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  • Coming To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    Andrew’s witness to Peter and Philip’s witness to Nathanael provide rich lessons for effective evangelism.

    Coming to Jesus Fortifying the Foundations #4 John 1:35-52 3-21-03 Intro: We come to a passage this morning that is full of instruction on coming to Jesus and leading others to Christ. How do we interact with people so that they can come to the Lord? How does the Lord deal with us and with more

  • Philip And Ethiopian Eunuch Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 13, 2021

    Evangelism is the work of a team. Evangelist, Holy Spirit, and a thirsty soul. God involves and inspires to reach people who are in need through his Evangelists and Gospel workers. read and enjoy the grace of God.

    Acts 8:26-40 Philip and Ethiopian Eunuch 08:26-29 Reaching the Thirsty Soul 08:30-35 Preaching Gospel to the Needy 08:36-40 Teaching on Baptism The gist: This week, we are here to learn about evangelism and the Disciple of a new person. Philip was an evangelist. He more

  • "Philip: Preacher On The Run"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Oct 25, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Our opportunity for service may be in sight in a moment, and bypass us in another if we’re not ready to run to obedience. Philip ran to do God’s bidding.

    Following the Acts record it would appear that the newborn church had been pretty cozy and comfortable, up until the martyrdom of Stephen. It had begun with a very public demonstration of God’s power in the coming of the Holy Spirit, Peter and the others had boldly proclaimed their risen Lord more

  • Philip And The Ethiopian Eunuch Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 29, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Philip is leaving a place where there has been a great movement of the Spirit of God, to go into a place, a desert, where there is nobody. However, when he gets there, he finds that God does have someone to whom he is to witness.

    February 16, 2014 By: Tom Lowe Topic #III: The Church Scattered into Palestine and Syria (8:4-12:25) Subtopic A. The Ministry of Philip (8:4-40). Lesson III.A.2: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-39) Introduction The first mentioned of more

  • The Voice Of Jesus

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Apr 22, 2017

    This sermon looks at the different tones with which Christ spoke when engaging others.

    INTRODUCTION: This is a profound statement. And the truth of it is enough to convince all those who did not believe in the reality of God’s word. I. FROM THIS WE LEARN: 1. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" 2. John 1:3 “All things were made by him” II. CHRIST more

  • Preaching Peace

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This passage gives the first message ever preached to the Gentiles by one of the apostles. It’s the message that opened the door of salvation to all the people of the world.

    Last week left us in the home of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, who, while in prayer, received a message from God to send some men to bring back Simon Peter. Peter along this same time had also received a message from God while in prayer to go with these men. Cornelius tells Peter in verse 33 more

  • Philip's Faithful Witness Series

    Contributed by Edwin Amundson on Jul 26, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    Philip was a faithful witness because he was a pioneer.

    HEROES OF THE FAITH 5C-- PHILIP, ?A DEDICATED PARTNER IN THE WORK? SUB-SERIES ?A FAITHFUL WITNESS.? ACTS 21:1-9 JOKE--- A little boy was in a relative’s wedding. As he was coming down the aisle he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd alternating between the bride’s side and the groom’s more

  • The 12 Apostles: Philip

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 22, 2015

    Looking at the 3rd apostle, chronologically.His unique call, witnessing to a skeptic, asked to feed 5,000, introduced Greeks to Christ, asked to see the Father & more Philip had unique challenges & opportunities. So do we!

    THE 12 APOSTLES: PHILIP INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: CLIMB THE WALLS 1. “Oh, I sure m happy to see you,” the little boy said to his Grandmother on his mother’s side when she came to visit. 2. “Maybe now Daddy will do the trick he’s been promising us.” 3. The more

  • Philip And The Uncommon God Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Aug 26, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Philip: Commonness and the Uncommon God

    The 12 Apostles Week 3 – Philip Dr. Rik B. Wadge, Ph.D. "Commonness and the Uncommon God" The Art Collector A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He does a double take. He knows that the saucer is more

  • Preaching The Truth In Love Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    Sermon 2 of 14 based on Bob Russell book. The truth MUST be preached and taught in love

    INTRODUCTION „X As our church grows, it is important that we cling to certain principles that will ensure we are building God¡¦s Church God¡¦s way. „X Last week we looked at principle of truth. We looked at how important it is for us to first believe the truth. We will not build on or proclaim more

  • The Preaching Of The Cross #1 Series

    Contributed by David Carter on Mar 14, 2007
    based on 147 ratings

    Sermon on the Cross

    THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS I CORINTHIANS 1:18 - FOR THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS IS TO THEM THAT PERISH FOOLISHNESS; BUT UNTO US WHICH ARE SAVED IT IS THE POWER OF GOD. In Sequoia National Park in California, There is a big tree that stands 275 feet high and is 36 feet in diameter. It is called more

  • Preaching The Word Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus wants to build His church, and add to the church daily those who are being saved. One of the keys to seeing the church grow is preaching the Word.

    PREACHING THE WORD INTRO TO SPEAKER: Fourteen years as youth pastor in BC, teaching @ PLBC and chaplain at Regent, started RMC, then call to pastor the church in Beausejour. BACKGROUND TO ACTS: • Acts is a HISTORY but it is also a BLUEPRINT (for the church today). THE GROWTH OF THE EARLY more

  • Philip The Horse Lover Series

    Contributed by Kevin Landis on Nov 6, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Philip with the eyes of a horse

    Philip The Horse Lover With Horse Eyesight Philip Philip was with Jesus longer than most of the disciples. A primary characteristic of Philip included his eyesight. Philip could see a problem, and his primary problem was he wanted to see. Philip was from Bethsaida, the same town as Andrew and more

  • Preach Preacher Preach

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Aug 19, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    This is a message that I preached at a preacher’s ordination that can also be used in Preacher’s fellowship meetings or to show forth the role of a preacher.

    PREACH PREACHER…PREACH, PREACH! TEXT: Romans 10:8, 14, 15; 2 Timothy 4:1-8 (Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17 First) W. Max Alderman Statesboro Bible Baptist Church INTRODUCTION: Originally, preaching was called a Gospel talk or literally, a talk about the Gospel. The more

  • Paul At Caesarea With Philip The Evangelist Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    In the Gospels Jesus’ predictions of his coming passion provide the ominous tone. For Paul’s journey the warnings of the Christians along his way serve this function.

    Sunday, December 20, 2015 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.D.7: Paul at Caesarea with Philip the Evangelist (21:1-14) ACTS 21:1-14 (KJV) 1 And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a more

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