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  • Genuine Faith

    Contributed by Robert Brent on Jul 19, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Genuine faith that pleases God is sometimes found in the least expected places.

    “Genuine Faith” [Matthew 8:5-13] Introduction: We all like to get the genuine article when we buy something. When we put our money down for the real deal we rightfully expect to get the real deal. Once I bought a .22 caliber rifle that was a “knock off” of a Browning rifle. Believe me it did more

  • The Fruit Of Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Jul 23, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    A sermon on what faithfulness is and how it is displayed in the Christian life.

    July 25, 2004 Galatians 5:22 The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness. In Psalm 12:1-2, David prayed, Help, LORD, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men. In Proverbs 20:6 God’s Word also asked, Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can more

  • God Is Faithful

    Contributed by Kevin Keeling on Mar 20, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    I God Is Faithful Heb 10:23 23Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;

    God Is Faithful I God Is Faithful Heb 10:23 23Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) 1. FAITHFUL TO HIS NAME Rev 19:11 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and more

  • Faithful With Little Series

    Contributed by Scott Mathews on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Fourth in the series "God Has a Dream." God reveals His dream through us when… We are “Faithful with little, God will give us more.”

    Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas Genesis 39:1-6 (p. 29) Series: “God Has A Dream” “Faithful with Little” “God has dreams for us, that we ourselves have not imagined” God reveals His dream through us when… We realize that “We cannot do it”. We “Let God love us and love more

  • Faith On The Rocks Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Mar 26, 2004
    based on 87 ratings

    How can we storm-proof our life and future destiny? How can we make the most of the rest of our lives? (this sermon is linked to Alpha course)

    Faith on the rocks/”how do I make the most of the rest of my life”(Alpha Sunday) WBC 28/3/04 am Mat 7:24-29 INTRODUCTION Video clip ‘inafrica.mpeg’ Well, this morning’s question is ‘How do I make the most of the rest of my life’ - unlike this gazelle - > hear some sound advice in the ‘words of more

  • Precious Faith Series

    Contributed by Kim Huffman on Mar 31, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon explores what is the object, value and identity of faith. Precious faith is a timeless treasure worth having.

    FEB. 1, 2004 Kim Huffman Series: Timeless Treasures #1 “PRECIOUS FAITH” 2 Peter 1:1 “From Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ. To the people who have received a faith which is like our precious faith. It came through the righteousness of our God and of our Savior, Jesus more

  • Moving On Faith Series

    Contributed by Arthur And Marie Mason on Apr 22, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    No matter how weak or how strong your faith is, As long as your faith is in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As you pray and study God’s Word, your faith will grow stronger AND stronger.

    Moving On Faith Pastors: Elder Arthur L. Mason and Marie Mason Hebrews 11:1; Matthew 17:20-21; I John 5:9 What is Faith? I saw an automobile with a license plate that read: “Moving on Faith.” I was both impressed and inspired. What does Moving on Faith mean? Before we can fully more

  • Faith With Substance Series

    Contributed by John Brewster on Apr 23, 2004
    based on 84 ratings

    This first part of a series on Faith looks at how we can receive what we do not yet possess.

    faith with substance Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Time has come to push into what God has for us all! No more sitting back and hoping something good happens. A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO — God really impressed me concerning the more

  • Faith's Foundations

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Apr 28, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    When the believer grabs hold of these four faith foundations, this person becomes the most powerful person the world has ever seen!

    “Faith’s Foundations” 2 Peter 1:1-9 Everyday we place our faith in doctors and lawyers and hardly give it a thought! We tend to think that they are very intelligent most of the time. Listen to some of these actual questions given by a lawyer to a doctor in a legal deposition along with the more

  • Faith In Action

    Contributed by David Beirne on Apr 30, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Faith isn’t just believing--it’s believing enough to do something.

    Faith Results In Action Hebrews 11:8-16 Intro. Three examples that faith is not just believing but acting on what God said. 1. By faith Abraham went out, 11:8 Faith of Abraham--acted on what God said about something that was to happen in the future. It had not happened yet, but in the more

  • Faith Works

    Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Nov 13, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    A faith that doesn’t show itself in word and deed is dead.

    Pentecost 17 B James 2:1-5; 8-10; 14-18 10/05/03 A woman called her doctor one morning, complaining that her husband had a snoring problem that kept her awake all night. She asked him if there was anything he could do to help out. "Well,” he said, “there is an operation I can perform that will more

  • Trusting Faith Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    This sermon parallels the last phrase of the Lord’s Model Prayer with "Not my will but yours be done." After we have prayed to the best of our ability we say, "Not my will but yours be done" because "YOURS is the kingdom and the power and the glory forev

    Lessons on Faith from the Lord’s Model Prayer Trusting Faith Matthew 6:13 November 16, 2003 Intro: A. [Mother’s Unanswered Prayer for Self-Improvement, Citation: Kevin A. Miller, Wheaton, Illinois] We all know what it’s like to still have growing to do. Jeanne Olsen, a mother of five from more

  • Living By Faith

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 19, 2003
    based on 212 ratings

    Hebrews chapter eleven tells how to live by faith.

    INTRO.- ILL.- A guide was conducting a group of tourists around the Empire State Building. On the elevator ride to the 102nd floor, a nervous woman asked, “What if these elevator cables should break? Would we go up or down?” “That,” the guide said, “depends entirely on the kind of life you’ve more

  • Radical Faith

    Contributed by George Rennau on Nov 23, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    If we are going to Follow Jesus our life will look just as RADICAL as His

    TITLE: RADICAL FAITH The turkey shot out of the oven and rocketed into the air, it knocked every plate off the table and partly demolished a chair. It ricocheted into a corner and burst with a deafening boom, then splattered all over the kitchen, completely obscuring the room. It stuck to more

  • Faith - Puppies

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Dec 2, 2003
    based on 3 ratings

    Let us want really Christ in our lives, are us ready with his absence, silence to be to save and test in our decisions?

    La Foi - Les petits chiens Lecture : Matthieu 15/21-28 et part. AIl répondit: Il n’est pas bien de prendre le pain des enfants, et de le jeter aux petits chiens. Oui, Seigneur, dit-elle, mais les petits chiens mangent les miettes qui tombent de la table de leurs maîtres.@ v.26-27. I JESUS PARTIT more

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