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  • Learn From The Past Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 20, 2022

    Paul warns the Corinthians of the dangers of exposing themselves to temptations by drawing their attention to the lessons from the past, highlighting the failures of their forefathers.

    1 Cor 10:1-13 Learn From the Past Paul makes his concluding remarks here in chapter 10 still on the subject of exercising self-control and not becoming a stumbling block to others. • We have rights and freedom but watch our conduct because not everything we do is beneficial. • In the preceding more

  • Racism: Our Past And Present Sins

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Feb 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    racism in the United States and the churches is counter to Jesus' teachings

    LUKE 6:17-26 During the month of February, you may have noticed that we have been singing hymns from Lift Every Voice and Sing. This hymnal is part of The Episcopal Church’s recognition of Black History Month and its African-American congregants. We will continue to use these hymns as part of more

  • Freedom From The Past Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In Christ we can enjoy true freedom from the past!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you ever been told by another that the past is the past? Is that a true statement? • What about you cannot change the past, let us focus on the present or the future. • How easy is that to do? • Today we will continue with our examination of the freedoms we enjoy in more

  • There Is No Condemnation For Those In Jesus Christ! Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Dec 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    For those of us who are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation, our past sins forgiven.

    1. Condemnation… the word itself sounds heavy & burdensome. • HOUSES are CONDEMNED… to be torn down & never used again. • CRIMINALS are CONDEMNED… never to leave prison. • CONDEMN… literally, “A decision against someone, a judgment!” • Webster says, “to declare reprehensible, wrong or evil. To more

  • What Happen To Your Past

    Contributed by Pastor E. Jolly Erhunwmunse on Aug 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Your is what Jesus came to die for and your past has forgiven by Jesus. Jesus came because of your past so stop dwelling on your and focus on the future and let God perfect that which He has said concerning your life

    This message is designed to bring many people back to life i.e letting them know that God still loves them and cares for them, many are beginning to think that they are the most sinners on earth, when some remember their sins they begin to cry and feel bittered no matter how long they have commit more

  • Leaving The Past In The Past

    Contributed by George Rennau on Nov 17, 2004
    based on 89 ratings

    It’s hard to move forward when you keep the past in the present

    Introduction There was once an absent-minded professor who became so absorbed in his work that he forgot the simplest details. One morning his wife said, "Now Henry, remember, we are moving today. Here, I’m putting this note in your pocket. Don’t forget." The day passed by and the man came home to more

  • Past The Point Of No Return Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Can people go so far in sin that they become virtually incapable of repentance?

    PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN JEREMIAH 14-20 INTRODUCTION: Let’s do a quick review. Look at Jeremiah’s tasks. He has been created by God and called by God. He has been conditioned, positioned and commissioned for his tasks. Look at his travels. He has left his shelter to go to the more

  • Moving Past The Past

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Dec 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How to get moving again for God when you've been stuck in the past.

    Moving Past the Past Joshua 1:1-9 Joshua 1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. I. The Past – “Moses my servant is dead…” A. We can review more

  • "Nailed To The Cross"

    Contributed by J. Darren Duncan on Oct 25, 2013
    based on 1 rating


    NAILED TO THE CROSS--Colossians: 2:13-15 One of the things that frustrate me the most about the Christian Life is listening to defeated Christians. We either have habits in our life that we seem to think that we can’t overcome. Or we have placed so many added restrictions to our more

  • Leave The Past In The Past

    Contributed by Kevin Mullins on May 27, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    From Imitators to Instigators: Describing the need for agents of change in the local church

    Leave the Past in the Past: From Imitation to Instigation Jeremiah 29:11-14a Talk about Big Spring- How things change— Change is hard thing for us to deal with- I listen to a lot of talk radio- I enjoy it- one of the prevailing themes on talk radio as people call in - the way things used more

  • Jonah, The Running Prophet Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Sep 30, 2014

    Call for rededication, to erase past sins so we can all do the work of the Lord.

    Growing up, I never thought I would go into the ministry. I always thought that my past was simply too bad, that I’ve done too much, for me to be in the ministry. In fact, it wasn’t until Pastor asked us to pray about becoming the new youth pastors that I began to even seriously more

  • That One Sin

    Contributed by Lee Henry on Aug 13, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    There are Christians who have every right to live confidently in their relationship with God but they are dragged down spiritually by "that one sin" in their past that "God cannot forgive."

    That One Sin I Tim. 1:12-16 Intro: In this small country church, there was a man, “brother Jones,” who would respond to the invitation and asked to be baptized at every gospel meeting (revival). On this particular Sunday, the visiting minister had preached a stirring sermon and when he asked for more

  • The Enemy Of The Past

    Contributed by Jeremy Farmer on Sep 21, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Overcoming the past and moving forward in Christ.

    “The Enemy of the Past” Forgiveness is a trait that all young people need to possess. Sometimes things of the past literally haunt us and change who we are and how we act. Betrayal has become commonplace in today’s world. With Girls/Guys and relationships Broken Promises 1 Kings more

  • Leave The Past Behind Series

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Nov 26, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    A look at Simon and how his half in, half out thinking has become a common problem in the church.

    Acts 8:9-25 Simon the Sorcerer 9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, 10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the more

  • Past, Present And Future Of Justification Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on May 15, 2020

    Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, it’s as if I never sinned!

    The Past, Present and Future of Justification Text: Rom. 5:1-11 Introduction 1. This morning we are going to talk about…THEOLOGY! “Now wait a minute Pastor Mark, we don’t want to talk about theology, we just want to talk about Jesus!” Well, you can’t talk about Christian theology and not talk more