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Sermons on Psalms 31:8:

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  • Safe In Your Hands! Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 30, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 31 - Safe In Your Hands! (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A Psalm of Requests (2). A Psalm of Images (3). A Psalm of Victory SERMON BODY: Question: • What has Charlemagne (also known as Charles the Great - 814); • Thomas a Becket (was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170), • John Hus more

  • Looking For A Blessing On Empty

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Feb 6, 2014

    The creeping of depression can prevail when you embrace the iniquity of your past and reality of a faint spirit are no longer as strong as they once were.

    Looking for a Blessing on Empty Psalms 31:9 Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. 31:10 For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed. more

  • How Can I Ever Trust? Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Oct 16, 2014

    It's interesting how we view famous people or those in authority over us. We want them to be distinctively different from us and yet we long for them to be human enough that they're like us - we feel the same way towards God.

    “Soul Talk: How Can I Ever Trust?” Ps. 31 It’s interesting how we view famous people or those in authority over us. We want them to be distinctively different from us and yet we long for them to be human enough that they’re like us – we want them to be removed from us more

  • Bush University Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Psalm 31 regarding David's pattern for prayer in turbulent times

    Text: Psalm 31:1-24, Title: Bush University, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/2/11, AM A. Opening illustration: Billy Graham at Bush University, 1949 in CA B. Background to passage: “Context, context, context, I know that you have heard me say it before, but it is true. The context of this psalm makes more

  • A Decade In God’s Grasp

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    ❶ Ruin ❷ Resolve ❸ Realize ❹ Remedy

    Ps 31 The Boston Globe review in pictures - 1/00 Y2K computer crash scare - 10/00 — USS Cole a Guided Missile Destroyer was attacked - Florida ballot recount - Nov. 00 - George Bush won the election by 1000 votes in Florida 2001 - Wikipedia the largest encyclopedia in human history began 1/01 - more

  • A Request For Refuge

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jul 19, 2015

    When times are tough its time to fight for your faith, knowing that your times are in His hands.

    A Request for Refuge Psalm 31 Rev. Brian Bill July 18-19, 2015 Beth and I celebrated our 30th Anniversary on Monday. When I posted a picture from our wedding day many people complimented Beth. Me, not so much. Here are just a few of the comments: • Look, you have hair • She looks more

  • Attacking Panic

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 1, 2016

    How can we use David's example and attack panic!

    Attacking Panic August 28, 2016 Psalm 31 A photographer was assigned to get photos of a forest fire. Because there was too much smoke, he hired a plane so he could fly over the forest. When he arrived at the airport, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in and said, "Let's go! more

  • A Study Of Psalm 31 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    David writes, “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” Will we submit to God and be faithful, or continue to do things ourselves? Our calling is to be faithful to God, to love Him because of what He has done.

    A Study of Psalm 31 Psalm 31 Introduction - Good evening … short intro on new format - Open to all, may allow more to attend due to busy schedules - Comments can be seen by all, questions can be asked through them - Invite: Advent series on SUNDAY mornings – 1 left w/ communion - Looking at more

  • The Songs Of Ascent – Part 6 – Psalm 124 – The Lord Is On Our Side For He Is Our Help Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 17, 2023

    This psalm speaks of the great help of the Lord to deliver from enemies and the ability of the Lord to keep His own. Israel failed over and over, but the nation will turn to the Lord and be saved. Failure and defeat are not always the end.

    THE SONGS OF ASCENT – PART 6 – PSALM 124 – THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE FOR HE IS OUR HELP Psalm 124 - A Song of Ascents, of David [A]. INTRODUCTION We are moving steadily through the Psalms of Ascent and today we do Psalm 124. This collection of 15 beautiful Psalms was sung by the Hebrew pilgrims more

  • Our Times Are In God’s Hands! Series

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Jan 11, 2021

    A study of the concept that “Your Times are In His Hands,” that is set forth in Psalm 31:15, can provide you with a comfort, and a confidence that will help you to face the new year!

    Topic: Sunday Sermon Series - Palms for the New Year Title: Our Times are in God’s Hands! (Part 1) Text: Psalm 31:14-15 - Begin message by reading Psalm 31:1-15 Intro: Since the beginning of the new year, we have been considering the topic of time. The bible has much to say about it. One of the more

  • Hanging On Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings


    BIG IDEA: CLINGING TO HOPE IN PROLONGED TIMES OF TROUBLE Context: Trouble in the form of unwarranted persecution 7 STEPS: I. (:1-3) TAKE REFUGE IN THE LORD “In Thee, O Lord, I have taken refuge” Goal: "Let me never be ashamed" (chiastic structure) A. 2 Reasons for Hope 1. The righteousness of more

  • Faith & Fear Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Lawson on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Anxieties stem from 3 basic fears - fear of death, fear of man, and fear of failure.

    Faith & Fear Part 2 - Psalm 31 Anxiety disorders have surpassed depression and alcoholism as the #1 mental health problem in America.1 Anxieties stem from 3 basic fears - fear of death, fear of man, and fear of failure. Psychologists believe that anxieties arise from a state of disconnection. more

  • Don't Be Ashamed Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 14, 2024

    Don't Be Ashamed

    Psalm 31:1-24 Don't Be Ashamed I. To Praise Him - He Is My Reliable God - 1 In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; My Rescuing God - 1 let me never be ashamed: My Righteous God - 1 deliver me in thy righteousness. My Receptive God 2 Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily My more

  • Psalm 31: Life’s Ups And Downs - Part 1 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The prayer of a believer in time of deep distress.

    July 30, 2014 Tom Lowe Psalm 31 (KJV) Title: Life’s Ups and Downs A Psalm of David. Psalm 31 (KJV) 1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. 2 Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence more

  • Psalm 31: Life’s Ups And Downs - Part 2 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 27, 2019

    It is wise to trust in the Lord.

    9 Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble A sudden change of subject matter occurs in verse 9, as the psalmist follows up his prayer for mercy with a clarification of his need for more