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  • The Hidden Work That Brings God’s Power

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Dec 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This encounter makes no sense (why would Matthew just get up and follow this man) unless you know the behind-the-scenes encounters that happened prior. This message unpacks the need for that hidden work in our lives to see God moves powerfully.

    WHY DOES MATTHEW FOLLOW A STRANGER? The public commitment was preceded by behind-the-scenes work. - Matthew 9:9. - Matthew 4:18-22; John 1:35-42. - Matthew doesn't follow a stranger. He had a previous relationship with Jesus. This public moment was preceded by behind-the-scenes things. - The more

  • The Presence Of Ultimate Authority Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Feb 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The Presence of Ultimate Authority Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – February 3, 2019

    The Presence of Ultimate Authority Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – February 3, 2019 Text: Luke 4:31-41 Intro I want to begin with a word… a topic. And give us each a second see what comes to mind. “Authority” When you think of authority… what comes to more

  • The Power Of Small Is The Power Of God

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 20, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    God can do big things through little people.

    Title: The Power of Small Is the Power of God Text: I Samuel 17 :( 1, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49 Thesis: God can do big things through little people. Introduction Today the message is classic Sunday School 101. From our earliest childhood Sunday School experiences we were told the story of David and more

  • 09 Life Encounter: It's Persuasion Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jun 10, 2008

    ❶ Unpersuaded ❷ The Persuasion ❸ Why Be Persuaded? ❹ Steps To Persuasion

    PEANUTS with Charlie Brown (CB) - Peanuts debuts in seven newspapers October 2, 1950 - Peanuts ran in over 2,600 newspapers - Readership of 355 million in 75 countries, and was translated into 21 languages. - Last Peanuts strip January 3, 2000 - Charles Schulz dies Feb. 12 - Charles Schultz, more

  • Encountering Christ - Jesus Cleanses A Leper

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Feb 6, 2023

    This is from a Series Called Encountering Christ

    Title: “Jesus Cleanses a Leper” Scripture: Lk. 5:12-16 Type: Series life of Christ Where: 2-4-23 Intro: Have you ever been around someone who was filthy, but who did not seem to be aware of his condition? How would you like it if that person were your doctor? Just as he is about to examine more

  • 05 Life Encounter: It's Freedom Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    ❶. The Attorney’s Case ❷. The Attorney’s Duty ❸ The Attorney’s Defense ❹ The Attorney’s Council

    In the middle of the Great Depression, New York City mayor, Fiorello LaGuardia, strived to live with the people. It was not unusual for him to ride with the firefighters, raid with the police, or take field trips with orphans. On a bitterly cold night in January of 1935, the mayor turned up at a more

  • God Encounters #2 - Jesus The Healer

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jun 14, 2015

    Jesus is the Saviour who died on the Cross to forgive our sins, and He is also the Healer by whose wounds we are healed.

    GOD ENCOUNTERS: THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL #2: JESUS THE HEALER: INTRO TO TOPIC: Last week we started a series looking at the Foursquare Gospel of Jesus. Foursquare Gospel: Jesus the Saviour, Healer, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit, Soon Coming King. Theme verse: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, more

  • Empowered By The Holy Spirit: The Men's Encounter

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jun 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed

    Theme: Empowered by the Holy Spirit: The Men’s encounter Text: Ex. 37:1-9; Acts 5:1-11; Lk. 4:16-21 Today is men’s Sunday and I will like to wish all men a very happy and fruitful Sunday. In Ghana more people attend Church services every year than any other event. Many of these people more

  • God Encounters #2: Jesus The Healer Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Aug 11, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Does God still heal today? That is a question many people are asking. What is the answer? Our goal is to convince you through laying a strong Biblical foundation that healing is God’s will today.

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE GOD KIND #2 – JESUS THE HEALER OPENING JOKE: FUNNY INSURANCE CLAIMS: The statements below are taken from actual insurance accident claims forms. They are real, true (you can’t make up this kind of stuff). • The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its more

  • 03 Life Encounter: It's Extravagance Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    LIFE ENCOUNTER IS - ➊ RARE - Spared Not ➋ COSTLY - Delivered Him Up ➌ OBTAINABLE - Give Us

    Rom. 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Either television writers have finally run out of ideas for bad situation comedies or the baby boomers’ nostalgic longing for their 60s youth is simply in control more

  • Encountering Christ - A Total Body Experience Series

    Contributed by Paddy Venner on Dec 23, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    There’s more to just recieving Jesus into your life - it’s about recieving all that He is

    Paddy Venner is Senior Pastor of Harfield Road Assembly of God in Cape Town, South Africa Foundations of Truth Part 1 Encountering Christ – A Total Body Experience 1 John 1: 1-10  When the Apostle John wrote this letter, he was responding to a group of heretics called the Gnostics who more

  • A Place You Encounter The Savior Of The World Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 1, 2015

    Savior,The world, Belief

    THE WELL – A Place You Encounter the Savior of the World John 4:39-42 April 17, 2022(Easter) Introduction: Have you ever had someone save your life? Or have you ever been involved in saving someone’s life? My grandson Peyton was 2 years old when my daughter screamed “He’s not more

  • Encountering Jesus Behind Locked Doors

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Apr 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is from a series I preached on encounters with Jesus in the Gospels.

    Title: Jesus Encounters the Disciples in the Locked Room Script: John 20:19-23 Type: Expos./Encountering Jesus Where: GNBC 4-16-23 Intro: Over the past 2k years countless men and women have met Christ in a locked room. For millions it has been in the confines of a jail or prison cell. For more

  • God Encounters #1: Jesus The Saviour Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Aug 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Over the next four weeks, we are going to study the person of Jesus, and discover what the Foursquare Gospel is all about... The goal is not just to learn facts, but to get to know Him more:

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE GOD KIND #1 – JESUS THE SAVIOUR OPENING: Great Truths from Small Children · No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats. · When your mom is mad at your dad, don’t let her brush your hair. · You can’t trust dogs to watch your food. · You can’t hide a piece of more

  • #5 Being Transformed By A Divine Encounter Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Mar 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon shows the importance of encountering God if we have any hope of being transformed. Scriptures give many example of those whoes lives were changed by an encounter with God.

    Being Transformed by Divine Encounter Introduction: This year’s theme: Be Transformed. We need to be transformed in our thinking (head), the passions of our heart, and our actions. Scripture: Acts 9:1-9, 20-22 I. We Cannot Transform Ourselves A. Pride keeps us from seeing that more

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