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Sermons on rationale:

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  • The Disciple’s Discipline

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 3, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The writer to the Hebrews revealed the rationale behind God’s discipline. What is the rationale behind accepting God’s discipline? 4 Factors in accepting God’s discipline are...

    The DISCIPLE’s DISCIPLINE—Hebrews 12:4-11 Attention: Discipline A Butterfly: Pre-Emergent from cocoon... Little Bobby notices its struggle wants to help & so splits open the cocoon. The butterfly emerges with shriveled wings & swollen body. The restrictive cocoon & struggle are needed for pumping more

  • Chest Of Joash, Part One: Why?

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Mar 5, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    A three-fold rationale for keeping stewardship a primary focus in the church...It is a Lordship matter, Heart matter, and Eternal matter.

    Chest of Joash, Part One: WHY? 2 Chronicles 24 March 4, 2001 1Joash was seven years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. His mother¡¦s name also was Zibiah of Beersheba. 2And Joash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the more

  • Essence Of God (God's Nature Or Character) Series

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Jun 14, 2001
    based on 78 ratings

    This lesson teaches the ten essences (divine attributes) of God, and how we as believers can use this knowedge as a problem-solving rationale.

    THE ESSENCE OF GOD: A Biblical Rationale for Knowing God and Solving Our Problems (Rom. 1:19-20) [HTML formatted version of this message is located at:] [HTML formatted outline for this sermon is located more

  • One Of Them Turned Back

    Contributed by Marv Mutzenberger on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Begin with imaginative rationale for nine who did not return, and conclude with the gospel of God’s great mercy and the human response of worship

    ONE OF THEM TURNED BACK Luke 17:11-19 When we meet new people, we ask questions like, “Where did you grow up? Did you live in town or on a farm? Where did you go to college? We ask questions like that because place and background are important. Are you German or Norwegian or Polish? In more

  • What About Warnings?

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Aug 24, 2019

    In Acts 19-21 we see Paul intent on returning to Jerusalem, even ignoring Holy Spirit inspired warnings. What was his rationale?

    In his 2005 song by the same name, Bon Jovi asks the question: “Who says you can't go home? Who says you can't go back? I been all around the world and as a matter of fact There's only one place left I wanna go Who says you can't go home?” Well, actually many people have said it more

  • Why Should I Forgive?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 15, 2016

    The dramatic story of 66730 and how she forgave her tormentors. The 3 top arguments of those who say they can't forgive and the rationales to disarm those arguments.

    WHY SHOULD I FORGIVE? Lk. 17:3-4 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. An army recruit was assigned to the paratroopers’ outfit. The instructor explained the operation of parachutes and the fundamentals of skydiving to the recruits. 2. He included a lot of terminology, such as: “Jumpmaster, Air more

  • Expectations For Godly Living-Part 6

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 21, 2023

    6 of 6. Titus was exhorted by the apostle Paul, to expose God’s people to the expectations for godly living. All God’s people are answerable to His expectations for godly living. What are some expectations for godly living by God’s people?

    EXPECTATIONS For GODLY LIVING-VI—Titus 2:1-15 Attention: In order for God’s people to properly elevate & honor God thru Jesus Christ, there are certain ‘aspects’ of faithful living that that they are EXPECTED to fulfill! Need: There is an ultimate ‘fulfillment & satisfaction’ that CAN more

  • Ican - God Can Use Me, Iwill - Obey Him And Commit My Life

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Oct 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Just as any good employer would not send you off to a job site without the necessary tools, God through the teaching of this series has equipped us with both rationale & the Biblical tools needed to love, serve, & share the people of this generation.

    iCan – God Can Use Me iWill – Obey Him & Commit my life to His Will “iCan…iWill” God CAN use me & I WILL commit my life to His Will!” Just as any good employer would not send you off to a job site without the necessary tools, God through the teaching of this series has equipped us with both more

  • Much More Than The Most (Problem Solving Device) Series

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Feb 20, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    A Biblical way of thinking for solving our problems.

    MUCH MORE THAN THE MOST: A Biblical Rationale for Solving Our Problems (Matt. 6:26, 30; Rom. 5:9, 10, 15, 17) [HTML formatted version of this sermon is located at:] PRAYER PREPARATION Jesus Himself tells us in John 8:31-32: 31 "... If you abide more

  • Feetwashing: An Example To Follow

    Contributed by Patrick Ziegler on Mar 20, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Jesus’gives us an example of feetwashing.

    Feetwashing: An Example To Follow John 13:1-17 March 20, 2005 PM Subject: Examples Central Theme: Why we ought to follow Jesus’ example in feetwashing. Objective: Every Christian ought to follow Jesus’ example in feetwashing because of four R’s. Introduction: One of the Free Will Baptist more

  • Making The Wrong Decisions

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 4, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    How can we make decisions that are most glorifying to God and resulting in His blessing of our lives? When you surrender your decision-making process to God; God will guide and direct you in your decision-making process.

    Opening illustration: Listen to this description of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in northern Ukraine (summary of the report): "There were two electrical engineers in the control room that night, and the best thing that could be said for what they were doing is they were 'playing around' with more

  • Mushrooms Or Maple Trees: Spiritual Growth As God Intended Sermon #3 Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A life that pleases God is focused on the person and words of Jesus Christ.

    Mushrooms or Maple Trees: Spiritual Growth as God Intended Sermon #3 Sermon Objective: A life that pleases God is focused on the person and words of Jesus Christ. PRE-SERVICE INTRO We are in a sermon series called Mushrooms and Maple Trees. Mushrooms sprout up overnight and then wither away in a more

  • The Dangers Of Elitism

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jun 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What does God think about respect of persons.

    The Dangers of Elitism James 2:1-13 There have always been people who think they are better than everyone else. Some feel they are better than everyone else because they have a lot of money. Others because they have power. There are those who feel superior because they belong to a certain social more

  • Sexual Immorality Series

    Contributed by Bruce B. Miller on Jun 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Two words dominate the biblical passage we will study today: sexual sin and body. How does God view them? Paul gives us great insight in 1 Corinthians chapter six.

    Sexual Immorality 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Two words dominate the biblical passage we will study today: sexual sin and body. Our culture is desperately confused and distorted about our bodies and sexuality. We wildly swing from obsession over bodies to neglect of our bodies, from anorexia to more

  • Joshua 20: The Cities Of Refuge Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jul 18, 2024

    The LORD instructed Israel to designate six cities as "Cities of Refuge". This message explores the roles and functions of these cities.

    Introduction: Accidents happen, and some of these accidents result in the death of another person. There was and is a difference between intentional murders—and there were numerous examples of this in the Bible—and accidental death, sometimes called manslaughter. To provide a safe place for the more

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