
Summary: At the outset let me clarify, POKING PENINNAH need not necessarily be only women, since it is an ‘evil spirit’ this operates in both genders, so remember we are dealing with a spirit and not a woman.

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Poking Peninnah

1 Samuel 1:7”It happened year after year, as often as she went up to the house of the LORD, Peninnah provoked her; so she wept and would not eat.”

PENINNAHs’ inside the church:

At the outset let me clarify, POKING PENINNAH need not necessarily be only women, since it is an ‘evil spirit’ this operates in both genders, so remember we are dealing with a spirit and not a woman. Look at the drama INSIDE the church between two women who go to the temple of God year after year!!!! Peninnah (evil) provoked her ceaselessly and Hannah wept ceaselessly!! Despite going to the House of God both the women had no transformation in their lives. This is exactly what we see in the lives of many who read the Bible 24 hours, wake up early kneel down and pray; however, they are bitter, angry, envious, murmuring, grumbling, poisonous, fighting and lot more.

James 3: 14 says:” But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. 18 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

Apostle Paul warns about such people:” They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!” (2 Tim 3:5) This crowd are outwardly godly but inwardly worldly and devilish( apologize for the word but that’s the fact) They would slander and gossip about the servants of God and even their own pastor and his family. Did you notice this, that both the women go to the same House of God year after year, pray to the same Heavenly Father( we have only one God not many like the other faith) and plead their respective causes. Peninnah had no remorse or regret about her behavior and Hannah was not anointed enough to deal with the demon behind Peninnah. Anybody listening to me? These are spirits which come against light and work of the Kingdom. There are Peninnah spirits operating inside our homes, family, school, church, the choir, youth group, prayer group, team fellowship and also in offices , their motive is to dominate, boss over, scream, frighten you, irritate, frustrate and kill the anointing in you, in one word – make you flee from God. Ah! Dangerous!

Some people would say, “ I will fast and pray against your family who is coming against me”, ‘I am a prayer warrior don’t touch me”, “ I am a child of God I will pray and destroy you” – all such words they will directly roar against the people. Such words are carnal and these also are proud Peninnah spirits, beware! “’These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” said the Lord. (Matthew 15:8)


My conundrum is why did Elkanah not shut the mouth of Peninnah? He was able to go and tell Hannah “(darling )Hannah, why do you weep and why do you not eat and why is your heart sad? Am I not better to you than ten sons?"(1 Samuel 1:8) but he did not have the guts to go and tell Peninnah to shut up. He allowed the dog to bark! Ah, Elkanah was spineless coward! Anywhere be it at: home, business, school , college or church, where there are no strong, strict leaders, in such cases “Alas, Leadership is unseen, spokespersons are numerous and signals are confusing, net result is chaos.”

Very sad, such systems would collapse one day! Elkanah on the outside looked like a kind man, gentle, very non-interfering, went to the House of God dutifully with his wives; yet, he lacked courage to confront the issue. Did you get me? In our Abide School that we run for the poor children, I had to not only deal with disobedient and rebellious children but also at times parents and teachers too. If I remained silent, hesitant about approaching a teacher who comes late every day then eventually everybody would come late. So I had to put my foot down, speak strongly, close the main gate at a particular time, hang around the school gate like a police dog so that I bring discipline in the school and be efficacious in my work. People may call you an authoritarian, say you are harsh, get offended, hurt and upset with you; however, not everyone will comply with orders, there would be rebellious ones that would resist, you should be ready to face it, this requires determination, grit and consistency. Now our Abide School has very few late comers among students but all our teachers are prompt and punctual. Hallelujah!

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