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  • God The Punisher Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 8, 2020

    What's God really like? God is not political, he’s not Republican or Democrat, He is not stoic or uncaring, He’s not boring or lame, He’s not checked out or disengaged, and He’s not homophobic.

    So hello, good to see you, and welcome to this place that we call DCC. We want to give a special shout and welcome to anyone who is back from Easter last week and any brand new friends here checking us out for the very first time today too. If you are new you need to know that all of your story more

  • God And Salvation Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What's God really like? God is not political, he’s not Republican or Democrat, He is not stoic or uncaring, He’s not boring or lame, He’s not checked out or disengaged, and He’s not homophobic.

    So hey there, good to see you and welcome to this place that we call DCC. If you are new here my name is Greg, I’m a part of the team here at DCC, usually up here at this point in the service, but I wasn’t here last weekend. Stacy and I actually spent a big part of the weekend with our oldest more

  • God And Suffering Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What's God really like? God is not political, he’s not Republican or Democrat, He is not stoic or uncaring, He’s not boring or lame, He’s not checked out or disengaged, and He’s not homophobic.

    So hey there, so good to see you, welcome to this place that we call DCC, and before we say anything else, happy Mother’s Day to you. If you are a mom would you please stand? We want to appreciate you today. Let’s give it up for all of these awesome women in our lives. Okay, so moms stay more

  • What Is The Matrix?

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The most important question of our age may be: What is the matrix? In light of the rise in secular humanism, and the growing concerns over political, economic, and banking corruption worldwide, one must wonder... What is going on here?

    The most important question of our age may be: What is the matrix? In light of the rise in secular humanism, and the growing concerns over political, economic, and banking corruption worldwide, one must wonder... What is going on here? Why is the depravity so pervasive? What is causing this rise more

  • An Analysis Of "Blinded By Might: Can The Religious Right Save America”, Part 1

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Mar 3, 2025

    In Blinded By Might: Can The Religious Right Save America, columnist Cal Thomas and pastor Ed Dobson examine what they believe to be the reasons resulting in the disparities between theory and practice in regards to this particular socio-political movement.

    One of the inevitable lessons of history is that political plans and agendas are seldom implemented as initially conceived irrespective of the nobility of intention or even piety motivating such aspirations. Evangelical conservatism, also commonly referred to as “The Religious Right”, would prove more

  • The Sacrifice Of Fools Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 31, 2023

    Look past religion, rulers, and riches to the Lord to find real joy in life despite its hardships.

    Ron Blue tells the story of a wealthy father, who took his son on a trip to the country to show his son how poor people can be. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from the trip, the father asked his son, “How was the more

  • Feast Of Tabernacles And Millennial Worship Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 12, 2022

    What will worship be like during the Millennium? What part will the Feast of Tabernacles play in that? How can we apply Zechariah 14:16 to our lives today?

    Intro In the last six verses of the book of Zechariah, we get a glimpse into the Millennium. Zechariah does not give us a lot of information about life during the Millennium. But the material in Zechariah 14:16-21 sheds valuable light on the subject. Zechariah’s message revolves around the two more

  • A Steadfast Heart Series

    Contributed by Daryl Bahn on Aug 2, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    in such a world of economic, political, and even environmental uncertainty, the love of God is all we have to hang on to. Thank God that it’s more than enough! His love hangs on to us; it will never let us go.

    A STEADFAST HEART (Romans 8:35-39) Introduction: Separation is something we all deal with, in one way or another. What image does this word produce in your mind? For me, I see the picture of a little child lost in a grocery store. Distracted for a moment, the child loses track of what her mom is more

  • Ephesus The Great Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    The first century believers faced stiff opposition from political authorities determined to stop the spread of their message. Despite the increasingly harsh treatment, they were able to go a long way in fulfilling the Lord’s mandate to take the gospel to

    THE REVELATION OF JESUS part 3 EPHESUS THE GREAT Revelation 2:1-11 The first century believers faced stiff opposition from political authorities determined to stop the spread of their message. Despite the increasingly harsh treatment, they were able to go a long way in fulfilling the Lord’s more

  • Da Vinci Code: Truth And Error Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Mark Strauss on May 8, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    As we saw in our first session, The Da Vinci Code challenges almost every tenet of the Christian faith. It claims the Bible is not the inspired Word of God, but rather a collection of books which suited the political goals of the emperor Constantine and

    Truth and Error in the Da Vinci Code Part 2: Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Sacred Feminine This message contains excerpts from the book Truth and Error in the Da Vinci Code by Mark L. Strauss You may order this book at As we saw in our first session, The Da Vinci Code more

  • The Questions Of Homosexual Desire Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jun 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As the homosexual movement has developed a strong political voice, the response from traditional conservatives has become equally impassioned. A deep animosity has grown between portions of the homosexual community and many who represent a Christian unde

    I want to address a topic that is as difficult as any topic we could address today…. that of sexual identity and homosexuality. It’s a subject that has become the most politically and personally polarized as any in our lifetimes. As the homosexual movement has developed a strong political voice, more

  • Of Campaigns And Callings

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Twenty-first political campaigns in the United States seem to be a far cry from the intentions of the founding fathers of our country. And yet, the aspirations for titles and positions go back in history. Every organization with people seems to have a pol

    It’s that time of year again… the air is cool and crisp, the days are getting shorter, the leaves are beginning to fall, and the television is full of pithy little advertising spots exhorting why I should choose one candidate over another. I think I’ve figured out how to identify a negative more

  • Four Fearsome Factors

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 19, 2011
    based on 81 ratings

    Is God fair to let a person die and go to Hell who has never even once heard the name of Jesus? A Biblically [not politically] correct answer. Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Four Fearsome Factors Romans 1:16–20 Is God a righteous God? Is God a just God? Is God fair to let a person die and go to Hell who has never even once heard the name of Jesus? You’ll have to admit that’s a good question, more

  • How Can The Lord Help You Overcome Addictions?

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 21 ratings

    People can find themselves addicted to many vices these days. Addictions can fall into many categories that are both conscious and unconscious obsessions: drugs, lusts, bad habits, anger, vengeance, politics, intrigue, gossiping, selfishness, gluttony,

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army Introduction: People can find themselves addicted to many vices these days. Addictions can fall into many categories that are both conscious and unconscious obsessions: drugs, lusts, bad habits, anger, vengeance, politics, intrigue, gossiping, more

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Apr 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The scriptures that we are examining today tell us that we do not battle against “flesh and blood”. This lets us know very clearly that we are not battling against people, governments, religious institutions, or political parties.

    Last week I spoke to you about our spiritual growth, and I showed you the four most common reasons why people stop growing spiritually. Additionally, week before last I spoke to you about the blessings of God, and I demonstrated how the spiritual blessings are far superior to any material thing more

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