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  • I Am Your God Series

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on May 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is the second in the series of sermons on the Ten Commandments and looks at the first two Commandments.

    I AM YOUR GOD Just a few weeks ago I started the first in a series of sermons that have really begun to make me see things around me a little more clearly. I was starting here and we were discussing the problems that I have come across when people tell me that they have to get their lives more

  • The Trinity

    Contributed by Philip Gill on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Artists can reinvigorate our understanding of the trinity using the examples of Rublev’s icon and David Hetland’s stained glass.

    A Sermon for Trinity Sunday 2007 One of the things I was most looking forward to in moving to Surrey Hills was that coming to a Church named Holy Trinity. Trinity Sunday would then be our patronal festival. This means we always celebrate our patronal festival on a Sunday and don’t have to more

  • A True Thanksgiving Service

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Nov 22, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    Paul writes to the Church at Ephesus that we are to sing songs of thanksgiving and give thanks to God for everything.

    A True Thanksgiving Service Ephesians 5:19-20 Intro: Several years ago there was a Charlie Brown cartoon about Thanksgiving in the paper. the cartoon pictured Charlie Brown bringing out Snoopy’s dinner on Thanksgiving Day. But it was just his usual dog food in a bowl. Snoopy took one look more

  • “the Priority Of Worship” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 9, 2014

    What can we do to insure our experience of worship is everything God wants it to be?

    (Show video - Be the Church) Today, I want us to do just what that video challenges us to do - talk about how our church can become a church that makes a difference. Sadly, what the video reports as being true of America, is also true of Portales. We have more churches than we have gas stations, more

  • The Trinity 12 - The Deity Of Christ 1 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Apr 26, 2015

    The Trinity 12 - The Deity of Christ 1

    The Trinity 12 - The Deity of Christ 1 1/27/13 One of the central doctrines of biblical orthodox Christianity is the deity of Christ. It is a doctrine that has been attacked by those outside the faith since the early days of the Church. It is doctrine that is still under attack. There are more

  • The Story Must Be Stopped Series

    Contributed by Tim May on Apr 26, 2015

    The indwelling of the Spirit gives people a conviction to proclaim a truth even in the face of unrelenting persecution and pressure. In the heat of the pressure will you continue to proclaim truth in the resurrected one?

    INTRODUCTION: Recently I have been reading a book titled The Speed of Trust. While reading this book I came across this interesting fact. I found interesting because it makes me think about the condition of the Christian church these days. I am trying to decide if people have lost trust in the more

  • The Trinity 13 - The Deity Of Christ 2 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on May 14, 2015

    The Trinity 13 - The Deity of Christ 2

    THE TRINITY 13 The Deity of Christ 2 “I AM” 2/3/13 One the things that amazes me about the Word of God is how powerful very short phrases can be. I while ago I did a series of sermons on the two words “But now…” I pointed out how the famous English preacher D. more

  • Vbs Training Outline

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on May 31, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Outline that gives the ABCs for adults to share Jesus with children during Vacation Bible School and Beyond

    Why was VBS Started? Unofficially, it's possible to trace the roots of VBS as far back as the 1870s, when the Methodist Episcopal Church offered summer Sunday school institutes to the general public near Lake Chautauqua, New York. In 1873, Bishop John H. Vincent proposed the movement should more

  • Holiness And You

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on Jun 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God wants to use you, but if you don't know you're special, if you don't know and act like you're different, how can He?

    In our house, we had normal, everyday, sometimes chipped dishes that we used for all of our meals. THEN we had what we called the “good china.” The “good china” (which was grannies) only came out on special occasions. We didn’t even keep them with the ordinary more

  • Santidad Y Usted

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on Jun 12, 2015

    Dios quiere usarte, pero si no sabes que eres especial, si usted no sabe y actuas como si fueras diferente, ¿COMO PUEDE EL?

    En nuestra casa, tuvimos platos normales, a veces con astillas, de todos los dias que utilizamos para nuestras comidas, LUEGO tuvimos lo que llamamos la "los platos buenos de china." La "buena China" (que era de mi abuelita) sólo salió en ocasiones especiales. Ni siquiera los guardabamos con more

  • The Wonder Of With

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Dec 23, 2013

    A sermon that examines the ways in which Immanuel is with us.

    "The Wonder Of With" Matthew 1:23 Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. INTRODUCTION: In what sense is God "with" us? With is a preposition and is "a member of a set of words more

  • Jesus, According To Paul Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Aug 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores the Apostle Paul's understanding of the person of Jesus Christ

    INTRODUCTION * Paul’s life before Christ and after Christ - from persecuting the church to planting churches - from arresting Christians physically to arresting unbelievers spiritually - from hindering the work of Christ to hindering the work of Satan - from being openly opposed to Christ to more

  • Practiced For God’s Visitation-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    1 of 2. John’s audience sought & received practical application in preparing for God’s visitation. How can we be practiced for God’s visitation? Practicing for God’s visit requires...

    PRACTICED For GOD’s VISITATION-I—Luke 3:10-14 Attention: We lived in a ‘cookie cutter’ neighborhood in Wesley Chapel, FL/We needed our stuccoed house spray-painted (nobody brush-paints a house there) shortly after we moved there but there were no painters in the church I more

  • Of "Control" At The Cross!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Apr 25, 2012

    To understand and appreciate the magnitude of God’s sovereign control over the sequence of events leading upto the Cross.

    Of “Control” at the Cross Who has not come across this old saying …Rule 1.Your boss is always right. Rule 2. If you think the boss is wrong refer to rule 1. TAKE HEART THERE IS A BIG BOSS OVER ALL THE BOSSES. Of several Hebrew names for God, the word more

  • Second-Hand Religion

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Mar 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith in Jesus allows us to have a real personal relationship with God.

    Focus Passage: Exodus 33:7-23 KEY VERSE 18 “Show me Your glory” Supplemental Passage: John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Introduction: References to second hand clothing or other items, or more

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