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  • Pass The Peas

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Aug 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When you have finished one year and begin a new one, what can you do for good luck in the year to come? Our society has a variety of good luck rituals.

    Pass The Peas Psalm 65:1-4 SCRIPTURE: " Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Sion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away. more

  • Peas And Carrots Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 11:1-18 about the preservation of unity in the early church in the wake of Cornelius’ conversion and Peter’s return to Jerusalem

    Text: Acts 11:1-18, Title: Peas and Carrots, Date/Place: NRBC, 2/24/08, AM A. Opening illustration: Forest Gump, peas and carrots B. Background to passage: As we mentioned last week, the entrance of the Gentiles into the Christian community through the providentially arranged meeting of Peter and more

  • Princess And Pea Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 10, 2020

    We learned them as children, but did we learn from them? There is truth wrapped up in these tales!

    Fairytales 2 Pt. 1 - Princess and Pea I. Introduction These are the stories we learned as children. Either told to us by parents at bedtime or at school as we gathered at the feet of our teachers. These tales taught us life lessons and truths that we had to think through to grasp. However, unknown more

  • We Have To Pea! Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 10, 2020

    We are born with them. We are often driven by them. Our emotions can help us and hurt us. The real challenge? Can our emotions help us Make a Difference?

    I'm Mad Pt. 2 - We Have to Pea! I. Introduction We started last week by talking about how we communicate anger. We could say, "I'm chapped. I'm hacked off. I'm ticked. I'm flashin'. I'm spittin' chips!" However, we discussed that how we say it isn't more

  • Two Peas In A Pod?

    Contributed by James Groce on Jul 17, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours...”

    A. INDENTIFYING WITH BIBLE CHARACTERS 1. What Bible character do you think you identify with more than any other? 2. I hesitate to name any names, because all of the people I would want to resemble were so great in God’s kingdom—like David the “man after God’s own heart”, John the more

  • Its Your Pea Patch

    Contributed by David Dailey on Feb 7, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Standing your ground spiritually

    Have you felt like you have resisted the devil so long you don’t know if you can resist anymore? That having done all to stand, you have stood, but don’t think you can stand much more? Have you started praying, God, I don’t care if I overcome, just let me survive? I think most of us have reached more

  • Mighty Men And Their Pea Patch

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 30, 2015

    David's last words are powerful as he teaches the lesson of the lentil field. It is time to take your stand and be counted faithful to the little field before us. You can make a difference when others chose to run.

    I WILL STAND FAITHFUL IN MY PEA PATCH! PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAST WORDS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. ( I buy a bag of LENTILS at the local grocery store. I discuss value, price, worth --- Lentils are in the pea, split pea family of plants...) Psalm 68:1 (KJV) Let God arise, more

  • We Need More Men In The Pea Patch

    Contributed by Bishop William Bryant Wilmore, Jr. on Jun 26, 2007
    based on 79 ratings

    A Great Father’s Day sermon, but can easily be adapted to fit any men’s outreach group. Some elements of this sermon have been adapted from a text found on the internet, in another sermon service.

    Happy Father’s Day! Today America honors dads throughout the land. And for my Father’s Day Sermon I want to call your attention to 2nd Samuel 23. 2nd Samuel 23 tells us about ‘David’s mighty men.’ These were a group of highly trained soldiers who fought on many battlefields along side of more

  • Where's The Love

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Uses the Black Eyed Peas’ song Where’s the Love as an outline for looking at the Christian concept of love (points out a few errors in the Black Eyed Peas thinking from a Christian perspective).

    Introduction There’s a song currently towards the top end of the music chart which I have listened to over the past month or so, on the radio as I drive back and forwards to Manchester each week and it causes me to think. You see initially the song appears to be quite Christian in its outlook and more

  • The Light Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2018

    Lights and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. This message series reflects on the candles of the Advent wreath. This message focuses on the candle of peace.

    All the Pretty Lights: The Light of Peace Isaiah 9: 2 – 7 Thomas Edison is credited with changing the way Christmas was lighted, not because he invented the incandescent bulb, but because he chose Christmas as the time to market the incandescent bulb. Edison's marketing trick during the more

  • The Light Of Joy Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2018

    Lights and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. This message series focuses on the candles of the Advent wreath. The message deals with the candle of joy.

    All the Pretty Lights: The Light of Joy Psalm 96 You can’t have Christmas without lights AND you can’t have Christmas without music. The two go together, as Forrest Gump would say, “Like peas and carrots.” Have you been to Sterlington to see the house on Toucan Cove? The family there has put more

  • The Light Of Love Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2018

    Lights and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. This message series reflects on the candles of the Advent wreath. The message concerns the candle of love

    All the Pretty Lights: The Light of Love John 3:14 – 21 Light is life, and we come seeking life and light in this Advent season. We light candles to remind us of the light of Jesus Christ, and last week we lit the candle of hope as a symbol of Christ who is our hope. This week, we come to more

  • The Light Of Hope Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2018

    Lights and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. This message series reflects on the four candles of the Advent wreath. We begin with the hope candle.

    All the Pretty Lights: The Light of Hope Luke 2: 1 – 5 You just can’t do Christmas without lights! They’re my favorite Christmas tradition. There’s much I find about Christmas challenging—not the holiday itself, but all the surrounding ado. I’d just as soon we skip most of the Christmas more

  • The Light Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2018

    Lights and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. The message series reflects on the candles of the Advent wreath. The message concerns the Christ candle at the center of the Advent wreath.

    All the Pretty Lights: The Light of Jesus John 1:1 – 14 For our guests, we’ve been talking about all the pretty lights of Christmas here at FUMC, Monroe for the past four weeks. We’ve talked about the lights of Christmas, their origins and meanings, and we’ve lighted a light on the Advent more

  • Famous Parables Of Sower, Seed, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pea Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The parables of Jesus are given in three of the Gospels; John is the only Gospel that doesn’t record any of His parables. Jesus used things that people were familiar with as the subject for the parables.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- By Sea of Galilee (27) Famous Parables of Sower, Seed, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pearl, Net, Lamp (Joel 3:13) Matthew 13:1-52, Mark 4:1-34, Luke 8: 4-18 Introduction The parables of Jesus are given in three of the Gospels; John is the only Gospel that more

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