The Father Recognizes
Contributed by Darren Sirmans on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Father warned Jesus about how the Pharisees added words to what he was doing. The Pharisees were lying out their teeth.
Our Father, whose thrown is all around us in heaven, knows everything. When I say everything, I mean nothing has happen or will happen without him knowing about it. Yes the Father has power unlike anyone else. He can stop or allow anything from happening whether good or bad. Today, I want you to look at (John 4: 1, 2) When therefore the Lord knew. Most of us already know that (when) means time and for those who might not know, now you do.
At what time did the Father revealed to Jesus what was going on, it was during a time for a cause? Because something was taken place in heavenly places, it is not the will of God for his people to be ignorant about what is happening all around us. God will speak to your heart i.e., a still small voice. Most of us know or should know how much money you have in the bank, (Correct) The other day I was home working on a sermon. I knew how much money I had in the bank. Each month a credit agency that watches over my identity withdraw a certain amount of money each month out my account.
Normally, they make the withdraw during the end of the month, so I have time to make sure I come up with the money to keep from getting into overdrawn charges, which can really dig into your pocket book. Now, here is what I want you to see. I had no idea that someone did me a favor by switching the time / date that the agency withdraw out my account. I did not do it. There were times that I did not have the money at the end of the month so my account was over drawn and I had to pay almost one hundred dollars in charges a few times.
The miracle about this is I knew I did not have any money in the bank, so there was no need for me to call my account for information. A voice came to me out of nowhere while I was sitting on the sofa, God spoke to me in a small still voice and said call your bank, so I did. My account was overdrawn; I immediately got up and went to deposit the amount my account was overdrawn. This is evidence that God speaks to us about matters that are small in nature.
Because I obeyed the Lord by calling the bank even when I knew how much I had in my account, God increased his faith in me, now I believe even more. Would you agree with me on that? God is an on time God. You’re going to have opposition but God will speak to you. Get to know the voice of God, because we wrestle not only against principalities in high place but also the rulers of darkness. When therefore the Lord knew
There are Pharisees on every region in the earth. These well respected people have much learning about Jesus from others concerning him, they are well educated and have a wonderful child like hearts; some of them are the kindest people that you would really enjoy hanging around. To hang around those Pharisees means you have to conform to what is the proper norm in their society. To separate Jesus from the Pharisees is to put works to the faith of Jesus in your relationship with Jesus. I know most of us want to hang around moral people that are clean and have money and have child like characteristics, and everything seems to be running smoothly in their life. Jesus wants to draw our heart out of all of that.
You see there is a hidden picture to all that glitter. You don’t see who’s behind the scene, but the Father does. And because we have the love of Jesus in our heart and it is so wonderful. God lets us know when people are adding on to what Jesus really did or doing. The Pharisees heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John. You cannot believe everything you hear, because what the Pharisees heard about Jesus was not true. Jesus did not baptize more disciples than John. Jesus baptized only his twelve disciples. Why did the Pharisees spread this lie? I believe they wanted to start up something on Jesus.
Jesus is going into the same places over and over again. The Pharisees are adding on to what Jesus is doing, in other words they are being untruthful out their mouth on Jesus. The Pharisees are doing this. Not all the Pharisees were untruthful about what Jesus really did, but because of the influence the Pharisees have as a group, they went along with it. You cannot stop people from telling a bold face lie. Jesus went through those untruthful words the Pharisees said about him with no problem. The Pharisees today in our communities are being led into the wilderness by strong delusion.