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  • God Pays Attention

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Oct 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God always pays attention to our prayers and answers them in a way that is best for us.

    Text: “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). Can you recall a time in your life when you called upon the Lord and He did not answer you? Some people would answer yes to that question. On the other hand, others would say the Lord more

  • "Paying Back" To Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Follow the example of worship of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet!

    Do we owe anything to God and why?? God has given us everything we need! In our passage this morning we will learn from a woman who tried to pay back God. What did God say about it? Please open your Bibles to the Gospel of Luke; we are now in Chapter 7; we will look at v36-50 today; we will go more

  • Pay Attention To The Bible!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 7, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Pay Attention to the Bible! 1) It was placed in this dark world by God himself. 2) It alone leads us back to God in heaven.

    Have you been following the news out of North Korea? That country is threatening to attack South Korea and its allies because it feels their recent war games are a warm-up for an invasion. Or didn’t you catch those reports and the real prospect of nuclear war because you were paying closer more

  • "A Job With No Pay"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 18, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about fishing for people.

    Mark 1:14-20 “A Job with No Pay” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Jesus was walking beside the Sea when He saw two men in a boat waiting for unsuspecting fish to wander into their nets. And it’s amazing what more

  • Anybody Can Pay Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jan 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Greetings in the Holy Name of Jesus Yahshuah, My sisters and brothers, have you found yourself singing with remorse ...

    Anybody Can Pay by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (January 14, 2020) “Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of more

  • Credit For Paying Attention

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 24, 2018

    A study in the book of 1 Kings 3: 1 – 28

    1 Kings 3: 1 – 28 Credit for paying attention 3 Now Solomon made a treaty with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and married Pharaoh’s daughter; then he brought her to the City of David until he had finished building his own house, and the house of the LORD, and the wall all around Jerusalem. 2 Meanwhile the more

  • Make The Devil Pay

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Nov 27, 2017

    When a person dies, especially a young person, we celebrate the life at the person's funeral. We shouldn't be celebrating a life that has been taken far too soon. Instead, God's children should make the devil pay for taking that life.

    Recently, I delivered the eulogy for my niece who was killed in a car accident in Memphis, Tennessee. Patricia, her mom asked me to do the eulogy and I said I would. So my wife flew down to Memphis that Friday and I drove down the following Monday. There was something stirring in me over that more

  • Pay Attention To Yourself Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Mar 22, 2016

    Even more important than our physical well being we need of keep a watch on our spiritual health. It is beneficial for both this life and the one to come. (1 Timothy 4:8-9, 16)

    Pay Attention to Yourself 8/16/15 Text: 1 Timothy 4:8-9, 16 Introduction: There are several things that I must pay attention to about my physical health. I have to have regular tests to monitor any potential health problems. I need to pay attention to my blood pressure, my cummenden level, P.S.A more

  • Paying Taxes To Caesar Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 5, 2015

    The question about taxes to Caesar in Luke 20:19-26 shows us the distinction between the authority of the government and the authority of God.

    Scripture The final section in The Gospel of Luke begins at Luke 19:28. Luke described Jesus’ final week on earth, and began with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (19:28-40). As Jesus drew near the city of Jerusalem he burst into tears and wept over the city because of the more

  • Persistence Pays Off

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Mar 20, 2015

    Have you prayed, and prayed, and there still seems to be no answer? Does it seem as if God is asleep, and absent from your cry? Don't give up, don't lose heart, don't quit now, but just keep praying until the answer comes.

    A group of male seminary students were gathered in the chapel one day. The dean of the seminary was challenging the students in the area of prayer. He instructed them to be careful what they asked God for. He said, "Men, don't ask God for a big church, because of the stress, problems and worries more

  • Paying Taxes To Caesar? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 14, 2017

    Jesus did not answer yes or no to the question of paying taxes to Caesar!

    In preparation for the passage today, let us remind ourselves of the life of Jesus Christ on earth…… First of all, let us not forget that God through the Old Testament Prophets described the way Jesus Christ would come to earth and how His life would be like. God loves people and He tells everyone more

  • Moving Forward With A Vision

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 24, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    This is a sermon preached at our 21st Anniversary as being pastors of our congregation. The goal is to set our eyes on the future.

    Moving Forward With A United Vision Joshua 1:1-11 Colosians 2:6-10 Today we celebrate 21 years of ministry together, because 21 years ago a decision was made to move forward with a united vision for the cause of Jesus Christ. For 21 years, Jesus Christ has been our reason for staying more

  • Look Forward, Not Back

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Nov 29, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Advent is a season when we look forward to the coming of Jesus, both His first coming born in Bethlehem and his second coming in power and great glory - are we ready? 'Be on your guard.' ‘KEEP AWAKE!

    LOOK FORWARD, NOT BACK MK. 13:33-37. Today we start a new Christian year and that is marked in our lectionary by our gospel readings coming from St. Mark. Mark is unusual as it is the only synoptic gospel which does not give an account of the birth of Jesus. But it does speak of when Jesus more

  • Forward In Faith, Fathers!

    Contributed by David Simpson on May 19, 2017

    A Fathers Day sermon challenging men and the church to move forward in faith!

    Sermon Lanier Christian Church June 19, 2011 – Father’s Day David Simpson Forward in Faith Ephesians 3:20,21 and Jeremiah 7:24 AND Ephesians 6:4 Why A Son Needs A Dad by Gregory Lang A son needs a dad to show him how to shave. …to teach him how to talk to girls. A son needs a dad to teach him more

  • A Step To Move Forward

    Contributed by Reylourd Reyes on Mar 26, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    Learn from Peter’s experience as he walks on the water and strive to get near to Jesus.

    Baccalaureate Sermon March 28, 2009 CLAA GREETINGS Good morning everyone. You all look good in your gowns. I could still remember the time when I also sat in that place where you are seated right now. Seven years ago, I also wore the same gown you are wearing right now. Well, that wasn’t long more

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