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  • Cry Out To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Adam Weber on Mar 17, 2017

    There will be times that we take our eyes off of Jesus, and we’ll get distracted by fear. But what matters isn’t whether we or not we take our eyes off Jesus, but what happens when we do. Do we stay there and just drown in the waves?

    Well… I just wanna welcome everyone here to Embrace… at all of our campuses…. and wherever you’re joining us from… we’re so thrilled that you’re with us today… My name is Adam… I’m one of the pastors here… and as always…we are more

  • He Knows Me Series

    Contributed by Adam Weber on Mar 17, 2017

    We all long to be known, understood, and valued. God alone is the only one who truly and fully knows our heart.

    Well… I just wanna welcome everyone here to Embrace… at all… 6 of our campuses… I still can’t believe it… 6 campuses. My name is Adam… I’m one of the pastors here… and more

  • He Knows Me Series

    Contributed by Adam Weber on Mar 17, 2017

    There is no place we can go where God isn’t already there.

    Well… Welcome to Embrace… at all… 6 of our campuses… My name is Adam… I’m one of the pastors here… and we are just so excited… that you are with us… just so thrilled more

  • He Knows Me Series

    Contributed by Adam Weber on Mar 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    It is easy to get caught up in the pressure of striving to please others, but our lives are actually meant to be lived in worship of God, not seeking the approval of man. In Christ we are fully known and fully loved, something no one else could ever offer

    Well… I just wanna welcome everyone here to Embrace… Whether you’re in Tea… or at St. Croix… Whether you’re… in Downtown Sioux Falls… or at Sertoma. Whether you’re in Salem, South Dakota… or at the McCrosson Boys Ranch. Whether you’re at 57th Street… more

  • Even There Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Mar 19, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Teaching through Psalm 139 showing how God's divine attributes guide us through life

    Even There CCCAG March 19th, 2017 Scripture: Psalm 139:1-18 A pastor took his minivan into the dealer for an oil change. The waiting room was empty except for him and one other man. The pastor struck up a conversation with the other man, and after a while, the topic of President’s Day came up. more

  • God Is Unavoidable Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Mar 20, 2017

    Have you ever felt like someone was avoiding you? They don't pick up the phone when you call or when they see you coming they turn and run the other way. Don't feel bad, people try to do that with God. But it's pointless to think we can really avoid God.

    GOD IS UNAVOIDABLE Have you ever felt like someone was avoiding you? They don't pick up the phone when you call or when they see you coming they turn and run the other way. There can be different reasons for this. Perhaps you talk too much and they don't want to be trapped into having a long more

  • What's Done In The Dark, Shall Come To The Light

    Contributed by Dr. Casey Adams on Oct 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This message is to encourage the believer to live in truth

    I. "THERE IS NOTHING COVERED THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; AND HIS, THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN" A. Experience - life itself - attest to the truth of the words of the Son of God: 1. Cain had slain Abel, his brother; his brother's blood made the crime of Cain known - Gen 4:20 2. Moses slew the Egyptian; more

  • Hope In God Our Constant Companion Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 14, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Hope is found Here because God is your constant companion, trust in His promises, trust in His presence, His protection and His provision. Don’t be afraid, for God is with you. Don’t be afraid. God is here to help you.

    We continue in our series Hope Found Here and this month we are focusing on Hope in the Companionship of God and each other. This morning I want us to consider together the hope we have in the presence, protection and provision of God. Listen to these words of God recorded for us in Isaiah chapter more

  • Always With You Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Oct 30, 2018

    Living in God’s Presence means realizing that God is with you anywhere and everywhere you are 24/7 … and that He is more concerned about every part of your life than you could possibly imagine.

    Today we’re going to learn about the God who is always here … who is always there [point out into the congregation] … and there [point to a different part of the congregation] … who is always everywhere. Just as God is infinite with respect to time, so He is infinite in terms of space. He is more

  • Hope In The Conquest Of Sin, Death And Fear Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 2, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Our hope comes from being in a real relationship with Jesus, He has conquered the power of sin and death. If we are in Christ, we have no need to fear our past, our present or our future. We are secure in Him, He is with us, Jesus is our certain hope.

    We continue in our series Hope Found Here and this month our theme is Hope in the Conquest. Perhaps for some Hope in the Conquest is a little too abstract, so maybe I need to define it a little more: Hope in the Conquest of Sin; Hope in the Conquest of Death; and Hope in the Conquest of Fear. Our more

  • When God Shows Up

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jul 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob had an encounter with God that shook him to his core. This fugitive on the run discovered that his ancestors' God was his God, and that this God would be with him wherever he went. Great lessons for us to learn on our faith pilgrimage.

    Genesis 28:10-19 When God Shows Up In today’s story, Jacob was in a strange place to meet God. You might expect to encounter God at a church retreat or a revival meeting, or in an inspiring church service. You might expect to find God when you are serving him with all your heart. But Jacob had more

  • Aligning My Will With God’s Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jan 21, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    The amazing story of Jonah reminds us: 1) Don't run from God, 2) When life gets you down, look up, 3) Respond to God's second chance, and 4) Get God's heart for people. Like Jonah, we need to give up the "reluctant prophet" role and stay in God's will.

    Jonah 3:1-10 Aligning My Will with God’s Prophets with a Purpose – Week 2 Do you ever feel like some people are beyond hope, that they are incapable of change? Or maybe you’ve felt like God wanted you to do something, but you resisted that urge? If so, you can identify with the prophet Jonah. more

  • Intimacy With Christ--How Close Do You Want To Get

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Feb 14, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    God calls us in order for us to be in a personal relationship with Him. Why is it that we want to keep Christ at a distance in our lives.

    Not A Fan: Choosing Intimacy 1/21/2018 Psalm 139:1-18 Luke 7:36-50 Some of the ideas in this sermon came from Kyle Idleman’s series Fan or Follower which we did at our church. We are in our third message in our series Not A Fan. We have looked at “Fan or Follower”, an “Open Invitation, and more

  • Identity Theft Series

    Contributed by Amy Dubois on May 27, 2015

    This is part one of a series about becoming the masterpiece God intends us to be! EasterpiMce is 'masterpiece' with 'me' mixed up. I have to let God show 'me' who I am to be the masterpiece He's created!

    Identity Theft Discovering my true identity How many of you have ever heard of Identity theft? (Show Videos) • Did you know you too could be a victim? • There IS a thief who is wants to claim your identity and I am sure many of you have guessed by now who that is. In this world more

  • My Favorite Psong Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jul 26, 2015

    David deals with the basic questions of life in this popular psalm.

    Bob Buford wrote a great book entitled Halftime. No, it’s not a football book. It’s a book about finding significance in life. Bob Buford was a business man who had spent the first half of his life searching for success, and came to realize his real search was for significance. more

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