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  • Seven Abominations Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 27, 2011
    based on 25 ratings

    Man conceives of God as "one such as himself" who looks at sin with indifference. It is not so. God is not nearly so neutral as man is concerning sin. There are actually sins which God absolutely hates.

    PROVERBS 6: (12-) 16-19 SEVEN ABOMINATIONS [Psalms 133] Man conceives of God as "one such as himself" (Ps. ) who looks at sin with indifference. It is not so. God is not nearly so neutral as man is concerning sin. There are actually sins which God absolutely hates. This familiar list of more

  • Many Rebellious People Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 27, 2011
    based on 34 ratings

    1- Rebellious people are deceptive talkers 2- Rebellious people are false teachers 3- Rebellious people are lazy gluttons 4- Rebellious people are corrupt opponents

    INTRO.- ILL.- After it was disclosed that President George H. Walker Bush banned broccoli aboard Air Force One, the nation was embroiled in "broccoli discussion." Remember when? As broccoli growers dispatched 10 tons of the vegetable free to Washington, the President reiterated his distaste with more

  • A Different Gospel Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 2, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    1- A different gospel is no gospel at all 2- A different gospel is a perversion of the true gospel 3- A different gospel will bring on condemnation

    INTRO.- Who said "Variety is the spice of life"? William Cowper, who was an English poet. Since variety is the spice of life, something different is good, CORRECT? Not necessarily. It depends on what you’re talking about. ILL.- Something different was not necessarily a thing that my daddy more

  • The Appeal Of An Old Man Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 10, 2011
    based on 29 ratings

    What was Paul’s appeal as an old man to Philemon? 1- His appeal was love 2- His appeal was acceptance 3- His appeal was obedience

    INTRO.- ILL.- Observations on Growing Older - Your kids are becoming you...and you don’t like them ...but your grandchildren are perfect! - Going out is good. Coming home is better! - When people say you look "Great"... they add "for your age!" - You forget names ... but it’s OK because other more

  • Generosity In Giving Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 19, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    People who believe that the whole earth & every thing in it belongs to their Lord (Ps. 24:1) readily recognize that the resources of their own lives, which, no matter how hard they toiled and how judiciously they spent, were utterly dependent on God's gra

    Proverbs 11:24–26 GENEROSITY IN GIVING [2 Kings 4:1–7] Proverbs offers practical instructions on the use of money, although sometimes it's advice we would rather not hear. It is more comfortable to continue in our habits than to learn how to use money more wisely. Money is more

  • Secrets Of A World Class Runner

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 25, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    Milton Berle, David Letterman, & Chuck Norris on running. A World Class Runner gives us the secrets of running our Christian race at peak performance to a photo-flash finish befitting the accolades of heaven!

    THE SECRETS OF A WORLD CLASS RUNNER Heb. 12:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Comedian MILTON BERLE said, “My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I tried it. He’s right! I feel ten years older already.” 2. David Letterman said, "I pulled a hamstring during the New York more

  • The Temptation Series

    Contributed by Mark Opseth on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon is a study of temptation and how to overcome it.

    [Open Parking Spot] A man decided it was time to shed some excess pounds. He took his new diet seriously, even changing his driving route to avoid his favorite bakery. One morning, however, he arrived at work carrying a gigantic coffeecake. His friends scolded him, but he kept smiling. "This is more

  • A Noble Task Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 25, 2011
    based on 19 ratings

    1- The noble task of being an elder 2- The noble task of being a deacon 3- The noble task of being a leader’s wife

    INTRO.- A noble task. What’s that? It depends on what you consider to be a noble task. I personally would not commend tending bar as being a noble task nor many other jobs in this world. Like: prostitution, dealing at a table at a gambling casino, etc. Nobility carries the idea of excellence more

  • Be Thankful

    Contributed by John Putty on Apr 7, 2011

    A message on being thankful for the greatest blessing in our life, salvation!

    Title: Be thankful for the Blessing! Text: Proverbs 10:22 Intro: How many are looking forward‑to that big meal that we have this‑week? I know that you are looking‑forward to it. You know that when you sit down to eat‑this wonderful meal that you seem to ‑eat, more

  • The Mountain Starts To Move Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Nehemiah trusted God and made himself available. He never lose sight of his dependence on God and was fully committed to doing his best for the work of God. God used him to finish His work. One man can make a great difference.

    Nehemiah 2:1-9 The Mountain Starts to Move ES 16Jan11 2134 It really doesn’t matter how big your mountain is, Jesus says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, and say to the mountain, “Move from here to there”, it can be moved. • Jesus challenges us to exercise more

  • How To Overcome Being Easily Offended

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on May 21, 2011
    based on 24 ratings

    The Bible has a lot to say about offences. In Matthew 24:10 Jesus says one of the signs of the last days would be in the fact that many would be offended.

    The Bible has a lot to say about offences. In Matthew 24:10 Jesus says one of the signs of the last days would be in the fact that many would be offended. Matthew 24:10 (Amplified Bible) 10And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert [Him Whom they ought to more

  • 'newlyweds' Series

    Contributed by Jorge Acevedo on Feb 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The church, as a bride, needs to be celebrating it's engagement to Jesus Christ, the groom, and look with anticipation to his coming return; the celebration includes partaking of the Lord's Supper.

    Lake Washington Fellowship Date: 2/14/10 Title: ‘NEWLYWEDS’ Text: 2Corinthians 11:2 Theme: Lord’s Supper Series: The Positive Side of Family Props: Party Poppers for everyone ‘NEWLYWEDS’ When I first showed up at Doreen’s home for our first date I was not the more

  • Memorial Day Observances

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 31, 2010
    based on 54 ratings

    Let me suggest to you that we observe or do Memorial day from the past to the present and on to the future.

    INTRO.- Memorial day weekend means “fun day” to most people! Play, pleasure, cookouts, etc. ILL.- If you want to go to Garden Grove, CA, here is what you can do on Memorial Day weekend. Garden Grove Strawberry Festival: Four day festival celebrating everything to do with the humble strawberry. more

  • Two Better Than One Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 31, 2010
    based on 27 ratings

    Consider the two covenants and which is the best of the two. (in reality, we already know) 1- The covenant of law 2- The covenant of faith

    INTRO.- Are two better than one? It depends on what you're talking about. ILL.- It's been three years ago that my daughter and her family visited us. You may recall an incident that I told you about and maybe not. I offered to wash their car so my son-in-law, Chris, and I went to the car wash more

  • Patience: It’s A Matter Of Time Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jun 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Patience is a virtue of love that every believer needs to make it through this life.

    Patience: It’s a Matter of Time James 5:7-12 7 Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is more

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