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  • Is This End PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 11, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the prophetic messages in Ezekiel 38 and 39, providing insight into God's plan for the End Times and His ultimate victory, while reassuring us of His unchanging love and determination to bless us.

    Good morning family! Today, we're diving deep into the prophetic and somewhat mysterious waters of Ezekiel 38 and 39. This text gives us a glimpse into God's plan for the End Times, the nations involved, and most importantly, God's ultimate victory. Our Scripture reading today comes from Ezekiel more

  • Everything Happens For A Reason Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Sep 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do?

    Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Why do we face trials and tribulations? Why do we experience joy and success? The Bible teaches us that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is part of God's divine plan. Consider the story of Joseph. He was sold into more

  • For Such A Time As This…

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jun 24, 2005
    based on 132 ratings

    The challenge Esther received is found in Esther 4:14 and it may very well be the challenge that our Savior has for you at this point in your life.

    Why are you positioned where you are? Why do you work where you work? Why do you live where you live? Why do you go to school where you go to school? Why do you go to church where you go to church? You do what you do because God has assigned you there - and here – “for such at time as more

  • For Such A Time As This Part 1

    Contributed by Greg Laurie on Feb 21, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    We learn that our lives belong to God. He created us, called us, gifted us, and now wants to use us.

    A True Fairy Tale? Everybody seems to like a fairy tale (especially little girls). My granddaughters love for me to make up fairy tales, and they always want to be in them. They act out the parts as I tell the story and they always want there to be princesses, fairies, and of course a wicked more

  • A Picture Of Jesus, Our Champion (Revelation 1:9-20) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 5, 2023

    Jesus is heavily armed. He's present with the churches. And the fate of the churches, for good or bad, is in Jesus' hands. Plus, discussion of being "in the Spirit."

    Everything we have in life, as Christians, we have in and through Jesus. Jesus is the one who rescued us from death, and sin, and slavery. Our sins are forgiven through his blood. Through him, we become part of God's family, and have access to God. Through him, we receive the Holy Spirit. more

  • Daniel Part 3 Chapters 10-12 Nasb

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Dec 19, 2022

    Footnotes from, notes from Marilyn Hickey Ministries (MHM), which don't have needed footnotes :(

    Daniel Is Terrified by a Vision #4 (#1 was Chapter 7- The 4 beasts; #2 was Chapter 8-the ram and the goat, #3 was Chapter 9 – the 70 weeks). This one is about Jesus and the future) 10:1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia (IRAN) a [a]message was revealed to Daniel, who was named more

  • Signs Of Christ’s Return Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 4, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    We know that Christ’s return is imminent. The Bible contains prophecies that could not have been fulfilled until this generation. It’s encouraging to think that we appear to be living in the generation that will ultimately witness the most important and e

    Opening illustration: video on ‘Signs of the second coming of Christ’ Introduction: Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered a major prophecy of end-time events, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. He was asked by His disciples: “When will these things be? more

  • Educations Rock Star

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Feb 28, 2019

    A study in the book of Ezra 7: 1 – 28

    Ezra 7: 1 – 28 Educations Rock star 7 Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah, 2 the son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub, 3 the son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth, 4 the more

  • Ancient Wisdom Of Wise Men

    Contributed by David Fox on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    Wisdom from the wise men for the wise men who still seek Him.

    Ancient wisdom of Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12 “1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[1] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east[2] and have come to worship more

  • The Beautiful, The Bold And The Courageous

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Feb 16, 2003
    based on 171 ratings

    Preached at a women prison on Mother’s Day May 2002

    THE BEAUTIFUL, THE BOLD AND THE COURAGEOUS Esther, 1:10-12; 4:16 Subject: The Beautiful, The Bold and the Courageous Turn to you neighbor and say neighbor: I’m Beautiful, I’m Bold, and I’m Courageous -- and so are you! The Beautiful, The Bold and the Courageous When more

  • Second Chances

    Contributed by Nate Barbour on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Grace so amazing that it offers second chances. Learn about the unfairness of God’s grace and get some relief!

    Second Chances The Unfairness of Grace 12/03/03 I. Introduction In Medieval Persia, Earth’s mightiest and most mysterious kingdom, a king and his son defeat the powerful Maharajah, looting his palace of priceless treasure, including an extravagant hourglass and a mysterious dagger. What the Prince more

  • Esther: The Clueless Queen

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 136 ratings

    I’ve provocatively entitled today’s sermon: Esther, the clueless Queen because of the following.

    I’ve provocatively entitled today’s sermon: Esther, the clueless Queen because of the following. Esther, as you may know won a beauty contest put on by her husband, king of Persia. She had a chance to audition for the role because her husbands first wife refused to be part of a fashion show. You more

  • Building For The Right Reasons Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    1 of 4 messages on Nehemiah. We are in a building campaign and we need to make sure we are building for the right reasons.

    Building the Right Way Building for the Right Reasons February 18, 2007 Building for the Right Reasons How the Walls were Ruined… About 1,000 years before Jesus was born, David became king of Israel. After David, his son, Solomon was king, and after Solomon, the kingdom was split in half: the more

  • What's A Desperate Person To Do?” Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Oct 13, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever wanted something so badly that it moved you emotionally - stirred you DESPERATELY?

    QUESTION: Have you ever been DESPERATE FOR SOMETHING? • Ever really wanted something so bad that it moved you emotionally, stirred you DESPERATELY? 1. It happens to me more times than I really want. a. I’m in a hurry. I have appointment to keep, a person to meet, a place to go. b. So I gather up more

  • Build God's House!

    Contributed by David Mende on Jul 8, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The Jews were concerned more about building their own houses rather than building God's house. Consequently, God gives this message to His prophet to rebuke His people. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    Introduction (Secure Attention): Have you ever thought along these lines, “I am going to serve the Lord after I grow old.” “I want to work for God but I’m too busy.” “I want to serve God but I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to do anything at all for the Lord.” If you had any thoughts like that, more

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