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  • Poking Peninnah

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 2, 2022

    At the outset let me clarify, POKING PENINNAH need not necessarily be only women, since it is an ‘evil spirit’ this operates in both genders, so remember we are dealing with a spirit and not a woman.

    Poking Peninnah 1 Samuel 1:7”It happened year after year, as often as she went up to the house of the LORD, Peninnah provoked her; so she wept and would not eat.” PENINNAHs’ inside the church: At the outset let me clarify, POKING PENINNAH need not necessarily be only women, since it is an ‘evil more

  • Watch Jesus Poke The Bear

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In Mark 7 Jesus is challenge the Jewish leaders and theology ...about their false theology and prejudice. He is poking the Jewish bear... It will cost Him His life.

    In Jesus Holy Name September 2, 2018 Text Mark 7:24,34 Pentecost 15 “Watch Jesus Poke the Bear” Last Sunday we did a little experiment with “hand washing”. I you missed more

  • Poking Holes In The Darkness / Salt & Light

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jan 31, 2017
    based on 57 ratings

    A Secret discipleship does not exist in God's kingdom. Either secrecy destroys discipleship, or discipleship destroys secrecy. Salt in a shaker or a light hidden makes no impact. You are called to poke holes in the darkness. (5 additional illustrations) Updated February 2023.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four Scripture readings prior to the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Isaiah 58:1-12; Psalm 112:1-10; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 and Matthew 5:13-20. A quiet forest dweller ... lived in the mountains ... high above ... a Swiss village more

  • The Sword Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Nov 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Sword of the Spirit is an offensive weapon for the forward progress of the Kingdom of God. We use it to convey the Good News and poke holes in the darkness.

    “Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” Ephesians 6:17 Let’s talk a bit about swords…Today’s military bayonet is a multi-purpose knife affixed to the muzzle of one’s rifle, a last-resort weapon in close quarter combat. The only swords in more

  • Nothing Of Significance

    Contributed by Bradley Boydston on Dec 23, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    Christmas Eve parable -- kind of silly and serious at the same time -- poking a little fun at my own Scandinavian heritage. From the beginning the trained observers have failed to recognize the significance of the Nativity.

    The Middle East is a troubled place. And, really, this is nothing new. The land that we call Israel or Palestine has been characterized by instability for as long as we can remember. The players change but the game is the same. It’s all very complicated -- hinging on geographical and political more

  • Be Thankful For Our Fathers

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    First and foremost, we want to give thanks to our Heavenly Father, one of the greatest Fathers of all. Although we will poke fun at our earthly fathers’ we at the same time will give honor to them and God.

    Ephesians 6:1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in more

  • Picture This! Weeds Series

    Contributed by John Braland on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Weeds come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some of them flower and look absolutely beautiful and others will poke you and make you bleed. Some weeds are hard to identify as tender shoots but as they age their identity will become clear. Jesus kne

    Last summer my daughters Katie and Sara asked if they could take our dogs Shadow and Reba for a walk. Now Shadow is a black lab and he needs to walk because he has a bit of a weight problem. Reba is 12 and is deaf but always willing to take a spin. I live on a gravel road that is surrounded by more

  • 1 Thessalonians 3 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Jun 8, 2022

    To mature as a Christian, everyone needs to apprentice with a strong guide who offers good instruction, insight and continual prayer.

    Last week, we discovered following Jesus requires sacrifice and to expect someone close to betray you as you traverse the pathway to be more like Jesus. This week, we look at how Paul was a spiritual parent to these believers. How apropos for this mother’s day don’t you think? He loved them so more

  • Restoring Responsibility Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    Many people think all that’s involved in being a Christian is walking an aisle or praying a prayer. That might be how God called you to salvation, but that’s not the end of it. Responsibilities come with being a Christian.

    1. The responsible example of giving 2. The responsible location of giving 3. The responsible attitude of giving 4. The responsible abundance of giving 5. The responsible priority of giving EZRA 2:68-70 In his book, The Quest For Character, Chuck Swindoll tells about a terrible thing that more

  • What Would Jesus Do ... About Enemies

    Contributed by David Hughes on Feb 10, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    This sermon aims to help Christian teenagers (and adults) consider how they might respond to people who apparently take a disliking to them.

    WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ... about enemies? I wonder if you have ever had, or even have now, someone who just doesn’t seem to like you and who would apparently do anything to get at you? We probably don’t want to have enemies, but they’re there anyway, so what do we do about them? Well, first, ask more

  • A Not So Good Friday Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    A meditation for Good Friday.

    A Not So Good Friday Max Lucado has written: “Jesus was born crucified. Whenever he became conscious of who he was, he also became conscious of what he had to do. The cross-shaped shadow could always be seen. And the screams of hell’s imprisoned could always be heard. This explains the glint of more

  • Compelled By The Love Of Christ

    Contributed by Thomas Black on Jun 4, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    What does it take to give up every comfort and to recieve every form of suffering in order to reach ONE for Christ? The Love of Christ must compell you.

    Today is Memorial day Sunday. The idea of the holiday surpasses hot-dogs on the grill; it’s an opportunity and a call to reflect on the sacrifice of many thousands of men who have died for the ideals of our country. Some of you served in the military and have given a part of your heart to serving more

  • "baptism And Salvation."

    Contributed by Darrell Campbell on Sep 8, 2022

    For centuries there has been a controversy over Baptism, ranging from method to purpose. What is Baptism all about?

    In Baptism we identify with Christ. The water has many symbols. Water symbolizes washing, life, even death and resurrection. The greek word for Baptism is, "baptismos." or "baptizo." both words mean to immerse. From this we can understand that the best method is to place a more

  • Truths To Learn From Esther

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Esther was faced with a decision that required her to pray, review God’s timing, act with courage and live by faith. These are traits we must evidence too when making decisions

    Esther became Queen to King Xerxes in 479BC. This was around 25 years after Ezra took a group of pilgrims back to Israel. In chapter one Queen Vashti refuses to obey the King and is removed from power. In chapter two the King holds a beauty pageant to select the next queen. READ 2:17, 18 As we more

  • On Being Tempted: Is It Satan Or My Habits?

    Contributed by John Sattler on Feb 18, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Research has shown that lots of our daily activities are done by habit, like walking, driving, going down stairs, even responding in stressful situations. Are some of our sinful behaviors more from our habits than from satan himself? We like to blame sata

    Luke 4:1-13; Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13 1 Lent - Lutheran Lectionary Series C On Being Tempted: Is It Satan or My Habits? Rev. John Sattler Holy Cross Lutheran Church Indianapolis, Indiana (Research has shown that lots of our daily activities are done by habit, like walking, driving, going more

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