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  • Be Ready To Receive Help Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Oct 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus received people according to how they were convicted to serve Him. However, we as human beings often miss the bigger picture, and forfeit opportunities to assist people in being used by God to further the kingdom.

    I want to begin by sharing something from the apostle Paul. Paul, in speaking about what a person should give to the church in the way of monetary offerings; he once stated, “For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have” more

  • A Letter Of Encouragement- Be Ready Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 15, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 56th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 6th sermon from 1 Thessalonians.

    Series: Action [#56] A LETTER OF ENCOURAGEMENT- BE READY 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Introduction: As we continue to watch the world change drastically, many have predicted that the End Times are very near. This is nothing new. There have been 44 “credible claims” of Jesus’ return date since 500 more

  • Getting Ready For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 6, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Luke starts with the story of a child... but not Jesus. Luke starts with the birth of John the Baptist? Why? Why would John need to mentioned before Christ was?

    OPEN: How many of you have started decorating your house for Christmas? As you drive thru Logansport you’ll see a lot of homes have put up Christmas trees and all kinds of Lights and Nativity scenes, and various other decorations. Out in my front yard, I’ve put up my own decorations: there’s not more

  • Ready, Set, Grow!

    Contributed by David Nolte on Mar 22, 2021

    It is normal for living things to grow.

    It is normal for living things to grow. • We plant seeds and expect plants to spring up and grow, producing fruit, nuts, vegetables, herbs, grains, lawns or flowers. • We have children and, though sometimes it seems it happens too quickly, they grow and become independent of the old folks. more

  • Your Table Is Ready Series

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 25, 2023

    The first powerful "P" of God, that of provision.

    Your Table is Ready Today we are starting a short series in the book of Psalms. We will be looking at the three Ps of the psalms: Provision, Protection, and Promotion. So, let us start this off provisions. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My more

  • Get Ready To Run

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Sep 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Running your race is a very common analogy for the Christian life, but that's not the kind of running I'm talking about today. I'm talking about running for your life!

    How many of you like to run? Running is very good for your body, it keeps your blood circulating, it keeps you in shape, and you’ll see people out running at the park, in your neighborhood, and certainly at the gym. Some people love running so much that they’ll join a marathon, which is more than more

  • Who Is Ready For The Meeting?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 30, 2022

    What happens when we die physically? Do our bodies remain in the ground? What about our souls?

    Prophetic truth has a utilitarian reason. It is to condemn the hearts of sinners. It is to empower Christians to holiness, and to provide hope and solace to Christians in the hour of death. This letter was composed to urge Christians to live purified lives while they await the return of more

  • Get Ready For The Rain

    Contributed by Darren Felarise on Aug 13, 2023

    Through the words that Elijah spoke to Ahab, I believe that the Lord is giving a strong message to His church today.

    1 Kings 18:41 41 And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain. (KJV) Through the words that Elijah spoke to Ahab, I believe that the Lord is giving a strong message to His church today. Title: ~~~ I) Drought We all know the story. Elijah more

  • Stay Awake And Be Ready Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In Matthew 24, Jesus calls us to vigilance, reminding us that we don't know the day of His return.

    "Stay Awake and Be Ready" Introduction: Today, our hearts turn to the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:42-44 from the New Living Translation, where He admonishes us: "So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming." Point 1: The Call to more

  • How To Be Storm Ready

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 1, 2020

    What does it take to be ready for the storms of life and death? Jesus says what is essential.

    10.4.20 Matthew 7:24–27 24 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on bedrock. 25 The rain came down, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was founded on bedrock. 26 Everyone more

  • Are You Ready For Christmas?

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Apr 22, 2020

    John the Baptist told people to make preparations to meet Jesus that were very different from our preparations for Christmas.

    I hope we are all making some progress towards being ready for Christmas. We know the drill, decorations, shopping, Christmas cards, wrapping presents, cooking, and so on. Today we meet John the Baptist, who gives us a very different list of things we need to do to be ready to more

  • Be Ready .... To Re-Enlist Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Dec 12, 2019

    This sermon deals with Elizabeth - A Woman of Grace - who shows us How we must Be Ready - 1. To Re-Enlist in God's Kingdom 2. To Rejoice and Bless Others 3. To Be Moved by God's Holy Spirit

    Scripture: Luke 1:5-25; 39-45 Theme: Be Ready …. To Re-Enlist Title: Elizabeth – A Woman of Grace INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! This month we have been looking at God Encounters with the theme of “BE READY …”. -Be ready for God to do something amazing more

  • Are You Ready For Christmas?

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Dec 17, 2019

    God himself laid the foundation for Jesus' ministry through the work of John the Baptist. Our life will be a waste if we don't build on God's foundation.

    Well, are you all ready for Christmas? Shopping done? Wrapping done? Tree up? Decorating done? Christmas cards done? Cooking done? Me, neither. Feel exhausted just thinking about it? All those jobs that are part of preparing for Christmas can make December a very hectic month. And there is more

  • Waiting And Ready For Heaven Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Kruschel on Dec 30, 2019

    The dreaded waiting room - filled with anticipation and uncertainty. What if you could take away that uncertainty - knowing what the outcome was going to be? Great! That's what God does as we wait for heaven. He reveals the outcome and it's glorious!

    Do you enjoy the waiting room? I’ve had a lot of experience in waiting rooms throughout the years. As nice and comfortable as hospitals and doctors’ offices attempt to make them, I don’t know of anyone who really looks forward to sitting in a waiting room. It is always a place filled with more

  • Getting Ready For Revival

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 30, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    If we want to see God bring a revival to the church, we must walk in humility, pray bold prayers, hunger after God, and turn from sin.

    GETTING READY FOR REVIVAL INTRO TO TOPIC: Do you ever ask yourself: Is this as good as it gets? Is Christianity just about coming to church and singing songs and hearing stories about what God did in the past? Or is there more? QUOTE: Leonard Ravenhill said, “There was a time when people more

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