
Summary: When Jesus is in the house, lives can and will be transformed.

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Years ago at theaters and plays, when a person got sick, someone would ask the question, is there a doctor in the house? If a doctor was in attendance, he would often treat all those who were sick, but at other times despite his medical expertise, he would lose a few. While his medical skills could help the physical, he could do nothing for the spiritual.

While doctors are important, I know a doctor above all doctors who can heal both the body and the soul. This doctor did not receive a degree in internal medicine from Harvard. He did not receive an optomology degree from Yale. He did not receive a theology degree from Princeton. Rather, he received his degree from Alpha to Omega University. He is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God. Therefore I stand to ask this question tonight: is Jesus in the House? You see my brothers and sisters, great things happen when Jesus is in the house.

Notice if you please, Jesus has just returned from a tour of Galilee. Capernaum serves as his headquarters in this region. Remember, Luke in chapter 4 of his Gospel, tells the story of those in “his own country” (Nazareth) rejecting him. They allowed their familiarity w/ God’s man to breed contempt. They thought his messianic claims were false, when he was indeed the Truth. Because of their envy, they remain like a cloud w/ no water, remaining dead twice plucked up by the roots.

He makes this city on the coasts of Galilee his headquarters to fulfill scripture. Isaiah prophesied that: The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; [16] The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

God had prepared Galilee down through history for the coming of His Son’s ministry. Galilee was strategically located. The world’s leading roads passed through its borders. Merchants from all over the world passed through and boarded in its cities. Galilee was heavily populated. It was also surrounded by the Samaritans, Phoenicians, and Syrians making it an open door for world evangelization. It was one of the most fertile lands in that part of the world. There were multitudes for Jesus to reach. Galilee was open to new and fresh ideas. Its people, having come from all over the world, were liberal minded, always looking for new and fresh ideas to stimulate and challenge their thinking. It was for these reasons that Christ chose Galilee to begin His ministry. The area was an open door for people to spread the news that the Messiah had come and the Kingdom of Heaven was being ushered in.

Jesus returned to Capernaum after about twelve months of preaching throughout Galilee (Mark 1:39). When Jesus returned to this city, reports filled the streets that he was lodging in the home of his disciple named Peter. This reminds us that ministry is not confined to our centers of worship. I’m sure that citizens from every corner of the city and outlying areas flocked to this home.

This “get the word out” campaign shows the importance of spreading the word about Jesus. If we can spread the word about the best sales and discounts in our malls, surely we can tell somebody about the free gift of salvation. If we can spread the word about the some low down dog/tramp who broke our heart, surely we can tell somebody about a heart fixer. If we can spread the word about the best mind altering drugs, surely we can tell somebody about a mind regulator. If we can spread the word about someone who has torn us down, I know we can talk about somebody we can pick us up, turn us around and is the proverbial “rock” upon which we stand. I know we can spread the word about Jesus.

This marketing campaign was so successful, that the bible reports that crowds filled the home and spilled out in front. For, Where the king is, there is the court; where Shiloh is, there shall the gathering of the people be. You can imagine those who came. There was sister Cherry down front w/ her robe pulled up in an attempt to entice Jesus. There was Tyrone in the rear, who came to scope out the “righteous” sisters in attendance. There was brother Judas beside Jesus gladly pointing out the saints from the ain’ts. There was brother shoutin’ John who was irritating everybody b/c he kept exclaiming: “preach preacher” thus drowning the words of the Lord. There was sister Loosee sitting disinterested w/ her 5 children that were all disheveled in appearance and disruptive in behavior. There was brother Tiny, blocking the entrance w/ his bulk and breaking everyone’s concentration w/ his foul wind. There was drunk uncle Willie, who was anxiously waiting for Jesus to turn more water into wine. Can I get any help in here?

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