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  • Confronting Domestic Violence Biblically Pt 7 Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Dec 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry.

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry. Confronting Domestic Violence Biblically The issue of domestic more

  • Psalm 49: An Intimation Of Immorality Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Dec 19, 2020

    This psalm is classed as a wisdom psalm the subject of which is the prosperity of the wicked, as contemplated by the righteous; that is to say, why do the wicked prosper, while the righteous are poor and afflicted? This was a frequent cause of wonder to these Hebrew thinkers (compare Psalm 37).

    July 3, 2015 Tom Lowe PSALM 49 Title: An Intimation of Immorality (A psalm for the sons of Korah) Theme: The end of those who boast of their riches. Psalm 49 (KJV) 1 Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world: 2 Both low and high, rich and more

  • The Eleventh Hour

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 24, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    We can be sure that our reward will be “WHATSOEVER IS RIGHT.” You will never lose anything by working for God

    TITLE: THE ELEVENTH HOUR SCRIPTURE: ST. MATTHEW 20:1-16 Be honest. When you heard the reading of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard just now, did your heart leap for joy? Were you thrilled when you heard that the workers who had toiled and slaved all day long in the hot sun were going more

  • Making Sense Of The Mess In Israel And The Middle East

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on May 3, 2002
    based on 99 ratings

    An attempt to clarify the details of the murky situation in Israel and the Middle East.

    [This message was written during the unrest in Israel during the spring of 2002.] Our Goal: “Being aware of the situation when you ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem.’” The Two Major Combatants: 1. Israel. - almost exclusively Jewish. - the vast majority of its people more

  • Causes Of Domestic Violence Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Dec 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry.

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry. Causes of Domestic Violence “A woman, a dog, and a walnut more

  • Beating The Odds

    Contributed by James Reginald Levert on Aug 1, 2014

    Sermon to challenged other to move forward and trust that God will give you the victory.

    Beating the Odds Judges 3:31 The word odds is define as the following 1 archaic : inequalities b obsolete : degree of unlikeness 2a : an amount by which one thing exceeds or falls short of another <won the election by considerable odds> b (1) : a difference favoring one of two opposed things more

  • There Is A Power Shortage

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Feb 26, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    "the woman ought to have power on her head"

    A POWER SHORTAGE Scripture: 1 Cor. 11:1-16 Key Verse "the woman ought to have power on her head" I. THE POWER (authority) OF MEN OVER WOMEN A. "The head of the woman is man" v. 3 1. Men ought to love their wives. 2. Men ought to lead their wives. I Timothy 2:12 more

  • The Relevance Of Saint Ignatius In The Contemporary World Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jul 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola are still applicable today, providing ageless insight and direction for anyone looking for connection, meaning, and purpose in a world that is always evolving.

    The Relevance of Saint Ignatius in the Contemporary World Intro: The teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola are still applicable today, providing ageless insight and direction for anyone looking for connection, meaning, and purpose in a world that is always evolving. Scripture Matthew more

  • Sermon On The Pitfalls Of Partiality

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jun 9, 2024

    Partiality is defined as the state or character of a favorable bias or prejudice.

    William O. Douglas, a former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States once remarked: “The river, for example, is the living symbol of all the life it sustains and nourishes - fish, aquatic insects, water ouzels, otter, fisher, deer, elk, bear, and all other animals, including more

  • Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year C -- The Word Nonviolent Can Be An Adjective, It Modifies How

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 20, 2025

    Jesus is asking us today not so much as “how can I find a gracious God? But “How can I find God in my enemy?” And, how can we be children of God in real life without loving our enemies?

    The fictional Klingon language from Star Trek has no words for love. Of course, the Klingons were creatures of pure logic, not emotion. So, the closest words for “love” in their language were “honor” or “unhate.” That would be easy for us if we could define love simply as “unhating” others. more

  • The Ground Is Level At The Foot Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    The Old Testament gave favored status to the Jews and considered Gentiles unclean. But the New Testament teaches that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.

    INTRODUCTION Galatians is written to a group of Christians who were straying from the grace-way. They replaced grace with rule-keeping. We need laws and rules. I’m glad we have the law of gravity, or we’d all fly off into space. And, of course, we need speed limit laws for public more

  • Overcoming Prejudice Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 20, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Overcoming prejudice by learning to see the way God sees, to treat others the way you want to be treated, and acknowledge and accept the differences.

    We are all susceptible to this problem – prejudice. We look at people with coloured glasses. • We find it hard to relate to people who differ from us. It can be cultural, racial or simply some preferences. • It is based on a preconceived notion. We can’t run away from it. Anyone can be more

  • Looking The Other Way Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on May 7, 2016

    We cannot look the other way when the innocent are suffering.

    WHY IS LIFE SACRED? Today, in the wake of the anniversary of the landmark decision of Roe V. Wade, which legalized abortion in America, we join with millions upon millions of followers of Christ to observe Sanctity of Life Sunday which is a day set aside to stand up for our biblical convictions more

  • The Spring Of Persistent Public Love

    Contributed by John Piper on Mar 29, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Marking the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of Legal Slave Trading in Britain

    The title of this message is long and full of historical significance: “The Spring of Persistent Public Love, Marking the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of Legal Slave Trading in Britain: A Sermon on Martin Luther King Weekend.” I hope to weave together three things: 1) a biblical more

  • I Ain't Too Proud To Beg

    Contributed by J. Curtis Goforth, O.s.l. on Aug 13, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon is on the story of the woman who "outwits" Jesus. It emphasizes the generousity of God with we human beggars.

    Sermon on Matthew 15:21-28 Ordinary 20-A / Pentecost +13-A August 14, 2005 Rev. J. Curtis Goforth, OSL The famous one-time Catholic monk, Martin Luther, was legendary not just for nailing a piece of paper to the door of his home church citing 95 things that needed to be changed about it. He more

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