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Sermons on Psalms 22:26: showing 16-30 of 71

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  • The Seventh Prediction Of The Promised One Gives Us Reason To Praise God Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Apr 18, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    how Psalm 22 predicts Jesus’ resurrection

    April 18, 2003 Psalm 22:22-31 22 I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you. 23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! 24 For he has not despised or disdained the suffering more

  • Dare To Hang On One More Day Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 2, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Holy Saturday is a day of mourning and lament. We would do well in modern Christianity to learn how to authentically pour our pain out to God like the Psalmist.

    Dare to Hang On One More Day Jn 19:30; Ps 22 Holy Saturday: April 19, 2003 Intro: I have no doubt that the Sabbath which began the day Jesus was crucified was the worst Sabbath the disciples had ever known. It was supposed to be a day of worship and celebration. And the Passover Sabbath was more

  • "Did You Hear What He Said”

    Contributed by Dawn Marie Turner on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    That we need to listen to God and not be afraid to turn our lives over to him.

    Back when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication, a young man applied for a job as a Morse code operator. Answering an ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address that was listed. When he arrived, he entered a large, busy office filled with noise and clatter, more

  • The Cross Before The Cross Series

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jun 27, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    This sermon was preached to bring the listener at the point seeing the need to come the cross for salvation.

    I had an uncle that preached in Carroll County Georgia for many years. He preached at several churches when I was born he preached at Mt Pleasant Baptist church. He moved from there to Salem Baptist church. When I was born, I went to Mt pleasant. Upon his move, my parents moved their membership more

  • Good Friday: An Ot Remembrance

    Contributed by William Mouser on Jun 21, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This message was prepared for a community luncheon on Good Friday. It points to the OT adumbration of both the crucifixion of Christ, and His resurrection.

    Last night, our parish observed Maundy Thursday, the first of three Holy Week observances relating to the events surrounding Christ’s passion. Maundy Thursday marks the occasion of the last Passover Christ observed with his disciples, as well as the first Eucharist. And, while a Maundy Thursday more

  • A Preview Of The Greatest Event In History Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Mar 5, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Psalm 22 is written to reveal the PROPHECY, AGONY and VICTORY of the cross. It is a great Psalm teaching us about the sovereignty of God in His provisions for man.

    Introduction – Trilogies have an interesting take on life. I remember when the Star Wars trilogy came out when I was a young adult. My sons really looked forward to the completion of the prequel trilogies when they hit the silver screen. We enjoyed all of the Back to Future, Batman, Lord of the more

  • Psalm 22 Series

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Feb 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In Psalm 22 we find assurance in the truth of God’s plan of salvation through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Assurance and hope for all nations for all time.

    Psalm 22 07/08/07 AM Text: Psalm 22:1-31 Introduction Few of the Psalms are any more interesting and intriguing to study than Psalm 22. But also, few of the Psalms are any more encouraging and motivating to our own faithfulness to God. I. Overview Psalm 22 Psalm 22 is a "messianic" psalm: it is a more

  • Where Is God In All This?

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Sep 11, 2008

    Sermon for a suicide... a 49 year old man. Using Psalm 22: vs 1-5, 9-11, 27-31 and 1Corinthians 15: 35-38, 42-44, 50-58

    Invocation Gently sustain us, O Lord, through this day of sorrow and loss. In our time together, may we honor (NAME) . May we sense your Spirit with us. May your Spirit bring to our hearts your merciful and compassionate comfort. Amen. Welcome On behalf of the (NAME) family, thank each of you for more

  • The Value Of Suffering

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Everyone goes through struggles in life’s journey and everyone has an option on how to view that struggle. We can take it as a time to wreck us or as a time to look to the Word of God and lean on God to pull us through.

    Value of Suffering Psalm 22:1-31 Intro The background of Psalm 22 is some event or series of events in David’s life when he went through much opposition and physical abuse. While suffering on the cross, Jesus quoted part of the first verse. He may have quoted all of it but was so weak the crowd more

  • Resurection Reflections

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Jun 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    11 amazing things Jesus did. Preach your own message from this proven outline!

    RESURRECTION REFLECTIONS Jesus’ Life and Mission Pastor Eric J. Hanson March 23, 2008 Mention the Kerygma (The Heart of the Matter) 333 OT prophecies/ 456 details. Not vague-very detailed Today we start with Psalm 22: the ultimate Messianic Psalm. 1. He was prophecied by many prophets over more

  • For All The Days That End In Why

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Life is not meant to be understood, any more than God can be fully understood. But for all the days that end in “WHY?”, GOD IS GOOD!

    For All the Days that End in Why? Psalm 22:1 Let’s begin today with A short quiz: It consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be a professional manager. The questions are NOT difficult. 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? The correct answer is: OPEN more

  • Savior

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Nov 20, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Psalm 22 is the PSALM OF THE CROSS and the very prophecy of our Savior’s sufferings. But it goes deeper than that. Christ speaks to us about what has been provided as direct consequences of His loving and selfless sacrifice. This is the Holy Ground of

    The Savior Griffith Baptist Church – 11/18/07 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 22 Introduction: An elderly gentleman was out walking with his young grandson. "How far are we from Home?" he asked the grandson. The boy answered, "Grandpa, I don’t know." The grandfather asked, "Well, where are you?" more

  • Basics Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Part 2 of the Back to Basics. This study looks at ’Why was the Cross was Necessary?’, ’What happened on the Cross?’, and ’What Happened After the Cross?’.

    Part 2 - Basics of the Cross. Why is the Cross Necessary? A common question I hear is, "Why doesn’t God just get rid of all sin and take us all to heaven?" Another frequent question is, "If God is so loving, why would He send someone to hell just because they don’t believe in Him?" There are more

  • Jesus' Greatest Message

    Contributed by Laird Garner on Jun 14, 2001
    based on 91 ratings


    Jesus’ more

  • Bad Things Happen

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Mar 19, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Bad things happen to everyone...even christians. You can become synical and bitter or you can work at making things better.

    Bad Things Happen Psalms 22:1-22:31 Where have you heard the first words of our scripture this morning? Jesus uses them doesn’t he? How about you, have you said similar words or thoughts when things are not going right in life….how about when Everything is wrong? When the baby dies, when a more

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