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  • Overflow Of Love

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Aug 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Paul and Silas demonstrated how to overflow with love. God also calls us to overflow with His love.

    Overflow of Love Acts 16:25-31 In Acts 16 Paul is on his third missionary journey. Paul traveled through Galatia and Phrygia and stopped overnight in Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Acts 16:9 The more

  • Not Fit To Love

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    God loved us when we were unloveable.

    NOT FIT TO LOVE 8/10/08 Romans 5:6-11 S__L__R__ Two little brothers had finished supper and were playing. One hit the other and soon hot tears and hard words followed. They were still being exchanged when Mom put them in bed and led them in saying their prayers. Now I lay me down to sleep, I more

  • Love The World

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Aug 18, 2008

    In John 3:16, what kind of a world is Jesus talking about that needs saving?

    Love the World John 3:16-21 John 3:16 rings out loud and clear, “God so loved the world…” As I have traveled to some of our Free Methodist mission work I have witnessed the suffering of different people. I asked myself, “If God loves the world, why does he allow innocent people to suffer?” In more

  • Love Anyway

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Oct 19, 2008

    The extravagance of love often has a demanding yet exhilarating cost.

    Love Anyway Mark 14:3-9 Sermon Objective: The extravagance of love often has a demanding yet exhilarating cost. Supporting Scripture: 1 John 4:20; Luke 10:29-37; James 2:14-26 INTRO It was a quiet December evening on Ward C43, the oncology unit at Georgetown University. Many of the rooms more

  • A Mother's Love Series

    Contributed by Christine Forehand on Oct 22, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    A mother will go to great lengths for her children and so will GOD!

    I. G. Campbell Morgan, a profound British preacher whose four sons all became pastors, influenced millions with his preaching, teaching and writing. One day, when his young son Howard finished preached, a reporter asked him, "Since you have five Pastors in your family who is the greatest more

  • For The Love Of God Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    sermon 8 in 1st John Series

    For the Love of God 1 John 4:7-5:5 Slide Intro What do you think of when you hear the word love? Maybe you think of puppy love. When I think of that, I get a picture of Marcia Brady walking through her back yard in a daze because she is in “love.” Maybe you think of your spouse and the more

  • The Law Of Love Series

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 18, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord you

    We’re in Matthew 22, and Jesus is brawling! To be exact, we’re in the last round of a three-round brawl, where over the chapter in Matthew’s Gospel we’ve seen Jesus do battle with a group known as ‘the Herodians’, followed by a round with the Sadducees, followed by this week’s third and deciding more

  • The Love Connection Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Nov 19, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    We are often frustrated at feelings of distance between us and God, but often do not have lives characterized by loving others.

    The Love Connection Brad Bailey – October 19, 2008 Series: Becoming Friends with God I returned a week ago from Nepal… to be a part of… South Asia Vineyard Family Gathering. Included a few key Indian leaders… but mostly Nepali… about a quarter from the urban area of Kathmandu… many from NE India more

  • God Is Love

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Nov 21, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    God is love. He shows us what love is. He loves our spouse through us and vice versa.

    -Do y’all know what the number one pop love song of all times is? -It is actually “Something” by the Beatles -The lyrics to the third verse are actually very interesting -It goes, “You’re asking me will my love grow, I don’t know, I don’t know. Stick around, and it may show, But I don’t know, I more

  • Love Is The Answer Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Love is the guiding principle for followers of Jesus. Although we might try to complicate the issues, what God requires from us is not complicated - Love God and Love your Neighbor.

    A. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that each of us will strive to be thankful people all the time, not just on Thanksgiving Day. B. As you know, our lives are fraught with many questions, and many answers. 1. Some of the questions and answers are silly and frivolous, others are more

  • Love Is...

    Contributed by Ronnie Knight on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The essence of our existence is centered in relationships and love. We can not truly experience either of these with out first having a right relationship with God. This sermon should challenge listeners to experience the true authentic love of Christ and

    Subject: Authentic Love Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13.7 Sermon: Love Is… Scope: This sermon should challenge each listener to experience the true authentic love of Christ and share it with others. Summary: The essence of our existence is centered in relationships and love neither of which we can more

  • Love In Bloom Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 25, 2008

    Love varies with the persons we love and our relationship to them.

    Love in Bloom (topical) 1. Family love is unique but challenging. From Reader’s Digest, we read, It’s every airplane passenger’s nightmare -- getting stuck near a crying baby. I was manning the ticket counter at a busy airport when the sound of a sobbing infant filled the air. As the next more

  • Growing In Love

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus desires that those people would love Him the way the Father loves Him.

    Growing In Love – John 17:26 Intro.: How do we grow in love for God? Do we hope for it? Do we wish for it? Does it just happen as a result of our being Christians? READ TEXT I’m blown away by the implication of this phrase. Jesus, who has been consciously aware of the Father’s pleasure in & more

  • God Loves Series

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Mar 6, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    1st sermon in 4 part series looking at the 4 major points in John 3:16, inspired by Max Lucado’s book.

    God Loves, Isa. 53:1-11 3:16 Series, week Intro: Anyone know what tonight is? The Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences Awards…also known as the Oscars, live from Los Angeles, CA. A celebration of movies that most of us will never see starring actors that many of us have never heard of…yet it more

  • Love & Betrayal Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 11, 2008

    Are you ashamed to be served by Jesus? Be careful how you answer. As Jesus demonstrates what real love is, he also recoils at real betrayal.

    In the February 20th issue of Time Magazine, Joel Stein writes the cover story about George Clooney the Hollywood TV actor turned movie star. Stein recalls asking Clooney for an interview. What he got was Clooney himself coming over for dinner. “He’ll eat whatever’s cooking” his publicist said. The more

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