series

    Contributed by Andrew Drury on Mar 26, 2015

    It describes how the life of Elisha is applicable to us

    2 Kings 2: 1 - 18 - the second sermon on the life of Elisha Below is the outline of the sermon, I preached on 10 July 2011 at West Ewell Evangelical Church, Surrey: The translation of Elijah is one of the most spectacular episodes in scripture This week, looking at RAN: · Re-starting more

  • 06 The Souls Deepest Need Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    1. Cast Sheep 2. The Cast Down Sheep 3. Becoming Cast Down (a). Looking for a Soft Spot (b). Having Too Much Wool (c). Overweight Sheep 4. The Cast Down’s Escape

    Psalm 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Restoration of - Old Cars - Old houses - Old paintings How did you get you get to the point of uselessness? - Neglect, Abuse, Cast aside, Forgotten 1. Cast Sheep - Turned over on its more

  • Christianity And The Future Of Civilization

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Aug 18, 2021

    Christianity is key to advancing civilization is a positive manner.

    Christianity and the Future of Civilization Thank you for listening to GodNAmerica’s weekday podcast. My name is Perry Greene, I am your host. You may find us at for more information and resources. William J. Federer is one of my favorite Christian historians. He is not only an more

  • The Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, And Indiscretion, Part I

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 20, 2023

    Jesus' parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) is a call to salvation. There will be many who will make poor excuses and refuse the invitation. There will be those who accept it with gratitude, but some will try to enter in their own way. In which category do you fit?

    Throughout the Scriptures, the call of God to come to Him for salvation, grace, and mercy is prominent. The paradise we lost at our fall into sin is not irreversible nor permanent. He has promised redemption even though we do not deserve it. He promised to make all things new, starting with the more

  • Having Life, The Message Of The Lord's Supper Series

    Contributed by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije-Misigaro Joel on Dec 21, 2023

    Having life, the message of the Lord's Supper is one of love, sacrifice, and redemption. It serves as a reminder of Jesus' ultimate act of selflessness in giving his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.

    HAVING LIFE, THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Written by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel, December 21, 2023 John 6:53–55 (ESV) "53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 more

  • What Am I To Do?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Dec 20, 2022

    We are suffocating in an ocean of pollution. Wherever we look we discover the compulsion to have sullied existences. There are temptations all around us that can lead us astray. The world can put a stain on our Christian hearts and our lives.

    We are suffocating in an ocean of pollution. Wherever we look we discover the compulsion to have sullied existences. There are temptations all around us that can lead us astray. The world can put a stain on our Christian hearts and our lives. The Bible is one subject that, in my opinion, that more

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