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  • Come Off The Mountain

    Contributed by Troy Horne on Sep 22, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Mount of Transfiguration story does not stop on the Mountain.

    Mark 9:2-9 “Come Off The Mountain” For the past eight weeks, we have been in the season of Epiphany. The importance of this season is the way in which we see Christ revealing who He is, or we might say, the way we see God making Himself known in our world. This revelation began more

  • Shake The Dust Off

    Contributed by Riaan De Villiers on Jul 21, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    According to Solomon something is wrong: slaves are riding on horses and the kings are walking in the dust as slaves. We are suppose to be the kings on the horses but we are walking in the dust as slaves. It is time for the church to take it’s rightful pl

    Shake the dust off A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer¹s well. The farmer heard the mule "braying", or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathised with the mule, but decided that neither more

  • Getting Off The Fence

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Oct 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Emphasizes the importance of making a decision for Christ wholeheartedly.

    GETTING OFF THE FENCE A week ago yesterday, I had the opportunity to perform the wedding ceremony for an old high school friend of mine. After the wedding, I went to the reception and visited with some other old friends. Sitting around the table, telling stories from the old days, the parents more

  • P***** Off At God Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Apr 30, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Being angry at God is a reality for some believers. Where does this anger come from? What are we supposed to do with it? This inductive sermon digs into those two questions using Naomi's life from Ruth 1-4.

    BOOK OF RUTH: “P***** Off At God” Ruth 1:1-4:22 INTRODUCTION… Maggie’s Story #disqus _thread As we begin this morning, listen to the words of Maggie: “…I am so angry at where I have ended up and feel in such more

  • Off With His Head

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon for Proper 10 (Sunday between July 10 and July 16 inclusive) Year B

    Off With His Head / Mark 6: 14 - 29 Intro: Have you ever heard the expression “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.” It was first published by Sir Walter Scott in a poem titled, “Marmion” in 1808. It is often mistakenly attributed to Wm. more

  • Better Off Or Better

    Contributed by Michael Barrett on Apr 18, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Lot moved his family into Sodom. Was he better off?

    Better Off Or Better? Gen. 13: 10-13, 19:1-11 Missionary Dan Crawford, who served in Africa during the early 1900's, had complete a mission trip and was preparing to go back to England. He loved his mission work but he was always excited to go home. He was describing London to an elder tribesman more

  • Get Off The Fence! Series

    Contributed by Leroy Redding on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Joshua #8

    GET OFF THE FENCE! Joshua 24:14-28 Put yourself in this situation: You’ve just learned from your Dr. that you only have a few weeks to live. Your pastor, knowing of your situation, invites you to give a farewell address to your church. What do you tell him? What do you tell the church? more

  • Better Off Dead Series

    Contributed by Travis Markes on Aug 30, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon series on Job

    “God is Good…All the time!” Am I Better Off Dead? Job 2:1-10; 3:11, 20-26 Am I Better Off Dead? Here’s the answer: YES and NO–it all depends. If you’re a Christian, yes, heaven is preferable to life, but you don’t get to set your departure time. If more

  • Putting On The New Person

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The 1) Position (Colossians 3:9–10a), 2) Progress (Colossians 3:10b), 3) Partnership (Colossians 3:11), 4) Performance (Colossians 3:12–13), and 5) Perfection of the New Person. (Colossians 3:14).

    If you received a new pair of paints, dress or another part of clothing for Christmas, you most likely have tried it on by now. You may be wearing it today. We tend to get excited about new clothing for we wonder how it will look on us, how it will wear and just the general excitement of something more

  • Off To See The Wizard Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message focuses on wizardry and those who teach false doctrine. Many seems to want to buy God but they do not want to serve God.

    “Off to See the Wizard” Acts 8:1-3 and 9-25 Last week we wrapped up chapter 7 as we saw the death of the first martyr in the local church. His name was Stephen. According to church history it would have happened something like this ... The criminal would be taken to a place where there was a more

  • Putting The Word Into Action Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 3, 2023

    Being new in Christ means living in light of God’s Word.

    INTRODUCTION • Today is the last message in our Prioritizing God’s Word in Our Lives. • We have examined the issue of prioritizing God’s Word in our lives. • With all we have discusses, what does it look like to prioritize God’s Word in our lives? • How can you tell if you are prioritizing God’s more

  • Ripping Off God Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Nov 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    ... Test Me now with this, says Jehovah of Hosts, to see if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you, and pour out a blessing for you, until there is not enough room. God said it, so I’ll say it. God is willing to take up the challenge. Tithing is no

    Opening illustration: 24 year old Danny Simpson was sentenced to 6 years in jail for robbing a bank. Danny got 6 years in the clink for stealing $6,000. But the gun he used in the robbery ended up in a museum. The .45 caliber Colt semi-automatic turned out to be an antique made in 1918 by the Ross more

  • The Off-Road Excursion Series

    Contributed by Darren Mccormick on Mar 27, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Second of four messages which follow Jesus' movements to the cross and beyond.

    AM sermon preached at Central Christian Church March 9, 2008 Jesus at the “Cross”roads sermon series. The Off-road Excursion Last Sunday morning we began a new sermon series called Jesus At The “Cross”roads and we looked at Jesus’ determination to walk the road more

  • Putting Doors In Walls

    Contributed by Darren Mccormick on Mar 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    An Easter message.

    AM sermon preached at Central Christian Church Easter April 12, 2009 “Putting Doors in Walls” [SHOW VIDEO AT CLOSE OF COMMUNION SERVICE] [AFTER VIDEO’S OVER PROJECT SERMON TITLE SLIDE AND LEAVE UP ON SCREEN WHILE I BEGIN SPEAKING] It’s not over, even when it’s over. more

  • Shake Off The Serpent

    Contributed by James May on Dec 13, 2006
    based on 33 ratings

    Satan brings attacks upon all of God’s people, even when we are in the center of God’s will. Let us learn to kindle a fire and shake off the serpent in the fire of the Holy Ghost.

    Shake Off the Serpent By Pastor Jim May Acts 28:1-5, "And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold. more

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