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  • The Father Recognizes

    Contributed by Darren Sirmans on Aug 10, 2012

    The Father warned Jesus about how the Pharisees added words to what he was doing. The Pharisees were lying out their teeth.

    Our Father, whose thrown is all around us in heaven, knows everything. When I say everything, I mean nothing has happen or will happen without him knowing about it. Yes the Father has power unlike anyone else. He can stop or allow anything from happening whether good or bad. Today, I want you to more

  • Recognize The Bonafide

    Contributed by George Warner on Aug 30, 2022

    Bonafide apostles exist today but there are not many of them

    There is an old saying that It takes one to know one. End quote. When a human sees another human the first human knows that the second human is not a dog. When a dog sees another dog the first dog knows that the second dog is not a human. Apostles are rare nowadays. Therefore if you are not an more

  • Recognizing Jesus

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Sep 6, 2024

    Did the world see Jesus in you this past week? If so, how did the world respond? If not, why not? Did you see Jesus in the world this week? How did you respond?

    This week, I’d kinda gonna begin where we left off last week. This isn’t a second part of a series, simply a quick tie-in. John 21:9 “Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.” John 21:12 “Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” more

  • Recognizing Jesus PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the concept of salvation through Jesus, emphasizing that recognizing Him as our Savior opens us to the blessings of being children of God.

    Good morning, wonderful congregation! Today, we're going to dive deep into the heart of Genesis, specifically Genesis 7:1, where we find: “Then the Lord said to Noah, ‘Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.’” This passage is a powerful more

  • Recognize The Messiah PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the manifestation, mystery, and mission of Jesus, encouraging believers to deepen their understanding and love for the Savior through Scripture.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. I am truly blessed to stand before you today, on this beautiful day that the Lord has made. We gather here, not as strangers, but as brothers and sisters in Christ, united by our shared faith and our love for our Savior. We are bound together by the Holy Spirit, more

  • Recognizing The Truth

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 21, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The following sermon in reviewing John 3:24, 4:1-6 will describe how to test the spirits and discern what is true from what is falsehood.

    Recognizing the Truth 1 John 3:24 – 4:1-6 Online Sermon: We live in a world where truth is illusive and the fabrication of an individual’s mind. In rejecting any concept of absolute truth, one is tempted to swim amongst the masses in a sea of more

  • I Recognize That Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Dec 3, 2002
    based on 23 ratings

    Without interpretation, words spoken using the gift of tongues are unrecognizable. If people do not recognize – do not understand the words that you are using, then your words will have no meaning to them. All of your speaking will be worthless.

    December 1, 2002 1 Corinthians 14:6-20 “I recognize that!” INTRODUCTION Our family did not go anywhere over the Thanksgiving holiday this year. In the past, we would drive however long it took to get us to either my family’s house or Tammy’s family’s house. In my case, it would take more

  • Recognizing The Sovereign

    Contributed by Kyle Blanton on Mar 26, 2008

    Not so much a description of "whosoever" or "elect" as it is a recognition of the sovereignty of God and His right to do what He chooses.

    Recognizing the Sovereign Romans 9:14-33 3-30-08 a.m. (PDBC) This passage of scripture has presented the church with much difficulty. Here we have the clashing of philosophies regarding “Whosoever” and the “Elect”. I admit that I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with it this week. I know that more

  • Recognizing The Enemy Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Powell on May 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How to recognize the strategic mind of Satan

    Recognizing the Enemy - God or the World #1 - Ephesians 6:10-13 Where God is at work, the Devil is as well. Most all of us have heard that statement before. The statement is oh so true in context. The next two Sundays, we are going to focus on the strategy of Satan to bring you and I down. We more

  • Recognizing The Receptive Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 14, 2007

    We are called to reach out those around us with the hope and message of the gospel.

    Recognizing the Receptive Series: Spring Life - Identify Matthew 13:1-9, Luke 19:1-10 March 4, 2007 Morning Service This message was prepared using the Springlife materials supplied by the Wesleyan Headquarters. Introduction When I was young, we always planted a garden at my grandmother’s house. more

  • Recognizing Godliness Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Feb 11, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    How do we recognize and pursue Godliness? 1. We stay away from evil influences. 2. We follow the teachings of scripture. 3. We anticipate divine blessing.

    HOW TO RECOGNIZE GODLINESS PSALMS 1 1. Illus. of two magazine articles • One was on famous femal movie star. She talked about her desire to accumulate wealth, popularity, and sexual promiscuity. “I’m not happy, and I don’t even know anybody who is!” • The other article was about Mother Teresa. more

  • A Time To Be Recognized Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 1, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "A Time To". This sermon also has a Halloween section and a voting section.

    Series: A Time To¡K (Haggai) [#5] A TIME TO BE RECOGNIZED Haggai 2:20-23 [Welcome] [Upbeat Song] [Song] [Prayer] God¡¦s Chosen Haggai 2:20-23 God¡¦s promise to Zerubbabel was that the promised Davidic King would come from his family line. He would be like God¡¦s signet ring. Jesus is God¡¦s more

  • Recognize The King!

    Contributed by Joseph Stapleton on Apr 13, 2011

    Palm Sunday is a time when we see Jesus enter into Jerusalem, BUT, did the people really see Jesus for the King He is, or the King they wanted Him to be?

    RECOGNIZE THE KING (All my sermons use illustrations found on and all scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted) I have often wondered how many people would recognize Jesus if He were to walk amongst us today? Now I know that Jesus is “with us,” but that is not more

  • Recognizing God

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 10, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Many a times we have wondered what would it be like if God showed up? In fact God is looking for that time alone with you so that you would voluntarily shut yourself out from the busyness of life and respond to His attention. Will we?

    Opening illustration: Children sometimes seem like they have holes in their ears. You tell them what you want them to do, and it goes in and out without ever being registered. But if you promise something special to a child, they will not ever forget. Try to tell your child that you can’t go more

  • Recognizing The Master Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 19, 2014

    How can you recognize if you are following the master?

    • If you watch KRBC News in the evening, you will see the lady anchor is Megan Dobbs. • Megan was a in Jr. High, she was in the youth group where Laura and I were youth counselors and sponsors. We went to First Baptist Church of Forney. • We took her and a big group of youth to more

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