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  • Quinceanera - Caterpillar To Butterfly

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 17, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    What does it mean to be transformed into the image of Christ? This Quinceanera message addresses more than just a coming of age celebration. It focuses on the butterfly-like change that can take place in God's people.

    (I was honored to preach the sermon at the Quinceanera - pronounced “kin-sin-yarra” - of one of our Hispanic members. I wanted to do this right, so I studied a lot about this event means. I discovered that a Quinceanera is a celebration of the 15th birthday (Quinceanera literally means “15th year). more

  • Choosing What Is Most Needful

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Special Quinceanera Message: Jesus has choosen what is most needful. He gives us the capacity to do the same. Because of this we get the miracle instead of a sermon.

    It is truly a joy to be here – privileged to be a part of this wonderful celebration. Paola, we are here with your parents and with your friends and with your church family to thank God. It is through his grace that we can celebrate today. And our prayer today is that God may accompany you more