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  • Obedience And The Other Witness - 8 Of 14 Series

    Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Jan 28, 2021

    We must obey God, not human authority. We need to believe that what we are doing is God's will. We don't ask God's blessing on OUR ideas and plans— instead we submit our will to HIS.

    April 19, 1998 And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him. Acts 5:32 AT THE END OF THE EXODUS God's chosen leader-successor to Moses, Joshua, led the Israelites into Canaan, the Promised Land. By a miracle very much like the more

  • Sermon On Showing Kindness Toward Others

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 6, 2021

    Kindness is defined as: "The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate."

    Abraham Lincoln, an American lawyer and statesman, who served as the 16th President of the United States once remarked: “Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out. It will wear well and will be remembered long after the prism of politeness or the complexion of more

  • When Others Are Out To Get You Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 6, 2020

    Even when we are lamenting our stressful situations, we can engage in a spiritual process and find God’s sustaining peace and joy, at least for a time.

    When Others Are Out to Get You (Psalm 4) 1. The neighbors cut down a shade tree., and Marylu was lamenting that, our shade landscaping was now isunny. When one of her favorite hostas died, she lamented its loss. 2. I could have said, “Chin up. Just say, ‘Hosta La Vista, baby.’” But then again, more

  • 34) Telling Others About Jesus!

    Contributed by Brandon Max on Feb 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone has a personal ministry - because God has called everyone to share and proclaim His Gospel truth. This ministry simply involves telling others about Jesus Christ. It begins in our homes with family and those closest to us, and then it extends outside of our homes with those we meet.

    34) TELLING OTHERS ABOUT JESUS GOSPEL STRATEGY RELATING TO PEOPLE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 BRIEF RECAP By now most of you are probably becoming more than familiar with, The challenge found in Luke 1:1 - which makes reference to: “...A declaration of those things which are most surely more

  • A Heart Of Humility: Putting Others First Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Paul’s letter to the Philippians speaks directly to our hearts and minds about living as followers of Christ in a way that reflects His love and humility.

    A Heart of Humility: Putting Others First Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT): “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Introduction: The Call to Humility Today, more

  • Treating Others With Compassion, Kindness, And Respect Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 29, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    How do you treat those who can do nothing for you?

    In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon writes, "The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern" (Proverbs 29:7). This verse highlights a fundamental principle of the Christian faith: treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their social more

  • How May I Be A Blessing To Others? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores God's abundant blessings, His divine purpose for each individual, and our responsibility to steward these blessings wisely.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. How wonderful it is to gather together in this sacred space, bound by our shared love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we unite in worship, we affirm the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:12, "that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each more

  • Building Each Other Up In Faith PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 14, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jude 1, emphasizing the importance of defending our faith, recognizing false teachings, and the power of prayer and faith in God's guidance.

    Greetings, beloved family of faith. As we gather here today, united in spirit and purpose, we embark on a sacred exploration of the Word of God. We are here to learn, to grow, to be transformed by the divine wisdom that is contained within the holy scriptures. Our focus today is the first chapter more

  • No Other Name Acts 4:12 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 4:12 declares the exclusive and saving power of the name of Jesus Christ. Let's explore how this truth transforms our lives and impacts our eternal destiny.

    No Other Name Acts 4:12 Introduction: Today, we delve into the profound truth found in Acts 4:12, which declares the exclusive and saving power of the name of Jesus Christ. Let's explore how this truth transforms our lives and impacts our eternal destiny. "There is salvation in no one more

  • Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    America has turned its back on the God of the Bible. There are so many religions and beliefs in our country today. The only God America has rejected is the God of the Bible. The Ten Commandments are the very soul of America. This is why the Ten Commandments are so important to the people of God.

    If you have your Bible, turn to Exodus chapter 20. Today, we are going to begin a sermon series called, "The Ten Commandments: The Soul of America", starting with the message, "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods". America has turned its back on the God of the Bible. There are so many more

  • How To Get Along With Each Other Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Jul 18, 2022

    Your Christianity will be tested to the limit by your ability to get along with one another… If Christians cannot get along with each other, what hope is there for those who do not know Christ?

    Introduction: Your Christianity will be tested to the limit by your ability to get along with one another… If Christians cannot get along with each other, what hope is there for those who know not Christ? We need to learn how to get along with each other. • At home • In the church • At work • At more

  • Visionary View: Look To The Interests Of Others Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Philippians 2:3-4, is a powerful passage that calls us to "Look to the interests of others." In a world often driven by self-interest and individualism, the words of the Apostle Paul in this letter to the Philippians remind us of the higher calling we have as followers of Christ.

    Visionary View: Look to the interests of others Today, we delve into the words of Philippians 2:3-4, a powerful passage that calls us to "Look to the interests of others." In a world often driven by self-interest and individualism, the words of the Apostle Paul in this letter to the more

  • Don't Cuss Series

    Contributed by Scotty Killingsworth on Jan 16, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    Burden: Our language is a window into our hearts. Basic Truth: A clean heart equals clean language

    SN011902 Deut. 5: 11 Don’t cuss Beginning "The beauty, the fullness, and the magnificence of His matchless person cannot be expressed by just one name." To the artist He is the One Altogether Lovely. To the architect He is the Chief Cornerstone. To the astronomer He is the Sun of more

  • God And People Of All Faiths

    Contributed by Minister Dachi on Sep 29, 2022

    This world we live in is a world of religions, beliefs, traditions, customs, methods, languages, regions, languages and folktales!

    This world we live in is a world of religions, beliefs, traditions, customs, methods, languages, regions, languages and folktales! This place where we live, this town, this country is not only the world. Human civilization spread across the globe. We live in a world filled with many mixed, mixed more

  • Forgiveness

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 190 ratings

    We are to forgive as Christ forgave us (the parable of the unforgiving servant).

    Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35) [HTML formatted version of this sermon is located at:] Before we study God’s word today, let’s take a moment to obey 1 John 1:9, by silently confessing any known sins to God. Naming our sins insures that we are more

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