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  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Jun 15, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    Our world is in desperate need of godly fathers.

    The Prodigal’s Father "There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, `Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 "Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered more

  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by Kevin Queen on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 131 ratings

    an examination of the love of God as seen in the Prodigal

    Audience: Tax Collectors and sinners Why did Jesus eat with sinners Jesus told them the parable of the prodigal son. And the point was: I don’t eat with sinners because I like sin. I eat with sinners because I am the love of God welcoming home poor, helpless, diseased sinners -- forgiving them, more

  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by Wayne Burnett on Jun 13, 2001
    based on 779 ratings

    The prodigal son’s father illustrates the qualities fathers need to display toward their children and also reveals the nature of our Heavenly Father.

    THE PRODIGAL’S FATHER LUKE 15:11-24 I. THE PROVIDER OF THE FAMILY A. The father was the Master of the house -he stood answerable to God for the well being of his family -as dads, we need to realize we are the provider of our family and stand accountable to God B. A working man who provided more

  • The Prodigal Father

    Contributed by Lanny Carpenter on Apr 8, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    Who is the real emphasis on in the commonly called "Parable of the Prodigal son"? It may surprise you who was the real prodigal!

    THE PRODIGAL FATHER LUKE 15:11-24 INTRO: Jesus often spoke in parables in his teachings. 1. What is a parable? a. Parable signifies "the placing of one thing beside another" with a view to comparison. b. It is the lesson that is of value; the hearer must catch the analogy if he is to be more

  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    The qualities found in the prodigal’s father

    Of all the fathers in the Bible, the father in our text is probably spoken of more than the others combined. We know very little of him or the names of his sons. The wife and mother is not mentioned at all. It would seem that perhaps she had passed away and the father is left alone to rear his more

  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jun 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    This is a message that shows the loving concern that the father had for his son.

    THE PRODIGAL’S FATHER TEXT: Luke 15 Pastor W. Max Alderman INTRODUCTION: It is such a fertile field that we plow today. So much fruit can be given to us as we glean from this “Pearl of the Parables”. Years more

  • The Prodigal Father

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 48 ratings

    Who was the prodigal?

    Sermon: The Giving Father Mary Vs. Eve Opener Joke One week a Sunday school teacher had just finished telling her class the Christmas story, how Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem and how Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger. After telling the story the teacher asked, "Who do you think more

  • The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    It is true that fathers like to give rather than to receive. If they are not giving they are fixing. Anything that is broken around the house. Mothers will fix meals, patch up a skinned knee or elbow, but Dads like it most when they can fix a lawnmower

    THE PRODIGAL’S FATHER We are thankful for all of our fathers. Question: Do you know what day of the year that there are the most phone calls made???…… Mothers day. On mothers day everyone wants to call home. By contrast - What do you thinks happens on Father’s Day? The most collect Calls. Dads more

  • The Prodigal Father

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jun 10, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The love that our heavenly Father has for us is recklessly extravagant, and is able to fill the Father hunger within us.

    THE PRODIGAL FATHER [Read Luke 15:11-24] -Maybe you’ve heard another version of this story of the Prodigal Son: The Prodigal Son in "F" Feeling footloose and frisky, a featherbrained fellow forced his fond father to fork over the farthings, and flew far to foreign fields and frittered his more

  • The Prodigal Father Series

    Contributed by Hal Seed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    Sermon’s purpose is to move people to love God by showing the amazing love of the Prodigal Father.

    [This sermon is contributed by Hal Seed of New Song Church in Oceanside, California and of Hal is the author of numerous books including The God Questions and The Bible Questions. If you are interested in The Bible Questions Church-wide Campaign, please visit and watch Hal’s more

  • The Prodigal's Father Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The prodigal’s father was not only warm and welcoming but waiting for him to come home.

    The father of the prodigal Luke 15:11-32 A candidate for church membership was asked by the committee, “What part of the Bible, do you like the best?” He said, “I like the New Testament.” Then he was asked, “What Book in the New Testament is your favorite?” He more

  • The Prodigal Father

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jun 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Let's look at the heart of a father. Fathers are a gift from the heavenly Father. Here is a well known story Jesus told about a special father - special because Jesus was using Him to describe what the heavenly Father is really like.

    THE PRODIGAL FATHER Luke 15:11-24 11 Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them. 13 Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a more

  • The Prodigal Father

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 15, 2018

    How the Father Feels When His Son Returned

    One time a little boy was asked to define Father’s Day and he said, “Its just like Mother’s Day, only you don’t spend as much on the present.” Erma Bombeck in her usual humorous way wrote the following about fathers, “When I was a kid a father was like a light in the refrigerator. Everybody’s more

  • The Prodigal's Father Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 27, 2018

    The father maintains his love equally with both sons.

    One time a little boy was asked to define Father’s Day and he said, “Its just like Mother’s Day, only you don’t spend as much on the present.” Erma Bombeck in her usual humorous way wrote the following about fathers, “When I was a kid a father was like a light in the refrigerator. Everybody’s more

  • The Prodigal Father Series

    Contributed by David Mcbeath on Feb 3, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Just like the Prodigal son our self-sufficiency leaves us spent and worn-out as we leave our Father to make a name for ourselves. Like the younger son, we want the father Dead to enjoy the world he created for us without his rules. The Father lets us go

    Series: Lost Message: The Prodigal Father! Texts: Luke 15:11-24 Date: July 31 Pastor: Dave McBeath This morning I want to begin with a confession. One of my greatest struggles is self-sufficiency and this self-sufficiency usually results in my being tired, worn out, or spent! Sometimes my more

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